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Life Below Water

What is ‘Life Below Water’?

- In 2015 the U.N. (United Nations) created 17 goals and 169 targets to
complete by 2030. 149 countries agreed to eradicate extreme poverty and to
protect the environment.
- Global goal #14, ‘Life Below Water’ : “Conserve and sustainably use the
oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.” *1
- An issue addressed by global goal #14 is overfishing. Overfishing is depleting
the resources of marine life faster than they can reproduce itself and keeps
small fishermen from gaining a livelihood.

1)At this rate by 2100 more than half marine species may stand on the brink of extinction.

2)Fish is the main daily source of protein for 1.2 billion people. This means that if fish go
extinct there could possibly be a famine issue

3)A common size fishing net for commercial fishing is around the size of 4 football fields
combined. Which means that often many of the fish aren’t what they need and are wasted.
Also 1kg of shrimp can result in 9kg of other marine life wasted.

4)We lost 90% of the population of fish in the last 60 years. If we don’t do anything we could
lose our last 10%.

5)Fish farms use smaller fish for growing their own fish. Also resulting in a reduction of fish.
Linda Davidson WWF
Ma politique

Voici le plan de ma solution:

- 1) I think there should be stricter regulations concerning fishing like higher fines, to deter
individuals from overfishing. I think there should be jobs where people police the commercial
fishermen to make sure they aren’t overfishing. There should be more sanctions on countries
that fish more than scientifically recommended. An example is the blue fin tuna where
scientists recommended 10 000 tons of fish which was a safe amount. Yet the E.U. set the
limit at 29 500 tons. Even then the commercial fishermen fished 61 000 tons of it.
- 2) Secondly fishermen should have smaller fishing nets to avoid getting other marine animals
in them and do target fishing where fishermen fish from areas that don’t have several species
of fish.
- 3) Finally, I think that people should look for food alternatives for sustainable farming
instead of giving them smaller fish like in salmon farms.

Je pense que ma politique est Important car si on

continue de trop pêcher il n’y aura plus de poissons
dans l’océan. Alors les pêcheurs n’auront plus de
boulot, puis il deviendront pauvres!
Le résultat

Si nous suivons cette politique, voici les résultats possibles:

- 1) If we put my first point in place less people are needed to fish

so less people will have jobs but the fact That we need people to
check how much there fishing will make up for that.
- 2) If we do less bycatch less of the fish that are catched will be
wasted and thrown back into the ocean.
- 3) If we find an alternative to feeding the fish in these farms
we’ll be using resources from the oceans more sustainably.
Qu’est qu’on peut faire chaque jour ?

Pour aider à résoudre le problème, nous pouvons faire les

suivants chaque

- Acheter du poisson chez les pêcheurs du coins

- Informer vos amis et relations de la nécessité d’agir
pour protéger les poissons

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