Consumer Self-Concept, Symbolism and Market Behavior

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Consumer Self-Concept, Symbolism and

Market Behavior: A Theoretical Approach

Edward L. Grubb and Harrison L. Grathwohl

CSR 63100
Hye Young Hah

 Review of Related Research

 Introduction to Self-Theory and Symbolism

 Future Research Direction

 Applications

 A Case Study
Review of Related Research
 Research of ‘Personality and Consumer Behavior’

 Hypothesis : Individual’s consumption manner reflects ‘certain common

personality characteristic’

 Experiments of car owners

Evans’ Experiment Westfall’s Experiment

No significant differences on a limited sample  Little different personality Between
In Chevy and Ford model the owners of standard model and
compact model

Kuehn’s analysis
 Personality of convertible owners
Prediction on Personality Is based on Dominance defined as active and less stable
And Affiliation

 Results: Some relationship between personalities and the product they consume
Review of Related Research
 Research of ‘Personality, Product Image, and Consumption’

 Assumption: Consumers’ buying behaviors correlate to the buyer’s personality

and the image of the purchased products
“The product or brand image is a symbol of the
buyer’s personality” (Pierre Martineau)

“Where ego-involvement with the purchase is high,

product image is important to the consumer”
(Walter A. Woods)

“The act of consumption as symbolic behavior

may be more important to the individual than
the benefits provided by the functioning of the
product purchased”
(James S. Duesenberry)

 Results: ‘Statistically significant’ low correlation between masculinity of cigarette

smokers and the perceived masculinity of the brand they consume
Masculine? Feminine?
Introduction to Self-Theory and Symbolism

 Concept of the self

is one’s attitude, feelings, perceptions, and evaluation of oneself

as an object
is a measurement and critical element of how the individual perceives
develops through the process of social experience
represents a totality as a principal value in lifetime

 Self-Theory
has been psychological and sociological research subject
allows application of the behavioral concept of symbolic interaction
focuses on self-evaluation
Goods as Symbol

 is a means of communication with himself or with others

 stands for or express something else
 composed of signs and their meanings
 Identified by a group with similar meaning


Me : “I have aShared thought:

Lexus car for myself.”

Product as Symbol
The Interaction Process
 The self-concept grows out of the reactions of others
 The self-enhancement depends on the reactions
 Classification System directs action and arouses expectation in
relationship setting

Classification System

Ideal Perceived Reinforcement
self self
Self-Concept value Direction

Behavioral Correction
Self-enhancement Organization
Personal Attire Environment Setting
Introduction to Self-Theory and Symbolism
 A diagram of Self-Concept and Symbolism

Desired Reaction to
Enhance Individual’s
Audience B
Individual A (Parents, Teachers
d Peers, Significant Others)


Symbol X
(Product, Brand,
Or Store)

Relationship of the consumption of Goods As Symbols To the Self-Concept

A Model of Consuming Behavior

 Systematic Relationship between Self-theory and symbolism

 Theoretical guideline for future research

Consumption of Symbols: A Means to Self-Enhancement

1. An individual does have a self-concept of himself
2. The self-concept is of value to him
3. An individual’s behavior will be directed toward the furtherance
and enhancement of his self-concept
4. An individual’s self-concept is formed through the interaction
process with parents, peers, teachers, and significant others
5. Goods serve as social symbols and communicating devices
for him
6. The use of good-symbols effects the individual’s self-concept
Prediction of the model
7. The consuming behavior of an individual will be direct toward
the furthering and enhancing of his self-concept through the
consumption of goods as symbols
Future Research Direction

 To identify some relationships between personality and

products they consume

 To verify the role of self-concept for marketing research

 The psychic values to segmented markets
 A guideline for marketing decision-making

 To test and improve a model of consuming behavior

 When the self-concept begins
 What products have symbolic value
 How the symbolic meaning is relevant to individual’s self-
A Case Study – Lexus (High-end Brand)
Among the marketers, Lexus is the best brand positioning brand
Consumer recognize Lexus as a blameless perfect high brand car
 Lexus means pride and loyalty

Source : J.D. Power and Associates Reports

A Case Study – McDonald’s (Low-end Brand)

McDonald’s is everyday brand and almost everyone knows it.

McDonald’s stresses on a variety of sponsorships through the world

and children’s health as a brand positioning.

According to the report entitled "McDonald's and Children's Health:

The Production of New Customers, "the world's largest fast food
chain uses cartoons, toys, schools, charities and even parents to
reach its youngest customers.

(Source :

 What if my purchasing symbols cannot get desired responses

from groups?

 How long do the symbols last in this era?

 Within the same product category, can consumers identify that

competing brands have different symbols and leads to
different self- concept?

 In marketer’s perspective, how they break into the ‘blue ocean’

markets with stereotypical products which has already
symbolized image to consumers?

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