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Unit V

Initialization of 80386DX, Debugging

and Virtual 8086 Mode

Prepared by
Shikha Agrawal
The 80386 can enter real mode, if there is
an active low on RESET pin or if PE bit of
CR0 register is cleared.
The active low on input of reset pin will
terminate processing ,exception handling
and will reset processor.
CR0 register
Self Test
After reset 80386 may perform self test if initiated.
This is done by external hardware.
If BUSY pin of 80386 is active high then self test is
initiated. otherwise self test is skipped.
The EAX register holds zero if the 80386 passed the
A nonzero value in EAX after self-test indicates that
the particular 80386 unit is faulty.
DX holds a component identifier and revision number
after RESET.
DH contains 3, which indicates an 80386 component.
DL contains a unique identifier of the revision level.
Content of EDX after reset
Software Initialization for Real-
Address Mode
In real-address mode a few structures must be
initialized before a program can take advantage of all
the features available in this mode.
No instructions that use the stack can be used until
the stack-segment register (SS) has been loaded. SS
must point to an area in RAM.
Interrupt Table
The initial state of the 80386 leaves interrupts
disabled; however, the processor will still attempt to
access the interrupt table if an exception or non
maskable interrupt (NMI) occurs. Initialization
software should take one of the following actions:
1.Change the limit value in the IDTR to zero.
This will cause a shutdown if an exception or
non maskable interrupt occurs.
2. Assign pointers to valid interrupt handlers in
interrupt table that might be used by
exceptions or interrupts.
3.Change the IDTR to point to a valid interrupt
First Instructions
After RESET, address lines A{31-20} are
automatically asserted for instruction
initial values of CS:IP, causes instruction
execution to begin at physical address
Switching to protected mode from
real mode
Setting the PE bit of the MSW in CR0
causes the 80386 to begin executing in
protected mode.
The current privilege level (CPL) starts at
The segment registers continue to point to
the same linear addresses as in real
address mode (in real address mode, linear
addresses are the same physical
Software Initialization for
Protected Mode
Interrupt Descriptor Table
The format of the interrupt table for
protected mode is different than that for
real-address mode.
The IDTR is used to locate base of interrupt
descriptor table.
The SS register may be loaded in either
real-address mode or protected mode. If
loaded in real-address mode, SS continues
to point to the same linear base-address
after the switch to protected mode.
Global Descriptor Table
In protected addressing mode GDTR needs
to point to a valid GDT.
Both GDT and GDTR should be initialized in
real address mode.
Page Table
Page tables and the PDBR in CR3 can be
initialized in either real-address mode or in
protected modes.
the paging enabled (PG) bit of CR0 cannot be
set until the processor is in protected mode.
PG may be set simultaneously with PE, or
later. When PG is set, the PDBR in CR3 should
already be initialized with a physical address
that points to a valid page directory.
First Task
There must be a valid task state segment
(TSS) for the new task. The stack pointers
in the TSS for privilege levels numerically
less than or equal to the initial CPL must
point to valid stack segments.
 The task register must point to an area in
which to save the current task state. After
the first task switch, the information
dumped in this area is not needed, and the
area can be used for other purposes
Translation look Aside Buffer(TLB Cache)
Paging:- translation from linear to physical address.
Page Directory and page table are used for this translation.
Access to them would be difficult in conditions where every time
an address require translation.
To avoid this, TLB is used.

