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A Plant Cell is like Walt

Disney World!
The Cell Membrane is like the Main Entrance

The cell membrane allows things to come in and out of the cell just like the main
entrance to Disney World allows people to come in and out of the amusement park.
The Cytoplasm is like the Sidewalk and Grass 

The cytoplasm allows things to move around the cell just like the sidewalks and

grass allow people move around Disney World.
The Nucleus is like Cinderella's Castle

The nucleus controls the whole entire cell just

like Cinderella's Castle controls Disney World. The nucleus is also the center
of the cell just like Cinderella's castle is the center of Disney World.
The Chromosomes (DNA) are like the Disney Character's

The chromosomes (DNA) contains information about the cell just like the Disney

Characters contain information about the amusement park. The DNA is also inside of
the nucleus just like the Disney Characters are inside of Cinderella's Castle.
The Endoplasmic Reticulum is like the Walkways and Streets

The endoplasmic reticulum transfers stuff from the nucleus just like the walkways and

streets allow people to transfer from place to place.
The Ribosomes are like Restaurants

The ribosomes make proteins for the cell just like the restaurants at Disney World

make food for the people to eat.
The Golgi Body is like a Gift Shop

The Golgi body packages proteins before it sends it to the endoplasmic reticulum just

like a gift shop packages the items you bought in a bag before they give it to you.
The Mitochondria is like the Generator Room

The mitochondria provides the cell with energy to keep the cell alive just

like the generator room provides energy for the rides to keep the rides working.
The Vacuole is like the Water Tank

The vacuole stores water for the cell to use just like the water tank stores water for the
people and the amusement park to use.  
The Lysosomes are like the Cleaning Services

The lysosomes digest and gets rid of wastes from the cell just like the cleaning service ge

 rid of trash and other wastes.
The Cell Wall is like the Entrance Gates

The cell wall gives the cell its structure, support, and it protects the cell just
like the entrance gates gives Disney World its structure and it protects the
amusement park.
The Chloroplasts are like the Plants and Flowers

The chloroplasts helps create photosynthesis for a plant cell just like the plants,

flowers, and bushes make photosynthesis inside of it.

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