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Strategic Human HUMAN RESOURCE

o The Matching Model of SHRM

o The Harvard Model of SHRM
o The Guest’s Model of SHRM
o The Storey’s Model of SHRM
o The Warwick’s Model of SHRM
o The
Abraraw-SHRM Hard and Soft Model of HRM
Importance of Studying the Models
Fulfill at least four intellectual
What is the o provide an analytical framework
importance of for studying SHRM
o legitimize SHRM
Studying the o provide a characterization of
Models of SHRM SHRM
o serve as a heuristic device to
discover and understand the
world of work

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Matching Model of SHRM
o HR systems should be managed in
a way that is congruent with
What does the organizational strategy
Matching Model o the ‘resource’ aspect of HRM
o efficient utilization of HR to meet
of SHRM state? org’al obj.
o the interrelatedness & the
coherence of HRM activities
o The HRM cycle consists of four
key components:
o selection
o appraisal
o development
o rewards
Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Matching …

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Harvard Model of SHRM
• consists of six basic components:
o situational factors
o stakeholder interests
What does o HRM policy choices
o HR outcomes
the Harvard o long-term consequences
Model of o a feedback loop
• the human aspect of HRM
SHRM state? • highlights the interests of different stakeholders
• The actual content of HRM is described in four policy
o human resource flows
o reward systems
o employee influence
o work systems
• outcomes of the four HR policies
o Commitment
o Competence
o congruence
o cost effectiveness
Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Harvard …

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
Guest’s Model of SHRM
• a set of integrated HRM practices
What does achieve superior ind. and org’al
the Guest’s performance
Model of • managers should adopt a distinct
SHRM state? set or ‘bundle’ of HR practices in
a coherent fashion
• has six components:
• an HRM strategy
• a set of HRM policies
• a set of HRM outcomes
• behavioral outcomes
• a number of performance outcomes
• financial outcomes Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Storey’s Model of SHRM
Main elements of the model:
1. Beliefs and assumptions - it is labor that
What does really distinguishes successful firms from
the Storey’s mediocre ones
Model of 2. Strategic aspects - HRM is a matter of
SHRM state? critical importance to corporate planning
3. Role of line managers - general
managers, and not HRM specialists, are
vital to the effective delivery of HRM
4. Key levers - the methods used to
implement HRM e.g. performance-
related pay, harmonization of conditions,
etc. Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Storey’s …

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Warwick’s Model of SHRM
• Emanated at the University of Warwick,
UK, by Hendry and Pettigrew (1990)
What does • The five elements of the model are:
the • Outer context – socioeconomic, technical,
political-legal, competitive
Warwick’s • Inner context – culture, structure,
Model of leadership, task-technology, business
SHRM state? outputs
• Business strategy content – objectives,
product market, strategy and tactics
• HRM context – role, definition, organization,
HR outputs
• HRM content – HR flows, work systems,
reward systems, employee relations.

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Warwick …

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Hard and Soft Model of SHRM
o employees as a resource should be
managed in the same rational way as
What does any other resource being exploited for
hard HRM maximum return
o HR have to be acquired, developed and
mean? deployed in ways that will benefit the
o focuses on the quantitative, calculative
and business-strategic aspects of
managing HR in as ‘rational’ a way as
for any other economic factor.

Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
The Hard and Soft Model of SHRM
1.involves ‘treating employees as valued
What does 2.a source of competitive advantage
Soft model through their
HRM mean? o commitment
o adaptability and
o high quality
3.stresses the need to gain the
commitment – the ‘hearts and minds’
– of employees through
o involvement
o communications
o other methods Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017
Abraraw-SHRM 03-2017

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