For greatest efficiency in address translation, the processor

stores the most recently used 32 entries of page-table in TLB
The existence of the TLB cache is invisible to applications
programmers but not to systems programmers; operating-
system programmers must flush the cache whenever the page
tables are changed.
The Cache is called as Translation Look Aside Buffer. The TLB
holds the recent 32 entries of page table.
This cache is maintained using LRU algorithm.
Translation look Aside Buffer(TLB
Whenever TLB is used the linear address is
checked if it is present in TLB and if it is not
present then the processor access as the
page directory and page table entries
stored in the RAM earlier procedure is used
to translate an address to physical address.
The hit rate is about processor will
only have to access 2 level(PDE and PTE)
on 2% of all memory access.
It is mandatory to flush the complete cache
if page table entries are changed.The OS
takes care of loading the new translation
into TLB.
Structure of the TLB
The TLB is a four-way set-associative
There are four sets of eight entries each.
Each entry consists of a tag and data..
Tags are 24-bits wide and contain 20 bits
of linear address.
Data field contain the high-order 20 bits of
the physical address, the valid bit, and
three attribute bits.
The data portion of each entry contains the
high-order 20 bits of the physical address.
Structure of the TLB
TLB Testing
The 80386 provides a mechanism for
testing the Translation Look aside Buffer
(TLB), the cache used for translating linear
addresses to physical addresses.
Although failure of the TLB hardware is
extremely impossible.
When testing the TLB it is recommended
that paging be turned off (PG=0 in CR0) to
avoid interference with the test data being
written to the TLB.
Debugging Features of the Architecture
Reserved debug interrupt vector
Permits processor to automatically invoke a debugger task or
procedure when an event occurs that is of interest to the
Four debug address registers
Permit programmers to specify up to four addresses that the CPU
automatically monitor.
Debug control register
Allows programmers to selectively enable various debug
associated with the four debug addresses.
Debug status register
Helps debugger identify condition that caused debug exception.
Trap bit of TSS (T-bit)
Permits monitoring of task switches.
Debugging Features of the Architecture
Allows an instruction to be restarted after a debug
exception without
immediately causing another debug exception due
to the same condition.
Single-step flag (TF)
Allows complete monitoring of program flow by
specifying whether the CPU should cause a debug
exception with the execution of every instruction.
Breakpoint instruction
Permits debugger intervention at any point in
program execution and aids
debugging of debugger programs.
Reserved interrupt vector for breakpoint exception
Debug Registers
Debug Address Registers (DR0-DR3)
Each of these registers contains the linear address
associated with one of four breakpoint conditions. Each
breakpoint condition is further defined by bits in DR7.
Debug Control Register (DR7)
The debug control register helps to define the debug
conditions and selectively enables and disables those
For each address in registers DR0-DR3, the corresponding
fields R/W0 through R/W3 specify the type of action that
should cause a breakpoint.
00 ── Break on instruction execution only
01 ── Break on data writes only
10 ── undefined
11 ── Break on data reads or writes but not instruction
Fields LEN0 through LEN3 specify the length of data item
to be monitored.
00 ── one-byte length
01 ── two-byte length
10 ── undefined
11 ── four-byte length
The low-order eight bits of DR7 (L0 through L3 and G0
through G3) selectively enable the four address
breakpoint conditions.
There are two levels of enabling: the local (L0 through L3)
and global (G0 through G3) levels.
The local enable bits are automatically reset by the
processor at
every task switch to avoid unwanted breakpoint
conditions in the new task.
The global enable bits are not reset by a task switch.
If either LE or GE is set, the processor slows
execution so that
data breakpoints are reported on the instruction.
Debug Status Register (DR6)
When the processor detects an enabled debug exception, it sets the
low-order bits of this register (B0 thru B3) before entering the debug
exception handler to know the processor that debugging feature is
in process.
The BT bit is associated with the T-bit (debug trap bit) of the TSS.
The processor sets the BT bit before entering the debug handler if a
task switch has occurred and the T-bit of the new TSS is set.
The BS bit is associated with the TF (trap flag) bit of the EFLAGS
register. The BS bit is set if the debug handler is entered due to the
occurrence of a single-step exception. The single-step trap is the
highest-priority debug exception;
The BD bit is set if the next instruction will read or write one of the
eight debug registers and ICE-386 is also using the debug registers at
same time
Debug Exceptions
Single step interrupt

In single step mode, the system will execute one

instruction and wait for the user. The user can
observe the contents of registers ,memory
locations. If they are correct then user can
proceed with the next instruction.
This is a trap (single Step) debug exception. This
exception occurs if the trap flag is set.
Breakpoint Exception
This exception is caused by execution of
the breakpoint instruction INT 3.
The breakpoint exception can also be
useful when it is necessary to set a greater
number of breakpoints than permitted by
the debug registers.
Virtual 8086 Mode
The 80386 supports execution of one or more 8086,
8088, 80186, or 80188 programs in an 80386
protected-mode environment.
An 8086 program runs in this environment as part of
a V86 (virtual 8086) task. V86 tasks take advantage
of the hardware support of multitasking offered by
the protected mode.
Not only can there be multiple V86 tasks, each one
executing an 8086 program, but V86 tasks can be
multi programmed with other 80386 tasks.
To execute an 8086 program ,a "virtual machine“ is to
be form. A complete virtual machine consists not only
of 80386 hardware but also of systems software.
Thus, the emulation of an 8086 is the result of
cooperation between hardware and software
Executing 8086 Code
The processor executes in V86 mode when the VM
(virtual machine) bit in the FLAGS register is set.
The processor tests this flag under two general
1. When loading segment registers to know whether
to use 8086-style address formation.
2. When decoding instructions to determine which
instructions are
sensitive to IOPL. Because IOPL field is having
different function than protected mode.

