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Types of tourism potential

Tourism Potential- the sum of the natural, anthropogenic and material resources and conditions
necessary for a destination management.

Tourism technical
technical and
Tourism potential
potential material support(tourism
material support(tourism
(potential touristic
touristic offer)
offer) facilities)

1.Basic tourism
Facilities - accommodation
1.Natural tourism units, food and beverage units,
potential(geomorpho-sites, means of transportation
hydro-sites,eco-sites, etc.); (including lift
2.Anthropic tourism transport);
potential(cultural historical, 2.Auxiliary tourism facilities -
sportive, recreational, amusements and treatment
technical and economic, structures, recreational
social); activities (cultural, artistic,
3.Social and demographic sportive);
tourism potential(population 3.Supplementary tourism
and tourism labour,human facilities - diverse rental units
(urban, rural) settlements). (car, sportive gear),
photography services,
souvenir stores,tourism
information units).
Structure of the natural tourism potential

Tourism Potential- the sum of the natural, anthropogenic and

material resources and conditions necessary for a destination
Among the tourism resources of natural origin that stand out are the
geomorphology (beaches, mountains and valleys, other aquatic
media, etc.), landscape, climate, and flora and fauna. Natural
resources have constituted the primary source of motivation for
tourist travel. The largest group of recreational and amusement
activities take place in the natural environment. Nature tourism, also
called nature-based tourism, is tourism based on the natural
attractions of an area. It consists of responsible travel to experience
natural areas and their landscape, flora and fauna, protecting the
environment and improving the quality of life of locals.
Ecotourism, often referred to as sustainable tourism, can be
considered as a specialism within nature tourism. Its focus is on
learning about the environment, minimising negative impacts and
contributing to environmental protection. Ecotourism is defined as
‘Responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment,
sustains the well-being of the local people, and involves
interpretation and education’ of all parties involved, according to the
International Ecotourism Society and the Global Ecotourism Network.
The main attractions in the ecotourism market are marine, national
parks and other parks with a protected status, biodiversity, local
cultures and traditional protectors of natural environments.
Nature and ecotourism attract people interested in a variety of
natural and cultural resources, including being immersed in a rich,
natural, cultural or historical experience.
A wide array of products falls into the category of nature and
ecotourism, including consumptive and adventurous as well as non-
consumptive and contemplative activities.
Examples include:
-nature tours, observation of flora and fauna, cultural and local
heritage tourism, volcano tourism;
-fishing tourism, cycling tourism, bird watching tourism, kayaking
tourism, bush walking, hiking tourism, cold water tourism, hunting;
-visiting parks, scenic driving, photography tourism, camping;
Structure of the anthropic tourism potential

The sum of the natural, anthropogenic and material

resources and conditions necessary for a destination
management. Tourism resources are those elements of
any geographical type that are used for pleasure on
visits to a specific destination. The use of resources for
purposes of tourism is limited by several conditions.
Among those that should be considered are the physical
safety and health safeguards that are offered to visitors,
the carrying capacity or resistance of the resource used
without being irreversibly damaged, and the need for its
transformation into a tourism product while maintaining
the integrity and authenticity of the site. Subsequently,
it is necessary to establish them as tourist offers to
achieve their commercialization.
The resources can be of natural origin or created by
human beings (anthropic). Anthropic tourism resources
(those created by people) are of two main types: those
linked to society, history and culture, on one hand, and
those linked to living technology, on the other. In terms
of living technology, these are resources derived from
the achievements of science and technology that can be
made available to visitors at a tourist destination.

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