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Presented By:-

Nirupama Kar
PGT Physics
Kendriya Vidyalaya No.1
(Resource Person)
 Introduction
 The causes of oscillation
 Relation between SHM & Uniform Oscillation
 Kinematics of SHM
 Force & Energy in SHM
 Basic differential equation of SHM
 Method of finding time period of SHM
 Combinations of SHM( Lissajous Figures )
 Forced & Damped Oscillation
A particle has oscillatory (vibrational) motion then it moves
periodically about stable equilibrium position.

When particle is moved away from the equilibrium position

and released, a force comes into play to pull it back towards
equilibrium position. But by that time it has picked up some
kinetic energy and over source, sopping somewhere on the
other side and is again pulled back towards equilibrium.

The most important oscillatory motion is called Simple

Harmonic Motion (SHM).
Consider a particle free to move on x-axis, is being acted upon a
force given by:-

Here k is a positive constant

(i)For n = Even integer (motion is not oscillatory),

Force is always along negative x-axis.
(ii)For n = Odd integer (motion is oscillatory), Force is
Negative x-axis for x>0
Positive x-axis for x<0
Equal to 0 for x=0
(iii) For n = 1 (motion is SHM)
• The red ball moving in a circle at constant speed projects simple
harmonic motion on the blue ball.
• Remember from circular motion that v = 2πr/T
• Here’s the tricky bit…
• ω = angular frequency
(# of radians per second) = 2π/T
• so… v = 2πr/T
• or v = rω
• x (displacement)= rcosӨ = rcosωt, Ө = ωt
• Remember, ac = v2/r.
We just found that v = rω. So,
• ac = (rω)2/r = ω2r
• ax = -ω2r cos ωt
and we just showed
that rcos ωt = x
• so… ax = - ω2x
• Acceleration is always
directed towards the rest position
(hence – sign) and independent of time.
In SHM acceleration is given by:-
Applying the equation of motion
We have:
ω= k/m k=force constant

K=Kinetic Energy

U=Potential Energy

Total Energy(E) =
The simple pendulum is another
example of simple harmonic motion
The force is the component of the
weight tangent to the path of

Ft = - m g sin θ
a.k.a. restoring force

Using Newton's second law:

F = m a = - m g sin θ
Assumption: θ is small < 15o then;
sin θ ~ tan θ = x/L
ma   mg
x  4 2 x 
a  g  recall : a   2
L  T 
4 2 x x
a 2
 g
T  2
Some exercise questions( also Reduced mass) to be discussed in class.

For small damping constant “b”, the

solution of this differential equation
yields :

The amplitude of the oscillation is a

decreasing function in time, which
tends to become zero :
A=A0e− bt /2m
When a body oscillates under the
influence of an external periodic
force, not with its own natural
frequency but with the frequency
of the external periodic force, its
oscillations are said to be forced

It is a particular case of forced
oscillations in which the frequency
of the driving force is equal to the
natural frequency of the oscillator
itself and the amplitude of
oscillations is very large.

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