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What is Meditation
Meditation means being in the present moment.

When you are in present moment there are no

thoughts of past or future. It is the state of
thoughtlessness. This is the first stage.

 Inthe second stage one goes deep within and

experiences the oneness with your true self.
Why Meditation
 For spiritual development

 By meditating we dispose of the negativity that

surrounds our soul. When we remove this our soul
become clear and radiates, and then we do
whatever is right for us. We become balanced.
Salient features of SM
It’s a very Simple technique.

Anyone can learn and practice irrespective

of Qualification, Caste, Religion, Class,
Gender, Language and Age.

Only prerequisite is an Open Mind and

desire for Spiritual growth.
Salient features of SM
There are no Exercises or Yoga postures etc
but one has to surrender to Divine Master
and sit along with other seekers

 Itis like going up an elevator instead of

climbing step. In former no effort is
required but later one has to make an effort.

Practiced worldwide by millions of people.

What is “Samarpan”
Arpan (offering to Lord) means giving a part
of what belongs to you.

 Samarpan means offering totally everything

that belongs to you to the lord.

 Samarpan is attitude of surrendering your

material wealth, your fate and your ego, in
fact your entire life to the lotus feet of your
Divine Master
Benefits of SM
 Physical level
◦ Improvement in Health
Material level
◦ Get what is appropriate
◦ Reduction in craving for material and hence reduced
Mental Level
◦ Mental Peace, Bliss and tranquility at all time
 Spiritual Level
◦ Experience the Bliss of being connected to Universal
Kundalini Energy
It is part of divine that is in each one of us.
Kundalini means universal life source energy
required for our existence and a large part of
which remains dormant above Muladhar Chakra
in three and half circle.
It Enters our body whilst we are in our mother's
It enters through the crown
It passes through the central channel of the
It settles into the triangular structure at the base
of the spine
Kundalini Energy
Chakras (Energy Center)
 The Charkas are the energy centers on the subtle body.
The energy moves in vortex motion and hence called
 The primary function of Chakras is to absorb fresh
energy from universe and throw away diseased or used
up energy from Aura.
 There are Seven Major chakras located on the middle
Nadi and directly related to the endocrinal glands
 As Chakras become active and balanced all endocrinal
glands would function properly.
Seven Chakras
 Muladhar
(Root) Chakra
 Swadhishthan
 Nabhi (Navel)
 Hrudai
(Heart) Chakra
 Vishuddhi
(Throat) Chakra
 Agya (Brow)
 Sahastrar
(Crown) Chakra
Muladhar (Root) Chakra

 Location :Base of the Spine

 Kundalini Energy is Feminine power
 One should always aware of the divine power in all
women and give due respect
 Negative Impact : Cancer, Piles, Aids, Sex related
 To improve : Always have contact with Earth
Swadhishthan Chakra

 Location : near the pubic area

 It is related to thoughts
 Negative : Excessive Thoughts ,
 Improvement : Remain in present
Nabhi (Navel Chakra)

 Location : near the Navel

 Spiritual Progress begins here
 Negative : Dissatisfaction
 Improvement : Focus on
helping other’s.
Hrudai (Heart) Chakra

 Located at the center of the heart

 Faith on theDivine
 Negative : Heart disease
 Improvement : Have full faith on
the divine.

 Location : Throat
 Responsible for success in Life
 Negative : Guilty conscious, Deception,
Lies, Failure, Work against the conscious
 Improvement : Believe that there is only
one supreme consciousness
Agya (Brow) Chakra

 Between Eyebrow
 Related nervous System, It is related to the masters
 Negative : Mental problems
 Improvement : Forgive all
 Only Master can raise kundalini from Agya to
Sahastrar chakra
Sahastrar (Crown) Chakra

 Location : Top of the head

 Final resting point of Kundalini
 Mind element must be centered in the central
channel - not left or right
 From here it will connect to Universal
consciousness and attain thoughtless state
 There will be chemical processing which releases
hormones which activate all the glands and make
Samarpan Meditation
concepts of God & Divine Master

 Universal Consciousness (or God) is Universal

life-force energy which is present in every
particle in this universe and which is
responsible for creating, maintaining and
running the universe.
 Meditation helps you to connect with Universal
Samarpan Meditation
concepts of God & Divine Master

 Divine Master is one who has developed ability to

be a channel or medium of collecting and
distributing the universal energy by meditation
or any other spiritual practices.

 Due to this abilityanyone who comes close to

Divine Master feels at peace with himself. As
Divine Master is one with universe he can
manifest whatever he wishes and if he wishes
that everyone of his disciple's Kundalini is to be
awakened he just needs to pray
Samarpan Meditation

 Samarpan means surrender, as we sit to meditate,

we surrender our ego, thoughts, desires, regrets
 Focus on the crown chakra
 Way to communicate with Divine Master is by use
of a password or Mantra. (Chant the Mantra)
 Remain silence
 Prayer for Universal peace & spiritual progress
 30 Mins Morning/Evening
 Weekly once collective Meditation
Samarpan Meditation

 “Ohm Shree Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha “

 The inner meaning is the name Shivkrupanand Swami is not the name of
the physical body but represents the energy of Swamiji's Gurus which is
channelised though his body
 Method of Chanting Mantra : One set of Mantra is repeating the Mantra
three times in a row as follows

First time word " Ohm" is chanted for a long time

   "Ohm………… Shree. Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"

Second time word " Shree" is chanted for a long time

   "Ohm Shree………….. Shivkrupanand Swami Namo Namaha"

Third time both the words "Ohm" as well as "Shree" are chanted for a
long time.    "Ohm………… Shree……….. Shivkrupanand Swami
Namo Namaha"
About the Master
 H. H. Shivkrupanand Swami
 Living saint of 21st century
 Pioneer of Samarpan Meditation technique
 He descended to the society from Himalayan
 Currently residing in Dandi, Gujarat,India
H. H. Shivkrupanand Swami
Subtle Body
Aura Photos
Samarpan Ashram
 Samarpan International Ashram is located in a natural
environment along the shore of the Arabian Sea. It is
filled with tremendous positive energy which affects on
every individual visiting the place and the surroundings.
This energy has effect on everything even the plant
planted there grows at much faster rate compared to
other place. One can easily achieve balance and good
state of meditation in this ideal environment in the
presence of Satguru.
 Shree Swamiji has initiated a novel project of helping
people through Prayer at Shivkrupanand Swami Ashram
Trust, Navasari, Gujarat. He has nominated some
volunteers who pray for the alleviation of any problems
that trouble sadhak. A person needing help has to email or
call the helpline and inform about his/her problem as per
the format given below. The volunteers pray for them at
given time. Sadhak can also sit for meditation during the
same time. The results of this prayer center has been
SM in Singapore
 Importance of meditating in a group

 Visit Center at
least once a week and join the
group meditation

 For more information visit

 http//

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