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Effective Writing Skills

General Principles of Writing

Written messages should be readable .
Example 1
 As pertaining to the question of whether or not to construct
a new storage facility, corporate management will ascertain
the appropriateness of such an issue in the near future.
 Management will decide next week whether to build a new
storage facility.

Write to express not impress.

Use simple words and short sentences.
As per our conversation, I am enclosing herewith a remittance
of $25 for the balance due on my account. (18 words)
As we discussed, here is the $25 remaining on my account. (11
Here is the $25 remaining on my account. (8 words)

Use jargon only when necessary.

Example 3
While the new ST7000 provides extensive memory and is
extremely user compatible, it lacks the requisite capacity for
calculating at a high rate of speed.  
Our computer system is easy to use and has enough memory,
but it is too slow.
Write with verbs and nouns- use active voice.
Example 5
The company sells insurance .
Not: Insurance is sold by the company.

The construction crew repaired the road.

Not: The road was repaired by the construction company.

Format to improve readability- Use lists, bullets, charts,

tables, italics, bolds, headings and subheadings .

Keep it short .
 Put the reader first.
Adaptation means fitting your message to the
specific reader.
Visualizing the reader- educational level, his
awareness about the topic etc.
Technique of Adaptation
Adapting to multiple readers.
Selection of Words-
Use simple words
Use familiar words
Do not use slang in formal communication.
Choose short words.
Use technical words with language caution.
Use words with right strength and vigor.
Use concrete language instead of abstract.
Use the active voice (the subject does the action)
Select words for precise meaning
Writing Sentences
Emphasis on short sentences to increase readability.
Too many words and relationships in one sentence
may cause misunderstanding.
Determining emphasis in sentence design according
to logical way of presenting information.
Give the sentence unity by combining all parts to
form one clear thought. To achieve this-
 Do not put unrelated ideas in one sentence unless
there is a reason to put them together.
Eg. Mr. Jordan is our sales manager and he has a
degree in law
Excessive detail
Illogical construction- it reduces sentence unity for
instance we should not use two ideas in one
sentence which are in different voice.
Eg. First we cut prices and then quality was reduced.
Common errors
Redundancies- Repetitive or unnecessary words to express the
same meaning.
Eg. Basic fundamental, true facts, past history, personal
opinion, personal opinion etc.
Clichés- Phrases that are overused and should be avoided.
They should be substituted with original expressions.
Eg. Last but not the least, thanking you in advance, no problem
Frequently misused words-
Eg. Eminent (well known)and imminent(about to happen)
Lose and loose, principle and principal et.
Paragraph Writing
Paragraphing is important to clear communication. Paragraphs
show reader where a topic begins and ends thus helping organize
information in the reader’s mind. Designing paragraphs requires
the ability to organize and relate information.
Structure paragraphs-
 Give the paragraph unity- there should be one single idea and
the paragraph should be build around it.
 Keep the paragraph short
 Make good use of topic sentences- topic sentences serves as
headlines for a paragraph and all other sentences provide the
• Topic sentence at the beginning.
• Topic sentence at the end.
 Leaving out unnecessary detail
 Giving the paragraph movement.
Note Making
It is a systematic method of writing down quickly, briefly
and clearly the important points of a text.
It is used to-
Keep a record of the main points of a text.
Update information.
Reinforce or compare information contained in
different textbooks and lecture.
To analyze a text.
Note Making involves-

1. Reading strategy: reading plan to identify the

central idea, main points and important details.
2. Note writing technique
3. Reduction devices
4. Organizing techniques.
5. Methods of sequencing
1. Reading Strategy-
Read the text quickly in order to identify it’s purpose, scope,
technique of writing etc.
Read text to identify the main points and important details
that support the main idea ignoring minor points and details.
Recognize key items related to the topic.
Identify relationship among units within the text.
Read for key points.
Recognize markers of cohesion.
Ignore irrelevant matters and concentrate on key points.
Deduce meaning of words and phrases.
Recognize key terms related to topic
Interpret graphic aids used in text.
2. Note Writing techniques
Topicalizing- writing down of a word or phrase to
represent a section of the text.
Copying- writing down verbatim what is written.
Transcribing- writing down verbatim what is said.
Schematizing- method of using graphics to organize
notes. Text may contain information in the form of
figures, classifications, contrasts processes and so on .
Thus it is more convenient to organize notes in the
form of tables and diagrams.
3. Reduction Devices
It is a technique used to shorten expression in order to
save time . The following methods may be used-
Use the first letters of the words. Eg. N-north, C-
Use the first letters of the phrases. Eg. Kg for kilogram
Use first few letters of words/ phrases. Eg. Approx. for
Use special technique like taking any letters of the
word or phrase. Eg. For example- eg.
Use symbols. Eg. @, &, $, %.
4. Organization Techniques
Notes should have to be organized in terms of
headings and subordinate points so that the essence
can be recalled whenever required.
Providing suitable titles.
Providing headings and sub-headings
5. Method of sequencing
It is the process of making a clear layout for fast and
accurate interpretation of notes. It is used for visual
organization of notes.
It provides coherence to the notes and helps in
accurate and easy read back. It can follow any of the
standard practice-
Numerals and letters i.e. I,II,III, A,B,C,1,2,3.
Decimalization like 1.1.1, 1.1.2
Group Discussion
What skills are judged in group discussion?
How good you are at communication with others.
How you behave and interact with group.
How open minded are you.
Your listening skill.
How you put forward your views.
Your leadership and decision making skills.
Your analysis skill and subject knowledge.
Problem solving and critical thinking skill.
Your attitude and confidence.
Do’s and Don’ts of Group discussion:
1) Keep eye contact while speaking
2) Initiate the GD
3) Allow others to speak
4) Speak clearly
5) Make sure to bring the discussion on track
6) Positive attitude
7) Speak sensibly
8 ) Listen carefully to others
9) No need to go into much details
Assignment 1
Assume that you are the chief manager of Corporation
Bank, Bangalore Branch. Write a sales letter for potential
customer. Your letter should promote the housing,
education and personal loans of the bank.
Assume that you are a fellow doing research in marketing
management at IIM, Ahmedabad. Write a letter to Ashok
Ranjan, the marketing manager of Petronet LNG Limited,
World Trade Centre, Babar Road, New Delhi- 110001.
Request him to send information about the company’s
marketing activities. Tell him that you need the
information for market research.

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