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Tradition Chinese Medicine.
Originated in China 4000 yrs ago.
It is the harmony and balance of qi
(pronounced chee) in the body
Qi is defined as the essence and the
basis of all life, or the vital energy. It
warms the body, keeps the mind
active, creates breath, expels the baby
during birth, and gives us each a
distinct personality.
The general category of qi can be
broken in to Yin and Yang, which
represents the dualistic poles of
CXJ-P R *<;<;( IRE
x Energy travels on defined pathways
throughout the body, called meridians,
and on each meridian, a
series of points corresponds to
function and various organs.
x Practitioners of TCM believe that by
massaging or compressing a given
point, the body energy to that
corresponding organ or system can be
restored or changed
x It is the insertion of fine needle (32 to
38 gauge) in to the skin at
acupuncture points, which are located
along and independent of the
meridian system.
x . There are 12 major meridians
(Channel of energy flow), each
connecting to an organ and running
distally throughout the body.
x The depth of puncture varies
depending on the location and
treatment effect desired.
x Once placed the needles are retains
for a varied length of time, most
commonly between 15 and 45
x Homeopathy is a system of healing
founded by Samuel Hahnemann, a
German physician, in the late
x Homeopathic practitioners believe
that each client is a unique
individual, and care is directed to
create and prescribe a remedy
specific to that person.
x Although many standard remedies
exist, practitioners often blend
individual remedies based on the
clients specific needs
x It is described as the therapeutic
application of essential oils through
the skin using the mediums of lotions,
creams, or baths or the methods of
inhalation or massage.
x As the oils are absorbed in the body,
there are pharmacologic, physiologic
and psychological reactions.
x It
is a form of deep relaxation with an
alert mind producing alpha waves.

x Inthis state critical faculties are

suspended and the subconscious
mind can be more easily accessed.
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x Benefits of spiritual healing and
prayer include availability of an
increased support system and
community, increased self esteem
and self love, and increased
connectedness to the divine.
x Increased spirituality has been
associated with decreased maternal
complications in labor and delivery
and fewer neonatal intensive care
x Yoga provides structured exercise that
can increase strength, flexibility and
endurance, improved mental attitude,
increased self esteem, better sleep,
healthier eating habits and better
communication pathways between
body, mind and spirit.
x Herbs are medicine. They can have
side effects and contraindications.
Clients should be asked about their
use of herbs in conjunction with
standard pharmaceuticals. .
x Herbs can counteract or intensive
pharmaceutical effects and they can be
dangerous if taken in higher than
recommended doses.
x Adequate nutrition benefits the human
system on all levels.
x These include but are not limited to
normal organ development and
functioning, appropriate metabolism,
immune system response, optimal
energy, reproductive function,
functional repair of injury or tissue
damage, appropriate emotional
responses, and behavior
x Women seem especially sensitive to
the lack of micronutrients and
macronutrients in their diets, and
deficiencies can manifest as
hormonal changes or irregular
menstrual periods, as well as
affecting other endocrine functions
x The science of chiropractic focuses on
the relationship of the nervous system
to the mechanical framework of body.

