İngilizce TÜM Zamanlar: All English Tenses

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English Tenses
İNGİLİZCE I go Giderim

I am going Gidiyorum
I went Gittim
I was going Gidiyordum

I will go Gideceğim
I am going to go Gideceğim
I have gone Gittim
I have been going Gitmekteyim
I had gone Gitmiştim
Alıştırmalı I had been going Gitmekteydim
I will be going Gidiyor olacağım
I will have gone Gitmiş olacağım
I was going to go Gidecektim
Simple Present Tense
always in the morning
I usually in the afternoon
You generally in the evening
We often + get up at 6 o’clock in summer
at the weekends = on weekends
They rarely
at nights
seldom at 7 o’clock
He occasionally on Saturdays
She frequently + gets up at 6 o’clock on weekdays
it sometimes every day
every week
hardly ever
every Sunday
never ch- watch watches
once a week
sh- brush brushes
x- fix fixes twice a day
o- go goes four times a year
ss- press presses all the time
Simple Present Tense

+ - ?
I go to work by car I don’t go to work by car Do you go to work by car?

You always tell lies You don’t always tell lies Do you always tell lies?

We come together in a cafe We don’t come together in a cafe Do we come together in a cafe?

They sometimes eat out They don’t sometimes eat out Do they sometimes eat out?

He rarely drives to school He doesn’t rarely drive to school Does he rarely drive to school?

She often visits her aunt She doesn’t often visit her aunt Does she often visit her aunt?

It usually rains in winter here. It doesn’t usually rain in winter Does it usually rain in winter
here. here.?
Simple Present Tense
to have breakfast
to make breakfast Wh-
Who makes breakfast at home? My mom
Who do you have breakfast with? I have breakfast with my parents
What do you have for breakfast? I have toast and fruit juice
Where do you have breakfast? I usually have breakfast at home
What time do you have breakfast? I have breakfast at about 7:30 a.m.
How often do you have breakfast at home? I always have breakfast at home
How long does it take you to have breakfast? It takes 10 minutes
Why do you have breakfast in the office? Because, I am sometimes late to work
Why don’t you take off your jacket? ……….
What kind of food do you have for breakfast? I usually have cereals
Simple Present Tense
get up
brush my teeth DAILY ROUTINES
have breakfast I am Emrah. I get up at 6 o’clock every day. I brush my teeth
get dressed and have breakfast. After breakfast, I get dressed and leave
leave home I home. I get on a bus at 7 o’clock and arrive at the office at
get on a bus 7:30. I have lunch with my colleagues at about 1 o’clock p.m. I
You leave work and go back home at about 5.30 p.m. First, I have a
arrive at the office
have lunch We rest and then I take the dog for a walk. Later, I have dinner
They with my family. I usually watch the news in the evenings. I also
leave work take care of my daughter. Finally, I go to bed at around 11 p.m.
go back home
have a rest This is Paul. He gets up at 6 o’clock every day. He brushes his
take the dog for a walk teeth and has breakfast. After breakfast, He gets dressed and
leaves home. He gets on a bus at 7 o’clock and arrives at the
have dinner
He office at 7:30. He has lunch with his colleagues at about 1
watch the news o’clock p.m. He leaves work and goes back home at about 5.30
take care of my daughter She p.m. First, He has a rest and then He takes the dog for a walk.
go to bed it Later, He has dinner with his family. He usually watches the
news in the evenings. He also takes care of his daughter.
Finally,He goes to bed at around 11 p.m.
Simple Present Tense

1- Our dog always _________(bark)

barks at nights
2- Metin _________(work) at a factory
doesn’t know
3- She_____________(not/know) Spanish very well
Does your father_______(speak)
4- ______ speak English?
does it ________(rain)
5-How often ______ rain in Bandırma?
6- My sister never_________(eat) fish
7- It __________(take) two hours to go there
8- I sometimes _________(go) jogging after work
9- She ________(have) a lot of cats in her house
don’t like
10- My friends __________(not/ like) playing chess
Present Continuous Tense
şimdiki zaman
I + am at the moment
just now
right now
You at present
We + are staying at a hotel still
They for the time being
this week
He tonight
She + is
Present Continuous Tense

+ - ?
I am going to work now I am not going to work now Are you going to work now?

You are kidding me You aren’t kidding me Are you kidding me?

We are moving to London We aren’t moving to London Are we moving to London?

They are playing volleyball They aren’t playing volleyball Are they playing volleyball?

He is ironing his shirt He isn’t ironing his shirt Is he ironing his shirt?

She is preparing dinner She isn’t preparing dinner Is she preparing dinner?

It is raining now It isn’t raining now Is it raining now?

