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Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis of Yield Related traits of

Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Germplasm.

Introduction Plant Height

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a cereal crop belonging to family Gramineae Plant Height

(Poaceae) and largest growing crop among all cereals. It is also referred as “King of
Cereals”. Wheat is major staple food and third most important crop in terms of
area and production. Wheat has high nutritive value and is competitive source of
energy and supplies 72% of calories and protein. In Pakistan it constitutes 60% of
daily diet of common man and per capita consumption is about 125kg. Over 1.2
billion resource poor people depend on wheat (Lumpkin 2014).
Aim and objective:-
In wheat yield is correlated with many other components. Correlation and path
coefficient analysis determines the direct and indirect effects of yield and yield
related traits. Correlation and path coefficient analysis is prolific in improving yield
by analyzing the association between different components affecting yield. The
aim of this experiment is to find which traits are positively and negatively
correlated with yield and their direct and indirect effects on yield. Also find high
yielding genotype along with broad genetic diversity that can be used for future
improvements in further breeding programs. No of Spikelets
(A):- Genotype KTOH-6 showing highest plant height as compared to
Materials & Methods
genotype 9725.(B):- The genotype 9704 has maximum yield per plant and
The experiment was conducted in the experimental area of College of Agriculture 9740 has minimum YP. (C):- The genotype 9786 has highest biological yield
BZU Bahadur Sub Campus Layyah, at 28-11-2018. Thirty advanced wheat while the genotype 9704 has lowest biological yield. (D):- The genotype
genotypes collected from different research institutes of Punjab were grown using 9736 gives maximum no. of tillers than 9740.
randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The data was
Conclusions & Future Recommendations
recorded for the plant height, number of tillers per plant, spike length, peduncle
length, number of spikelet per plant, biological yield, yield per plant, 1000 grain Correlation and path coefficient analysis reveals the traits association for
weight. any crop.
No.Till No.Spk SpkL PedL BY+ YP
It is concluded that yield per plant is positively correlated with plant height,
number of tiller per plant, biological yield and also with thousand grain
No.Till -0.1535             weight in wheat genotype. These traits are directly correlated with high
No.Spk 0.2585* 0.0325           yield in wheat genotype. ANOVA results showed significant variations
SpkL 0.1996* 0.0467 0.3343**         among all traits in entire genotypes. It is recommended that these
PedL 0.0932 0.0579 0.2886** 0.1319       productive traits should be under consideration when selection is made for
By -0.0203 0.3694** 0.1561 -0.0498 -0.0821     high yield.
YP 0.1172 0.1939 -0.1690 -0.1677 -0.1568 0.2912**  

TGW 0.0102 0.2732** 0.0779 0.0145 0.1341 0.1415 0.1429

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Said Muhammad3, 2017. Potentially toxic elements concentrations and human
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2: Ismail Cakmak & Ellis Hoffland, 2012. Zinc for the improvement of crop
According to correlation analysis table no. of tiller is negatively correlated with production and human health
plant height and no. of spikelet is positively correlated with plant height and no. of 3: Farzana Bashir, M. A. Kashmiri, Tahira Shafiq & M. Tariq (2009) Heavy metals
tillers. Similarly spike length is directly correlated with plant height, no. of tiller and uptake by vegetables growing in sewage irrigated soil: relationship with heavy
no. of spikelet. Likewise plant height, no. tillers, no. spikelet and spike length have metal fractionation in soil, Chemical Speciation & Bioavailability, 21:4, 199-209,
positive direct effect on peduncle length. Biological yield is positively correlated DOI: 10.3184/095422909X12471558119088
with no. tillers and no. of spikelet while plant height, spike length and peduncle 4: Amlan Kr. Ghosh · M. A. Bhatt · H. P. Agrawal, 2011 . Effect of long-term
length have indirect association with biological yield. And yield per plant is application of treated sewage water on heavy metal accumulation in vegetables
positively correlated with plant height, no. tillers and biological yield whereas grown in Northern India
negatively correlated with no. of spikelet, spike length and peduncle length. But
thousand grain weight has positive direct association with plant height, no. of
tillers, no. spikelet, spike length, peduncle length, biological yield and yield per

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