SCH4U - The Great Debate (Part 1 - Poster) - Ananya Aditya

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By: Ananya Aditya

Delia School of Canada
(n.d.). Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved from

Admin. (2018, July 26). Uses of Benzene - Industrial

and Domestic Applications of Benzene. Retrieved
Functional Groups
 A benzene ring is the functional group found in Functional Groups Functional Groups
 Organic compound that consists of 2 phenol functional Benzene. (2018, November 20). Retrieved from
aromatic compounds and is a ring consisting of 6  The functional groups in the diagram above are
carbon atoms. The carbon atoms can either be groups.  indicated by R and can be either linear aryl groups or htm
bonded by alternating single or double bonds.  Important monomer when it comes to the production of
alkyl groups with an aromatic ring. 
 When a benzene ring has a single substituent polycarbonate.   Phthalates also contain the carbonyl functional group as Bisphenol A. (n.d.). Retrieved from
attached to it, a phenyl group is formed (Ph).   BPA is a bisphenol that is 4,4 - methanediyldiphenol, and
seen by the 2 oxygen atoms attached to the main chains
the methylene hydrogens are usually replaced by 2 through double bonds.  henol-A
Uses & Applications in Society methyl groups.  Properties of phthalates are determined by the
 Benzene is an extremely popular industrial chemical. It is functional groups. Brent A. Bauer, M. (2019, December 18). Tips to
found in crude oil and makes up the majority of gasoline.  reduce BPA exposure. Retrieved from
Uses & Applications in Society
 Benzene is often utilized in the manufacturing process of Uses & Applications in Society
 Bisphenol A (BPA) is an industrial chemical that is
plastics, resins, synthetic fibers, rubber lubricants, dyes,  Mainly used in the production of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or vinyl flexible and tion-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/bpa/faq-2
utilized to manufacture plastics and resins.  pliant.  0058331
detergents, drugs and pesticides. Benzene is naturally found  BPA is present in polycarbonate plastics and epoxy  They are usually used in industrial and consumer products that demand high
in volcanoes and is produced as a result of forest fires. 
resins. Polycarbonate plastics are commonly used in performance and durability. 
 In households, benzene is present in glues, adhesives,  Phthalates are found in energy efficient roofing in flexible adhesives and sealants.
What Are Phthalates?: Uses, Benefits, and Safety
containers that are used to store food and beverages, Facts. (2020, March 12). Retrieved from
cleaning products, paint strippers, tobacco smoke and They are also used to make a variety of vinyl surfaces last longer and make them
such as water bottles, and are also there in most other
gasoline. Benzene is usually present in the environment due easier to maintain. Major uses of phthalates in buildings include vinyl roofing
consumer goods.  membranes, resilient flooring, wall coverings, acoustical ceiling surfaces,
to our use of petroleum and products derived from  Epoxy resins are also used as interior lining of metal waterproofing membranes and electrical cord insulation.
petroleum.   Seat covers in vehicles often use phthalates due to their ability to withstand high
products, such as cans to store food, bottle tops and
 Benzene is found in most products that are used in the temperatures. Phthalate coatings in cars also prevent corrosion from water and
water supply lines. Dental sealants and composites
printing industry. Ink and other painting products, such as weather. Flexible vinyl is also used in cars and trucks to make them more durable. 
might also contain BPA.  Phthalates are also found in various outdoor products, such as swimming pool
spray paints, sealers, lacquers and stains, also contain
benzene. Benzene helps keep these products in liquid form.  lines, garden hoses and rain boots, as they perform better in changing weather
conditions and maintain their flexibility in hot and cold weather conditions.
 Some other products that contain benzene are detergents,  Phthalates are also used in flooring in hospitals as they are durable, affordable and
pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and dyes.  easy to clean and they help to meet sterility and safety standards. 

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