Present Continuous Tense
to stay at a hotel
Who is staying at a hotel? Me
Who are you staying with at the hotel? Alone
Where are you staying? At a hotel
Which hotel are you staying at? At Shangai Hotel
Why are you staying at a hotel? I am on holiday

You are always asking my silly questions
You are being rude these days
He is constantly complaining about his room
What are they doing?

The birds are singing on the tree

The cat is trying to climb the tree
Paul is watering the flowers
Grandfather is sitting and sleeping in his chair
Mr Green is reading newspaper
Simon is playing the violin
The girls are playing with their dolls
The ducks are swimming in the pond
Grandmother is knitting a sweater
Mrs Green is listening to the radio
Mike is cleaning the windows
Non- Progressive Verbs

know I know three languages

want We want to be there soon
believe I believe in God’s existence
see I see some children in the garden
think I think it will be a great festival
look You look so tired.
taste The soup tastes awful
have I have many good friends.
need I need to have a rest
Simple Present & Present Continuous Tense

1- She normally ______(go) to work by bus but today she is walking
_________(walk). Because, she has
plenty of time.
are you _______(do)?
2- What _____ doing don’t want
– I am studying for my final exam. I __________(not/want)
to get a bad mark.
3- Today _______(be) Saturday and we are having
_________(have) breakfast in the kitchen.
4- I _________(have) are having
one brother and one sister. We___________(have) a great time at the
is raining
5- It ___________(rain) need
heavily outside and I ________(need) an umbrella
6- My brother rarely _______(go) is going
swimming. But he _________(go) swimming with his
friends these days.
is sleeping
7- Shhh! Be quiet ! The baby __________(sleep) in the room.
are going
8- We__________(go) like
to Bursa for skiing tomorrow. We __________(like) skiing so much.
gets up
9- Susan _________(get is sleeping
up) very early on weekdays. But she ____________(sleep) now.
isn’t going
Because, she ____________(not/go) is
to work today. Because, she _______(be) ill.
10- The schools in Turkey _________(open) in September.
Simple Past Tense
Di-li geçmiş zaman

I last week
You last year
We last night
went to İzmir last week two days ago
V (2)
five years ago
a while ago
it in 1994
yesterday morning
Simple Past Tense

+ - ?

THEY had breakfast THEY didn’t have breakfast Did THEY have breakfast?
SHE V(2) SHE V(1) SHE V (1)
Simple Past Tense

to send email messages

Who sent email messages to you? My penpal
Who did you send email message? To my uncle
What did you send? An e-mail
Where did you send email messages? At an internet cafe
Why did you send email messages? Because, it was important
Which email messages did you send? This one
How did you send email messages? I used your computer
How many email messages did you send? Just one
Simple Past Tense

What happened?
I saw an accident this morning
I called an ambulance right away
The police also came to the scene
They took the injured people to the hospital
A tow truck arrived and picked up the wrecked car
Fortunately, no one died.
I took a deep breath
What did you do yesterday?

I woke up early and had a good breakfast

I got dressed and left home
At 9 o’clock, I arrived at the office
I worked until 5 o’clock p.m. I came back
home. Then, I had dinner and went out
again. I went to the shopping mall. I did
some shopping and drank a cup of coffee.
Finally, I arrived home at 10 p.m. I was very
tired and went to bed.
Simple Past Tense

1- Last night, I _______(go) didn’t like
to the cinema. But I _________(not/like) the film
2- _______you finish finish) cleaning the floor?
3- Sam ___________(paint) his room in White
4- I am in Bandırma now but I _________(be) in Bursa yesterday.
did it ________(take)
5- How long _____ take you to finish your project?
didn’t like
6- The children___________(not changed
/ like ) the game so, I _________(change) the topic
7-He _________(sell) bought
his car and _________(buy) a new house
did change
8- Why _______you_________(change) your job?
didn’t like
- Because, I ___________(not/like) it
9- We_________(have) breakfast in the garden yesterday morning.
10- His parents _________(move) graduated
to England after he ____________(graduate) from
Past Continuous Tense
Geçmiş zamanın hikayesi

She When…
It While…
staying at a hotel five minutes ago
at that time
We were
Past Continuous Tense

+ - ?
I was reading newspaper I wasn’t reading newspaper Was I reading newspaper?

You were sleeping You weren’t sleeping Were you sleeping?

We were talking about school We weren’t talking about school Were we talking about school?

They were going to Bursa They weren’t going to Bursa Were they going to Bursa?

He was chewing gum He wasn’t chewing gum Was he chewing gum?

She was washing the car She wasn’t washing the car Was she washing the car?

It was snowing outside It wasn’t snowing outside Was it snowing outside?

Past Continuous Tense
to sleep
to watch T.V Wh-
Who was sleeping? My father
What was he doing? He was watching T.V.
What was he watching? He was watching the news
Where was he watching T.V.? in the living room
Why was he sleeping? Because,he was very tired
Which room was he sleeping in? in the bedroom
What time was he watching T.V.? at about 7 o’clock p.m.
Past Continuous Tense

What were you doing when Mr. Park died?

