Expression of Asking Opinion and Giving Opinion: BY Rihard Arius

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BY Rihard Arius

Expression of Asking
Giving Opinion
Asking Opinion

Ekspresi yang diucapkan

ketika kita ingin menanyakan
pendapat seseorang
mengenai suatu hal.
Asking Opinion

- What do you think of ...................................?

- What do you think about .............................?

-What is your opinion of ...............................?

-What is your opinion about ………………..?

- Do you have anything to say?

- Do you have any idea?
- Have you got any comments on……………..?
- What is your reaction to………………………?
- What is your views on…………………………….?
- How do you feel about…………………………..?
Giving Opinion

Ekspresi yang diucapkan

ketika kita ingin menyampaikan
pendapat kita
mengenai suatu hal.
Giving Opinion

•In my opinion…..
• What I have in my mind is………
• I think…..
• I believe………
• I consider ………………..
• I feel ……………………………..
Agreeing with an Opinion
(Setuju dengan sebuah

- Of course.
- This is absolutely right.
- I agree with this opinion.
- I agree with what you are saying.
- I agree.
- That's a good point.
- I think so too.
Disagreeing with an
opinion (Tidak setuju
dengan sebuah opini)

• I am sorry, I don't agree with you.

• I am not sure I agree with you.
• I don't agree with you.
• I am afraid I have to disagree with you.
• I do not believe that.
• I disagree with you.
• I think you are wrong.
BY Rihard Arius

He eats like a monkey. +

Yusuf and Maria are alike. +

Are followed by objects. They can used in many
positions, including at the beginning of the sentence.
Like Maria, Yusuf loves milk.
Unlike Maria, Yusuf is baby.
Yusuf is like Maria.
Yusuf is unlike Maria.
Both verbs follow subjects.
I like Maths
I dislike maths
She dislikes snake. +
GOD Bless

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