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Intro to IR
• The American Marketing
Association offers a definition of a
What is Brand brand as a ‘name, term, sign,
symbol, or design, or a
combination of them intended to
identify the goods and services of
one seller or group of sellers and
to differentiate them from those
of competition’.
• Lynch and de Chernatony define
brands as clusters of functional
and emotional values that promise
a unique and welcome experience
between a buyer and a seller.
• The nation-brand is defined as the
unique, multi-dimensional blend of
Nation Brand elements that provide the nation
with culturally grounded
differentiation and relevance for all
of its target audiences.
• A nation brand is built on its identity,
promise to the marketplace, its
values, its culture and its people.
• Nation Branding is the practice of
highlighting, encouraging,
reinforcing, communicating and
aligning a nation’s attributes in order
to present the nation in a way that
helps it reach defined strategic goals.
The Importance • Nations that are able to
of a Nation communicate their brand
effectively are often able to create
distinct competitive advantage in
the global marketplace.
• A clearly defined and implemented
nation brand strategy can create a
country of origin effect (‘COO’) –
the ability to add appeal for a
particular good or service by
reference to its origin.
• This effect drives demand and
often a price premium for goods
and services, thus driving economic
value for a nation’s companies.

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