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Practical research 1:

November 21
• As scholars (or people who are educated), we cannot just
across our arms and hope that problems will be
automatically solved. We cannot approach problems of
life like uneducated people.
• From scholarly perspective, we do research for the
following reasons:
1. to solve the specific problem
2. to improve the way people do things
3. To test an existing theory ( also known as an idea or a
set of principles that explains certain thins/ reality)
4. To discover something new that was not know before.
5. To learn more about a certain topic of interest
6. To complete our school/ program requirement.
1. Identify a research topic
2. Identify a specific problem
3. Write down specific research questions
4. Conduct the literature review
5. Plan your research study
6. Implement your research study
7. Analyze your data
8. Interpret your data
9. Draw the conclusion
• Quantitative Research- is a research
concept that refers to the type of
research that relies heavily on
numbers more than any other way.
Characteristics of Quantitative
1. Objectivity – do not give personal opinions. Based on the research
participant’s data. Remove bias or preconceived ideas.
2. Use of numbers – use numbers. Uses different ways that help collect data
that is measurable by numbers. It is based on statistical analysis. It is
centered frequencies (or number of occurrence of certain factors).
3. Use of quantitative data collection methods – use tools that mainly to
collect numerical or statistical data (survey).
4. Focus on predetermined set of concepts- required to focus only on one set
of concepts that you preselect to measure in your research study. These
measurable concepts are called variables.
Qualitative Research
• Allows the researcher to explore a complex issue that
does not have clear preset variables.
• Research approach that allows the researcher to
interpret the life of people in order to understand their
problems better and deeper in order to generate
solutions that are relevant to their situation.
Qualitative Research
• In qualitative research, we understand people are all
different. They may experience phenomena differently
than we do. So, instead of representing their life in
numbers, we need to go to them , observe them in
natural settings, and hear their personal stories. The
problem is found in those experiences and the solutions
the problem are found there too. Instead of us having to
give them some preset options to choose from their
solution , we allow them to tell their own stories so that
we can learn from them.
Characteristics of Qualitative
1. Rich - explore a problem in –depth, using multiple sources
of data and multiple perspectives on the same problem.
2. Open –if something is not clear when you collect the data
or analyze the data, you can check it with more data
collection until you feel satisfied with the results.
3. Subjective- not bias
4. A great approach to deal with complex issues- - not limited
by specific number of variables .

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