Personal Learning Network - Carolyn Daly

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Personal Learning

Carolyn Daly
What is a PLN?

A Personal Learning Network (PLN) is a teachers personal

network of colleagues, mentors, and other professionals.
Thanks to technologies available today these networks have
expanded to meet and collaborate over social platforms such
as Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Pinterest, etc.
Which Platform to Choose?

For this assignment I decided to use Pinterest as the platform for

my PLN. I have always enjoyed using pinterest and creating
different boards for different things. Although I think any media
platform would be great for creating a PLN, I think Pinterest is
nice because you can pin things that you like and easily go to one
of you boards in order to find it.
Creating an Account

The process of creating a Pinterest account is

rather simple. All that is required is for you to
provide and email and create a password. Then they
will ask you of things that interest you in order to
get ideas for pins. Once your account is created you
can look up other accounts to follow and search for
different pins and ideas.
Pinterest Boards

Once you have created you

account you can create different
boards with pins that you find. I
created several different boards
on my account. Many of the other
accounts I followed shared ideas
for distance learning, I thought
that was interesting and definitely
relevant to what we are going
through today

There are a wide variety of

different accounts to follow.
These are two examples of
accounts that I followed on my
PLN. These offer many different
ideas and resources for
incorporating technology into
the classroom.
I think that having a PLN is a great resource for a teacher to
have. A PLN allows you to collaborate with other teachers and
professionals and also gain new ideas for your classroom and
teaching strategies. Over the past week I found lots of
interesting and creative ideas on the pinterest account I
created. Having a PLN also helps to keep you updated on
what’s going on in the world of education today. I found
numerous ideas and articles about distance learning, which is
completely relevant to what teachers and students are
experiencing at the moment. I would encourage any teacher to
create their own PLN today, it can be very helpful and
informative. It might be a little confusing to learn to operate at
first but once you get the hang of it, trust me you won’t regret it.


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