X Chiropractors generally manipulate

only the protruding parts of the
spinal vertebrae, but the focus is on
attaining a holistic balance of the
x The following are the aims of
chiropractic treatment during
x Improve spinal alignment and
stability of the pelvis.
x Minimize Musculo skeletal and
related discomforts.
x Optimize neurologic function.
% Improve posture.
% Provide better space and
environment for the baby.
Reduce stress.
% Enhance self image and feelings of
% Enable the body to work at its
optimum during and after labor.
% Accelerate postpartum recovery.
x The benefits of therapeutic massage
are vast and include physical,
emotional and mental effects.
x physical, emotional and mental
effects. Gentle massage can be
especially beneficial for women with
a high risk pregnancy complicated by
multiple gestations, preterm labor, or
x Physically massage can reduce
cortisol levels and blood pressure,
increase the flow of lymph through the
body, and increase immunity.
x It can also stretch and loosens the
muscle, improve blood flow, facilitate the
removal of metabolic waste, and
increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients
to the cells and tissues
x Most important, massage stimulates the
release of endorphins and decreases pain.
x On a mental level it increases relaxation,
reduces mental stress and enhances
clarity and clear thinking. Emotionally
massage satisfies the need for human
touch and caring, which increases sense
wellbeing and reduces anxiety level.
x Osteopathy focuses on restoring and
maintaining balance in the neuro
musculoskeletal systems of the body.
x Osteopaths use arms and legs as
fulcrums to bend and twist the body;
this is called long lever manipulation.
The osteopath aims to preserve the
balance between joints, muscles,
ligamentous structures and nerves,
which allows the body to function at
its most optimal capability.
x Itis a gentle hands on method of
evaluating end enhancing the
functioning of a physiologic body
system called the cranio sacral system
which is comprised of the membranes
and cerebrospinal fluid that surround
and protect the brain and spinal cord.
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x Stimulation of the Acupuncture point
P6 (Neiguan) has been shown in
multiple trials to be effective in
reducing nausea and vomiting. The
effects of the acupuncture calms the
digestive system, decrease fatigue,
expel Phlegm and decrease nausea
and vomiting.
* Sepia.
* Pulsatilla.

* Homeopathic

* Guiding the
mother imagining
herself eating,
enjoying and
retaining familiar
foods in a relaxed
environment where
she feels safe and
K Cutaneous
application of wild
Yam cream.
K Dandelion Root Tea.
Ginner, Roseberry,
Fennel Lemon balm
infusions can be
K Protein rich diet.
Avoiding greasy
and fatty foods.
K Carbonated and
drinks squeezed vN
with lemon, grape
and orange juices
may be helpful.
6 reecK' Prw<^fum/.
x Stimulationof acupuncture point UB
67, located on the lateral edge of the
small toe, with laser, acupuncture,
electro acupuncture or moxibustion.
The technique moxibustion involves
gently heating UB 67 for 15 minutes
once a day for 10 days total.
The homeopathic
remedy Pulsatilla
may potentially be
successful in
encouraging babies
to turn.
, >■

* Hypnosis has been

used to facilitate
both spontaneous
and external
Citrus oils,
including mandarin
orange and grape
fruit, used in
conjunction with the
massage technique
can relive
*Life style changes
such as adding a brisk
walk each morning
can be great boost to
the digestion as well
as promoting regular
bowel movements.
Many yoga exercises
may also be

*Herbs such as
dandelion root, yellow
dock, flax or psyllium
seeds, and catnip can
be use full.
* Eating an
abundance of fresh
vegetables and two
pieces of fresh fruit
a day can add bulk
to the stool.
* Water is also very
important; a half to
a whole gallon of
water should be
consumed daily.
* Gentle abdominal
massage following
the root of the
large intestine in a
clock wise
direction, can help
should be started
M yoga M Yoga can promote
before conception or good posture,
at the beginning of which can help
the pregnancy to prevent sciatic
strengthen the body nerve discomfort
in as well as back
preparation for pain.
increased weight of
the baby in the third
*Topically, arnica can
be used to relieve low
back pain. A warm
bath with Epsom salt
and aromatherapy
oils such as Lavender,
Rosemary, Chamomile
can be used.
x . Foodsources of calcium include milk,
hard cheese, yogurt, leafy green
vegetables, almonds, sea vegetables,
and salmon and black strap molasses.
It is best to avoid coffee, chocolate,
cola, cocoa and red meats.
x Massage and body work can also
treat low back pain. Most pregnancy
body workers have special pillows that
can accommodate comfort positions
for the end of the pregnancy.

x Itis excellent at correcting sacro iliac
problems and Sciatica. Manipulations
are used based on an accurate
diagnosis and mostly involve long
leverage therapies.


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