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Basis of

Fluidity of viscous
fluids in biological
Hydrodynamics. Fluid
 The branch of physics, studying flow of ideal and real liquids.
All the fluids are able to retain their volume and take the form of vessel.

• They cause drop of pressure along a

vessel at the time of blood fluidity
• They define behaviour of fluid in a
vessel that rotates

Viscosity is the property of fluids owing to which they oppose

any motion of their neighbouring portions relative to one another.
It is created by internal friction between the molecules.
 The main law of flow viscosity was
presented by I. Newton.
It shows two fluid
layers at distance y I
and y+dy from the d
surface. s
They move with
different velocities.
The top layer causes a
shear stress on lower
while lower layer
causes shear stress on
the action
 The top layer.
of shearing stresscauses share deformation and
relative share per unit of time is in proportional to the applied
shear strain.  
- coefficient of dynamic
 𝑭 𝒅𝒗 𝒅𝒗 viscosity ()
=𝜼 𝒐𝒓 𝑭 =𝜼 𝑺
𝑺 𝒅𝒙 𝒅𝒙     - velocity gradient.
Newtonian fluids Non-Newtonian fluids
The fluids whose viscosity
may be defined by Newton
equation are called
Newtonian fluids.
The viscosity of these fluids depends at
A Newtonian fluid's viscosity high rate on the velocity of flow.
remains constant, no matter the
amount of shear applied for a
constant temperature. These
fluids have a linear relationship • Suspensions
between viscosity and shear • Emulsions
• Water
stress. • Foams
• Mineral oil • Solutions of macromolecules such as
• Solution of electrolytes proteins
• Athanol • Polymer Solutions
Blood viscosity
The direction of fluid flow can be defined by so called flowlines. They are the lines
along which the fluid elements are moving. Flowlines may be straight or curved. The
tangent drawn at any point off the streamlines represents the direction of flow velocity
at that point.

Laminar flow (lat. lamina - plate, lamella) – a flow

where gas or liquid moves by layers, not
mixing .

Turbulent flow – is a flow where gas or liquids move on a high speed, the layers mix.
Each fluid layer (lamina) slips
over the other. Different layers do not
get mixed. In the laminar flow every
particle of fluid follows the path of its
preceding particle. In laminar flow,
sometimes called streamline flow, the
velocity, pressure, and other flow
properties at each point in the fluid
remain constant. The streamlines do
not intersect each other. The energy
supplied to the fluid for maintaining
its flow is mainly used in overcoming
the viscous drag between different

The turbulent flow is unstable. The flow of fluid is curled and all layers merge in one
stream. The flow lines become zigzag. The velocity of a particle crossing particular
point of fluid is not constant and varies with time. The turbulent flow needs more
energy than the laminar one because additionally energy is used in producing currents
through the fluid.

An example of turbulent flow is blood flow in arteries.

Effect of viscosity on some medical
 Anesthetic
In some medical activities, anesthesia is used. In
this case, it is necessary to reduce, if possible, the
effort expended by the patient on breathing
through the respiratory tubes, through which a
respiratory mixture isrespiratory
supplied from anesthesia
apparatus apparatus
The occurrence of turbulence in the
gas flow in a tube with sharp
inhomogeneities across the section

To ensure a smooth gas flow, smoothly bent

connecting tubes are used. The irregularities of the
inner walls of the tube, sharp bends and changes in the internal
diameter of the tubes and joints are often the causes of the
Equation of continuity
This equation can be proved strictly for the ideal fluid.
Liquids must maintain their volume as they flow in a pipe since they
are nearly incompressible. This means that the volume of liquid that
flows into a pipe in a given amount of time must equal the volume of
liquid that flows out of a pipe in the same amount of time. This
principle is called the equation of continuity. Thus the equation of
continuity can be written:S*V=const

Volume velocity (flow) (Q) – characterizes the volume amount of

substance, going through the cross section of flow per unit of time

Q1 = Q2 Q=S*V Q1=S1*ν1 S1*ν1=S2*ν2

Reynold's number
English physicist Reynolds investigated the conditions under which a flow becomes
laminar or turbulent. He proved that the transition from laminar flow into turbulent one
depends on the value of dimensionless quantity that is now called Reynolds number (Re).
This number for a liquid flowing in a cylindrical tube is defined by the equation:

Where D – linear size (diameter of a vessel),

vD ν – flow velocity,
Re  η - viscosity, ρ – density
 Reynold’s number doesn’t have a unit. It shows the
laminar or turbulent flow it is.

