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By: Jimena Somoano

What is the point of origin of
• Islam was founded by Muhammad, who was believed
to be a prophet. He was born in Mecca, Arabia.
Islamic tradition states that Muhammad was visited
by an angel, Gabriel, who revealed to him the word
of Allah (God in Arabic). According to the article
Islam (2018), “Starting in about 613, Muhammad
began preaching throughout Mecca the messages he
received. He taught that there was no other God
but Allah and that Muslims should devote their lives
to this God.” His revelations were written in the
Qur’an, which is the holy book of Islam.
How many followers of Islam are there
worldwide? What percentage of the
world’s population are members of this

• According to
Encyclopedia Britannica (2019),”By the
early 21st century there were more
than 1.5 billion Muslims worldwide.”
• 24% of the population practices Islam,
according to World Population Review.
Where are the majority of
followers distributed?

• Majority of Muslims
reside in Indonesia,
as stated by
Pew Research Cente
r (2009)
Why is the religion
distributed as it is today?

• Islam is distributed
mostly throughout Asia
because of the
presence of trade and
Muslim merchants
spreading Islam, as
well as
spreading Islamic
Where are Islam’s major
holy sites located? Why are
these sites considered holy?

• Islam’s major holy sites include the

Kaaba and other mosques throughout
Mecca, where Islam is originated. This
site is it is considered holy because it
the most important mosque, and
Muslims believe it “was built by
Abraham and his son Ismail as a
monotheistic house of worship”,
according to USA Today (2019).
How do Islamic holidays and traditions reflect the
significance of place in the history of the religion?

• Mawlid al-Mabi celebrates Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, and is

“commemorated with recollections of Muhammad's life and
significance” according to Infoplease (Major Islamic Holidays).
• In Ramadan, people do fasting, or sawm,since it is one of the Five
Pillars of Islam. When fasting, it reminds Muslims of the poor’s
suffering, self control, a strong sense of spirituality, as well as a
sense of family with other Muslims.

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