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IT351: Mobile & Wireless Computing

Wireless Transport Layer

– To study the TCP functionality and problem domain as it relates specifically to
integrated wireless networks.
– To provide an insight into available solutions to enhance TCP operation in wireless
– To provide an overview of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) as a solution
following the split-connection model.

• Transmission Control Protocol - TCP (recap)

– Congestion window
– Slow start
– Fast retransmit

• Problem of TCP in wireless networks

• Solutions:
– Indirect TCP (I-TCP)

• Wireless Application Protocol (WAP)

Overview of the main chapters
Chapter 10:
Support for Mobility

Chapter 9:
Mobile Transport Layer

Chapter 8:
Mobile Network Layer

Chapter 4: Chapter 5: Chapter 6: Chapter 7:

Telecommunication Satellite Broadcast Wireless
Systems Systems Systems LAN

Chapter 3:
Medium Access Control

Chapter 2:
Wireless Transmission
Recap – Transmission Control Protocol

• Transport protocols typically designed for

– Fixed end-systems
– Fixed, wired networks

– Provides “reliable, connection oriented, full-duplex,
byte-stream, transport protocol”
– It is an “end-to-end protocol that supports flow and
congestion control”
– Used for Web, email, FTP and many other Internet
applications (majority of Internet traffic is TCP)
– Has been designed and optimised for wired networks
TCP in Wireless Networks

• Flow and Congestion Control

– TCP Transmission Policy – TCP can manage the flow of
data between applications and react to congestion
across the Internet
– TCP Congestion Control – network congestion
• Ask senders to slow down (or stop altogether)
• However, first it must be possible to detect that congestion
has occurred.
• Assumptions made about why packets aren’t arriving -

• TCP congestion control

– packet loss in fixed networks typically due to (temporary) overload
– router have to discard packets as soon as the buffers are full
– TCP recognizes congestion only indirect via missing
acknowledgements, retransmissions unwise, they would only
contribute to the congestion and make it even worse
– Sender alters the Congestion Window according to the way the
network is currently performing
– The Congestion Window will keep increasing until segments timeout
and then start reducing

– slow-start algorithm as reaction

• TCP slow-start algorithm
– sender calculates a congestion window for a receiver
– start with a congestion window size equal to one segment
– exponential increase (double) of the congestion window up to the
congestion threshold, then linear increase (increase by 1)
– missing acknowledgement causes the reduction of the congestion
threshold to one half of the current congestion window
– congestion window starts again with one segment
• TCP fast retransmit/fast recovery
– TCP sends an acknowledgement only after receiving a packet
– if a sender receives several acknowledgements for the same packet,
this is due to a gap in received packets at the receiver
– however, the receiver got all packets up to the gap and is actually
receiving packets
– therefore, packet loss is not due to congestion, continue with current
congestion window (do not use slow-start)
Influences of mobility on TCP-mechanisms
• TCP assumes congestion if packets are dropped
– typically wrong in wireless networks, here we often have
packet loss due to transmission errors
– furthermore, mobility itself can cause packet loss, if e.g. a
mobile node roams from one access point (e.g. foreign agent
in Mobile IP) to another while there are still packets in transit
to the wrong access point and forwarding is not possible

• The performance of an unchanged TCP degrades severely

– however, TCP cannot be changed fundamentally due to the
large base of installation in the fixed network, TCP for mobility
has to remain compatible
– the basic TCP mechanisms keep the whole Internet together
TCP in Wireless Networks

• Effects of dropped packets

– Node A sends data to Node B (wireless)
• Node B drops some packets randomly
• Node B will ask for retransmissions
• Node A assumes congestion

• Solutions
– Link Layer Solutions
• Make the link layer reliable
• TCP may make performance worse
TCP in Wireless Networks
• Solutions
– Split Connections
• Have two TCP connections, one for the wireless link and one
for the wired link
• Wireless TCP (I-TCP) – split connection protocol with new
mechanisms for rate-based congestion control
• Acknowledgements can arrive at the sender before the
segment reaches the receiver
– New Transport Protocols
• Cross-layer design: Interaction between transport and network
layers to know the reason for packet loss – violate layering
– Wireless Application Protocol
• Upper layer protocols for Wireless Internet
• Based on the Split connections solution
Indirect TCP
• Indirect TCP or I-TCP segments the connection
– no changes to the TCP protocol for hosts connected to the
wired Internet, millions of computers use (variants of) this
– optimized TCP protocol for mobile hosts
– splitting of the TCP connection at, e.g., the foreign agent into 2
TCP connections, no real end-to-end connection any longer
– hosts in the fixed part of the net do not notice the
characteristics of the wireless part
mobile host
access point
(foreign agent) „wired“ Internet

„wireless“ TCP standard TCP

I-TCP socket and state migration

access point1

socket migration
and state transfer Internet

access point2
mobile host
Indirect TCP
• Advantages
– no changes in the fixed network necessary, no changes for the
hosts (TCP protocol) necessary, all current optimizations to TCP
still work
– transmission errors on the wireless link do not propagate into the
fixed network
– simple to control, mobile TCP is used only for one hop between,
e.g., a foreign agent and mobile host
– therefore, a very fast retransmission of packets is possible, the
short delay on the mobile hop is known
• Disadvantages
– loss of end-to-end semantics, an acknowledgement to a sender
does now not any longer mean that a receiver really got a packet,
foreign agents might crash
– higher latency possible due to buffering of data within the foreign
agent and forwarding to a new foreign agent
Wireless Application Protocol - WAP

• Goals
– Build on existing standards
• Internet
• Telecommunications (GSM etc.)
– Industry participation (group experts together)
– Maintain bearer independence
– Maintain device independence

• Requirements
– Ensure interoperability
– Observe market needs
• Ease of use, price sensitivity, tasks, usage patterns
– Observe network needs
• Less bandwidth, more latency, less predictable
– Observe device needs
• Less CPU power, less memory, limited display/input

• Key Elements of WAP

– Programming Model
– Wireless Markup Language (WML)
– Micro-browser for terminal
– WAP Stack
– Wireless Telephony Application (WTA)

WSP: Wireless Session Protocol

WML: Wireless Markup Language

• Wireless Markup Language - WML

– XML based substitute for HTML
– More tightly structured than HTML
– Attributes used in tags to define data types
– Pages are organised into ‘decks’ (like cards)
– WMLScript (subset of JavaScript) client side scripting
language, allows interactive (dynamic) pages
– Programmer has to be much more aware of constraints,
interface and efficiency than on PC based Web pages

• Micro-browser
– Defines how WML should be interpreted on a
particular device
• This could be different depending on the device type
• Many manufacturers have small differences in phone
interfaces (screen size and input etc.)
• But also mobile phone vs. PDA interface
– Code must have small footprint and be efficient

• WTA - Wireless Telephony Applications

– Allows access to call control functions
– Phone book
– Allows WMLScript services that integrate with the
telephony applications
• Example, a forwarding service that has a WAP interface

WAP protocol stack

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