The critical value of Reynolds number for cylindrical tubes at which laminar flow turns
into turbulent is 2300. Blood flow in the circulatory system is laminar with the exception
of aorta. In aorta it may become turbulent during a physical work which greatly
increases velocity of blood. Blood flow may be turbulent also in arteries the cross-
section area of which is diminished by some pathological process.
Poiseuille law
Poiseuille law defines the value of flow rate. It was discovered by the
French physiologist Poiseuille, who investigated experimentally the
fluid flow in tubes and blood flow in vessels.
Vascular system can be represented by the net cylindrical tubes
of different diameter. In the case of laminar flow, the volume flowrate is given by
the pressure difference divided by the viscous resistance.

The law which expresses the relationship between the rate of flow of a liquid in a
tube and the pressure gradient in the tube, the radius of the tube, the length of the
tube and the viscosity of the liquid. This law is used only for laminar flow.
Viscometer - (from lat. viscosus - viscous) instrument for
determining the viscosity of the substance. Viscosity is measured
in puazah (Pa * s). Viscosimeters are: capillary,rotational, with
the falling ball. Capillary viscometer:

Viscometer ВК-4
Viscometer kinds

Glass capillary viscometers : 1 — measuring tank; 2 — capillaries; 3 — receiving

vessels; 4 — supply tank (for opaque fluids viscometer ВНЖ); 5 — thermostatic
cover; M1, M2 (for ВНЖ also M3 ) — marks for measurement of time, needed for
fluid to outgo the tanks or to fill them (for ВНЖ).
Basis of

 Blood flow through the

vessels which arises
from difference of
hydrostatic pressure in
different parts of blood
circulatory system.
Blood always moves
from area with high
pressure to area with
low pressure.
Blood composition
Blood – is a fluid tissue, which fills a
heard-vascular system of some
invertebrate animals, vertebral animals
and human beings as well. It consists
of plasma, ( intrasticial substance), and
cells: erythrocytes, leucocytes, and

 Erythrocytes (from greek Erythro - red and cytos – cell), are

also called “red blood cells”. Erythrocytes are the cells of
human blood, vertebrates’ blood and some invertebrates’
(sipunkulida) blood cells.
Cardio-vascular system consists of heart and extensive closed system of blood vessels that
transport blood to all parts of a body and back to heart. It consists of two parts: systemic
circulation and pulmonary circulation.

The blood vessels include

arteries, capillaries and veins.
The arteries carry blood to
organs and tissues. The veins
transport the return flow.
Each large artery, beginning
by aorta, branches to form
smaller arteries, which in turn
branch further. The least
arteries are named arterioles.
Change of blood pressure in
different parts of vascular

The main pressure

decrease is in arterioles.
That’s why these vessels
are often called resistive.

A linear velocity of blood flow

in different parts of vascular
system is inversely
proportional to area of cross-
section of this part. The
highest velocity of blood flow is
observed in main vessels of
circulatory system – arteries
and veins. The smallest blood
flow velocity is in capillaries.
The main parameters of
cardio vascular system
Parameter Aorta Capillaries Veins cavae

Cross-section, cm2 3–4 2500 – 3000 6–8

Linear velocity 20 – 25 0,03 – 0,05 10 – 15

(average), сm/s

Pressure (average), 100 30 – 15 6–0

mm of mercury

Total cross-section of aorta brunches is larger, then cross-section of aorta

itself. Capillaries have the greatest total cross-section area as their number is
greater then number of any other vessels. In rest the cross-section area of
systemic circulation capillaries is equal to 3000 cm².
 Blood Pressure - the force BLOOD exerts against the
walls of the arteries as it travels through them, as a
combination of resistance and the HEART’s pumping

 For each heartbeat, BP varies between systolic and

diastolic pressures. Systolic pressure is peak pressure
in the arteries, which occurs near the end of
the cardiac cycle when the ventricles are contracting.
Diastolic pressure is minimum pressure in the arteries,
which occurs near the beginning of the cardiac cycle
when the ventricles are filled with blood.

 An example of normal measured values for a resting,

healthy adult human is 120 mmHg  systolic and
80 mmHg diastolic (written as 120/80 mmHg, and
spoken as "one-twenty over eighty").
Korotkoff M.S.
(1874 – 1920 )
The value of arterial pressure is measured usually by the
auscultatory method using so called Korotkov tones.
Sphygmomanometer is the instrument used commonly for this
purpose. Mykola Sergiyovich
It consists of the inflatable rubber cuff
and the dial pressure gauge. The cuff is
wrapped around upper arm to measure
the blood pressure in brachial artery.
Phonendoscope is placed against the
skin at the crook of arm.
Kinds of sphygmomanometers



Pressure in a cuff is between
Pressure in a cuff Systolic And diastolic
is higher then (blood moves by portions)
In systolic pressure
(blood doesn’t move) At that moment the sounds
named Korotkov tones are heard
with the help of phonendoscope.

Pressure in a cuff is
Smaller then
Diastolic pressure
(blood is free to move)
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