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Stress and

What is normal?

Presented by Robertha Soberanis and Annie Yu

What does stress look like?

● Anger/Frustration ● Stomach issues

● Sweaty palms/feet ● Sweaty palms/feet
● Overexcited ● Trouble concentrating
● Sleeplessness ● Muscle tension
● Restless Thoughts
Stress is Normal
● Stress can be positive and negative
● Stress is a natural response to a challenge. It can make us feel
nervous or even “pumped up.”
● Stress can increase our awareness in difficult or dangerous
● Stress can affect our decision making
● Stress can interfere with how the brain functions and develops

● Anxiety is an intense reaction to stress

● Anxiety doesn’t fade into the distance once the threat
is mediated.
● Anxiety can cause Shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat,
excessive sweating, chest pain
● Causes for anxiety can be environmental or biological
When Stress/anxiety
become a problem
● Missing days in school or poor ● Self-harm including cutting,
school performance picking, burning, biting, or hair
● Avoids friends or pulling
● Loss of interest no motivation ● Suicidal thoughts or actions
● Sleep disturbances ● Constantly irritable
● Chronically anxious or worried ● Manic and risky behaviors
● Bounces between moods of no- ● Feel hopeless/ no control
energy and hyperactivity ● Smoking, taking drugs, or
Eat healthy

● Practice Mindfulness
Other coping skills?
● Drop your shoulders and do a neck roll
● Massage (releases oxytocin)
● Journal or draw
● Forgive yourself
● Take a break from snapchat and/or Instagram
● Talk to someone
● Clean your fridge (find something else to keep you busy)
● If you made a mistake, make an action plan of how you won’t repeat it
● Think about what is going on right in your life
● Jot down three things that worried you in the past that didn’t happen
● Laugh!
What if my feelings get out
of control?
Tell somebody about it!
Parent, counselor, teacher, coach, friend, Social worker, therapist…



● **Don’t hurt yourself

● **Don’t hurt others
● **Don’t destroy other people’s property

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