I was sitting on the grass in the garden. My mother
was watering the plants. It was a hot day. When I stood
up, my brother was entering the house. He was coming
from school. While I was walking toward the door, I
heard the gunshot. A masked man was running out
of the house. I ran after him but I couldn’t catch.
Simple Past Tense & Past Continuous Tense

1- She ___________(cut) her finger while she was chopping
2- When I _________(see) was going go) shopping.
her, she ____________(
was watching
3- As I _____________(watch) went
T.V., the electricity _________(go) off.
4- When I ___________(enter) saw
the room, I _________(see) her sleeping
in the chair
were playing
5- While we ____________(play) basketball, one of my friends
_________(break) his hand.
6- The children __________( rush) to the canteen when the
Simple Future Tense Basit gelecek zaman -ecek

+ - ?

THEY will have breakfast THEY won’t have breakfast Will THEY have breakfast?
Simple Future Tense
to cook dinner
to have dinner Wh-
Who will cook dinner? Me
Who will you have dinner with? With my parents
What will you cook for dinner? I’ll cook chicken
When will you cook dinner? After 6 p.m.
Where will you have dinner? At home
How will you cook dinner? I will follow the recipe.

I will = I‘ll
Simple Future Tense

Instant Decisions Future Predictions

A: I am starving I think he will win the match

B: That’s ok. I’ll order you pizza
I hope that it will be a good tournament
A: There is no bread in the kitchen
B: Ok, I’ll go to the shop right away People will live on Mars in 100 years

A: Hey Emily, the phone is ringing I guess she won’t like the food.
B: OK, I’ll answer it.
(Going to) Future Tense
planlı gelecek zaman

I + am Time expressions
Two days later
YOU Next week
WE + are going to buy a car in two weeks
After i finish university
THEY At 9 o’clock

SHE + is
(Going to) Future Tense

+ - ?
I am going to buy a car I am not going to buy a car Are you going to buy a car?

YOU are going to have an exam YOU aren’t going to have an exam Are you going to have an exam?
WE are going to be in İstanbul WE aren’t going to be in İstanbul Are we going to be in İstanbul?
THEY are going to see the doctor THEY aren’t going to see the doctor Are they going to see the doctor?

HE is going to sell his house HE isn’t going to sell his house Is he going to sell his house?
SHE is going to wash her car SHE isn’t going to wash her car Is she going to wash her car?
IT is going to rain IT isn’t going to rain Is it going to rain?
Simple Future Tense

Planned actions Predictions based on evidence

A: What is your plan for tomorrow? Look at those black clouds. It is going to rain
B: I am going to visit my uncle
That man is driving carelessly. He is going
A: What are you doing with that to have an accident.
B: I am going to wash my car Hurry up! We are going to miss the train.

A: Why are you wearing suit today?

B: I am going to attend an important
going to = gonna’
Will & Going to

am going to bake
1- I have bought some flour, egg and some fruit. I _____________(bake)
a cake.
2- A: Mum, my doll fell into the sea. B: Don’t worry, my dear. I
will buy
__________(buy) a new one.
will be
3- I hope I ___________(be) rich when I grow up.
are going to come
4- The Smiths_______________(come) to our house this afternoon.
5- A: It is too hot here B: OK, I __________(turn)
will turn on the aircon
is going to paint
6- Peter has a paint box in his hand. He ______________(paint)his room
will speak
7- I think people ______________(speak) only one language someday.
8- A:Why are you packing your clothes?
am going to be
B: I ________________(be) away for a few days.
Present Perfect Tense
Yakın geçmiş zaman

Time expressions
WE + have
THEY Just-already – ever - never
Still – yet
washed the car Recently – lately
So far- till now – up to now
V(3) Over the past two weeks
SHE + has For – since
Present Perfect Tense

I have just come home

She has already painted her room
I have never seen such a scenery
He still hasn’t paid me back his debt
My brother hasn’t finished university yet
Have you ever ridden a horse?
It is the best film I have ever seen
I haven’t talked to Jim recently
She has saved up 5000 TL so far
Turkish People’s attitude towards Europe has changed over the past few years
I have worked in Bandırma for 6 years
I have worked in Bandırma since 2013
I have worked in the same school since I moved to Bandırma
Present Perfect Tense

+ - ?
WE have eaten dinner WE haven’t eaten dinner Have WE eaten dinner?

