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Group members-
Naureen Shabnam 11907578
Shivani Sharma 11907554
Harshit Chandna 11911510
Introduction and background
• On Dec2,2015 Syed Farook and his wife his co-workers, killed 14
wounded 22.
• FBI recover iPhone 5c from Farook.
• Under AWA Apple has to cooperate with FBI – develop software.
• Criminal investigation, public security and national security.
• Encryption – 265 bits advance encryption standard.
• FBI wanted assistance with auto erase function and electronic passcodes.
• Less secure operating system called “crippled”.
• Apple has to comply with legal orders but this will be not safe for the
Introduction and background
• Software was prohibited under first amendment of US constitution.
• Lost customers , law suits , inferior product etc.
• Apple agued that congress has passed the CALEA for telecommunication
• Technical options available newer version of phone.
• Apple faced public relation dilemma.
• The new software will be having privacy issue.
• CEO faced problem in reformulating policies.
• The secure devices will lead to problem in accessing digital data.
• Auto erase function after 10 unsuccessful passcode attempts, 80 ms.
• Encryption system made passcode guessing impossible.
• Dilemma for the government as the software can be used by criminal.
• Farook phone has a passcode entered by the finger.
• Issue of sale loss and customer will think that they are selling inferior quality
• Confusion among the public .
• Apple should keep the software, and they should not give it to the
• Apple is providing security to its customers.
• FBI wanted to bypass the auto erase function , remove delay and electronic
• Install special software in Farook’s phone with unique key.
• Personal safety and security of person.
• Newer version of iPhones .
• Cooperating with government will allow Apple to manage public relation.
• New legislation should be passed.
OB and Management concepts
• Overuse of the power tool of coercion of leadership tools.
• Management tools.
• Clear vision and future is in place.
• Unexpected changes in the socio-culture and political factor.
• Towards customer perception.
• Towards government perception.
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