Except for these two modifications to its normal

operations, the 80386 in V86 mode operated much
as in protected mode.
Registers and Instructions in V86 mode

The register set available in V86 mode includes all the

registers defined for the 8086 plus the new registers
introduced by the 80386: FS, GS, debug registers, control
registers, and test registers.
New instructions introduced by 80386.
── LSS, LFS, LGS instructions
── Long-displacement conditional jumps
── Single-bit instructions
── Bit scan
── Double-shift instructions
── Byte set on condition
── Move with sign/zero extension
── Generalized multiply
-String I/O

To access these instructions only 8086 addressing modes can

Address Formation in Virtual mode
It forms linear addresses as an 8086 would. It
shifts the selector left by four bits to form a 20-
bit base address. The effective address is
extended with four high-order zeros and added
to the base address to create a linear address.
Because of the possibility of a carry, the
resulting linear address may contain up to 21
significant bits. An 8086 program may generate
linear addresses anywhere in the range 0 to
(1 MB plus approximately 64 Kbytes) of the
task's linear address space.
e.g DS=B000H and Offset =5F00H then
physical address will be
Structure of a V86 Task

The VM86 program is incapable of executing a

The Paging hardware allows the execution of
several virtual mode tasks and provide
Multiple 8086 programs can be simultaneously
executed on virtul machines. A virtual machine
consist of hardware and software that is
required to perform a particular task.
Each virtual machine has its own 1MB
addressing space and set of processor
registers.The 1 MB addressing space can be
located anywhere in the memory. So the
address range of virtual 8086 task is 1 MB.
Machine #1 1 MB
1 MB
machine #2
Virtual 1 MB
machine #3 1 MB
Virtual 1 MB
machine #N 1 MB
Each virtual
machine is a Paging mechanism
separate 8086 allows 1MB space to
system be anywhere in 4GB
physical memory

Concept of virtual machine

running on 80386
Paging for V86 Task

• The paging unit allows simultaneous execution of

several virtual tasks and also provide protection.
• All programs are executed at a privilege level 3 .
• Real mode programs are executed at highest
privilege level 0.
• Each VM86 program can be kept in a separate
TSS and assign different set of page tables, that
can be mapped anywhere within the 4 GB
physical space.
Thus , paging mechanism supports 8086
operating system to share the code between
multiple 8086 applications.
To protect memory page level protection can be
The segment level protection is not available in
VM86 mode.
Figure 15-2 summarizes the ways that the processor
can enter and leave an 8086 program. The processor
can enter V86 by either of two means:
 1. A task switch to an 80386 task loads the image
of EFLAGS from the new TSS. A value of one in the
VM bit of the new EFLAGS indicates that the new
task is executing 8086 instructions; therefore,
while loading the segment registers from the TSS,
the processor forms base addresses as the 8086
 2. An IRET from a procedure of an 80386 task loads
the image of EFLAGS from the stack. A value of
one in VM in this case indicates that the procedure
to which control is being returned is 8086 procedure.
The CPL at the time the IRET is executed must be
zero, else the processor does not change VM.
The processor leaves V86 mode when an interrupt or
exception occurs. There are two cases:
1. The interrupt or exception causes a task switch. A task
switch from a V86 task to any other task loads EFLAGS from
the TSS of the new task. If the new TSS is an 80386 TSS and
the VM bit in the EFLAGS image is zero TSS, loads the
segment registers from the new TSS using 80386-style
address formation, and begins executing the instructions of
the new task according to 80386 protected-mode semantics.
2. The interrupt or exception vectors to a privilege-level
zero procedure. The processor stores the current setting
of EFLAGS on the stack, then clears the VM bit. The
interrupt or exception handler, therefore, executes as
"native" 80386 protected-mode code. If an interrupt or
exception vectors to a conforming segment or to a
privilege level other than three, the processor causes a
general-protection exception.
Parameter Real Mode Protected Mode Virtual Mode
General It is default When a processor is In the 80386
address powerd on, it begins and later
mode on execution in real mode processor VM86
Reset to maintain backward mode exist.
compatibility with If the VM bit in
earlier x86 processors. the flag register
Protected mode only be is set, the
entered after the processor
system software sets enters the
up several descriptor virtual mode.
protection bit(PE) in
Use It is the It allows system It allows the
default software to utilize execution of
operating features such as virtual real mode
mode on memory,segmentation, applications
Reset. Its paging,multi- that are
main tasking,protection and incapable of
function is to other features designed running directly
initialize to increase an in protected
80386 for operating system’s mode while the
protected control over application processor is
Memory In the real Can access 4 Similar to real
addressing mode 80386 GB memory mode,The
can directly with 32 bit virtual mode
address upto 1 addressing. can access 1
MB of memory MB with 20 bit
Entering the Enter in real Enter in If the VM bit in
mode mode on power protected Eflags register is
up or reset mode,when PE set, processor
bit of CR0 enter in virtual
register set mode.
Leaving the To leave the real Whenever The 80386
mode mode and enter processor wants leaves the virtual
into protected to return to real mode when an
mode the PE bit mode the user interrupt or
of CR0 must be can clear the PE exception occurs.
set. bit in CR0.
Access In the real mode In the protected In the virtual
80386 can mode all general mode all the
access all the purpose registers that can
registers. registers, control be accessed by
registers , debug the 8086 can be

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