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Audience Theories

The Hypodermic Needle theory is a linear communication theory which
suggests that a media message is injected directly into the brain of a
passive, homogenous audience. This theory suggests that media texts
are closed and audiences are influenced in the same way.
Two – Step
Two - Step Flow Theory was developed by Katz and Lazarsfeld.

The theory consists of two steps:

• Firstly - opinion leaders get information from a media source.
• Secondly – opinion leaders then pass their own interpretation along
to others such as friends and family members.

Opinion leaders pay close attention to the media and its message. They
are influential among their peer group as they are usually more
informed then their friends or family. The influenced are not as well
informed and so look up to the opinion leaders and crucially trust their
opinion and interpretation of the media.
Uses And Gratifications
Uses and Gratifications Theory
suggests that whatever effect
media has on an audience is
largely determined by the
audience itself. Though some
forms of media present
messages carefully crafted to
evoke certain kinds of
responses, recipients are
capable of interpreting the
messages in different ways.
Preferred Readings
Preferred Readings are how the producer wants the audience to view
the media text. The audience members will take this position if the
messages are clear and if the audience member is the same age and
Passive / Active
Active Audience
They engages Interprets and
responds to a media text in different
ways and is capable of challenging
the ideas encoded in it.

Passive Audience
Is more likely to accept the
messages encoded in a media text
without challenge and are therefore
more likely to be directly affected by
the messages.

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