SHE has eaten dinner SHE
hasn’t eaten dinner Has SHE eaten dinner?
Present Perfect Tense
To lose my keys
To be a teacher Wh-
Who has lost your keys? My sister
What have you lost? I have lost my keys
Where have you lost your keys? I have lost my keys at the office
Since when have they been missing? They have been missing since yesterday morning
How long have you been a teacher? I have been a teacher for 12 years

I’ve been She’s been

Present Perfect Tense & Simple Past Tense

1- David ________(go) hasn’t come
to Ireland in 2013. Since then, he _____________(not /
come) back to Germany.
2- She _________(be)
has been went
in Istanbul for three years. She _______(go) there for
education 3 years ago.
has watched
3- My father ____________(watch) came
T.V. since I _________(come) home
has made
4- The company _____________(make)a considerable profit over the past few years
have never been
5-I ______________(never/be) to England before.
6- We_________(be) in Antalya last week.
have cut
7- I ____________(cut) my finger. It is still bleeding.
8- Yesterday, I ___________(cut) my finger while I was chopping onion.
have gone
9- My parents ____________(go) to Europe. They will be back in 5 days.
10- We_____________(watch) a movie last night. It is the scariest movie I
have ever seen
____________(ever/see) in my life.
Past Perfect Tense
Miş-li geçmiş zaman

Time expressions
I Before …
YOU After…
WE By the time….
THEY had washed the car
V(3) Since…
IT For…..
Past Perfect Tense

Before I arrived home, my brother had already made dinner.

I had lived in Cizre, before I moved to Bandırma
When the police came, the man had already died.
By the time I came home, my parents had eaten their lunch.
After she had graduated from university, she started working with her
(Having graduated from university, she started working with her
She was very tired. Because, she hadn’t slept yesterday.
When she died, she had been working in Istanbul for 20 years.
Past Perfect Tense & Simple Past Tense

1- The fire _______________(already/reach)

had already reached the top floor by the time the
firemen _____________(arrive)
arrived at the scene.
2- Paul __________(go)
went to prison. Because, he ____________(kill)
had killed someone
3- I_________________(never/believe)
had never believed that she was a thief until
saw her with my own eyes.
4- I _________(go) had watched
to bed after I ____________(watch) my favourite series.
5- When we_________(get)home,everybody_______________
got had already slept
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
-mekte -makta

Time expressions
WE + have
THEY For 30 minutes
Since morning
been waiting for the bus For an hour
Since yesterday morning
SHE + has
Present Perfect Continuous Tense

I have been driving for two hours

She has been walking in the park for half an hour
We have been discussing this matter for an hour
It has been raining since yesterday morning
My sister has been studying for final exams since last week
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
mekteydi / maktaydı

Time expressions
WE Since
had been waiting for the bus When…
By the time…
Past Perfect Continuous Tense

She had been sleeping for about 3 hours when I arrived home
It had been raining for 2 days when we started planting trees.
When he died, he had been working here for 10 years.
By the time we got to the field, the farmers had been working
for 8 hours.
Future Continuous Tense
gelecekte devam eden
-yor olacak

Time expressions
YOU This time tomorrow
WE This time next week
will be flying to New York This evening
SHE Next month
Future Continuous Tense

We will be having a picnic by the sea this time tomorrow.

In this lesson, I will be teaching you Future Continuous Tense
The president will be making a speech one hour later
They will be moving to Bursa this time next week?
I won’t be working this time next week
Future Perfect Tense
Gelecekte bitmiş zaman
-mış/miş olacak

Time expressions
YOU By September
WE By the end of this month
will have finished my project By 2020
By then
SHE By the time…
IT When …..
Future Perfect Tense

I will have worked in Bandıma for 6 years at the end of this

Rain forests will have disappeared in fifty years
She will have changed her car by September
My sister will have graduated from university when I come back
to Turkey.
Future Continuous Tense & Future Perfect Tense

will have finished

1- We have a software course for six month. By July, we _______________
(finish) the course.
will be flying
2- This time tomorrow, I ______________(fly) to Belgium
won’t be climbing
3- Steve broke his leg yesterday. He _______________(not /climb) with us
4- They _________________(complete)the
will have completed school building by the end of
5- We are so late. When we arrive there, everyone ______________(leave)
will have left
6- In 20 years, people _____________(use)
will be using electronic chips instead of
will be driving
7- Soon, people _____________(drive) flying cars
Was/Were Going to(Future in the Past)
geçmişte gelecek zaman
-ecekti / acaktı

Time expressions
WE + were
THEY After work
Before work
going to wash the car Tomorrow
I Next week
HE in the afternoon
SHE + was tonight
Was/Were Going to(Future in the Past)

We were going to visit Dolmabahçe Palace when we went to

Istanbul. But, it had already been closed.
I was going to buy some bread. But I realized i hadn’t taken any
money with me.
The president was going to make a speech. But the microphone
didn’t work.
My brother was going to move to Bandırma. But he found a
good job. So, he changed his mind.

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