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What is Culture?

What is Customer Service Culture?

Sugelys Morales
José Muñoz
César Quiel
Carlos Aguilar
Culture consists of the values, beliefs, systems of
language, communication, and practices that people share
and that can be used to define them as a collective. Culture
also includes the material objects that are common to that
group or society.
Organizational Culture

Organizational culture includes an organization’s

expectations, experiences, philosophy, as well as the
values that guide member behavior, and is expressed
in member self-image, inner workings, interactions
with the outside world, and future expectations.
Culture is based on shared attitudes, beliefs, customs,
and written and unwritten rules that have been
developed over time and are considered valid Culture




How is organizational culture
created and communicated?

Business leaders are vital to the creation and communication of their workplace culture. However, the
relationship between leadership and culture is not one-sided. While leaders are the principal
architects of culture, an established culture influences what kind of leadership is possible.
Leaders can create, and be created or influenced by, many different
workplace cultures

• How members of an organization conduct

Person Culture and business, treat employees, customers, and the
Market Culture wider community are strong aspects of person
culture and market culture.

• The extent to which freedom is allowed in

Adaptive Culture and decision making, developing new ideas and
Adhocracy Culture personal expression are vital parts of adaptive
cultures and adhocracy cultures.

Power Culture, Role • How power and information flow through the
organizational hierarchy and system .
Culture, and Hierarchy
• How committed employees are towards
Task Culture and Clan collective objectives
Customer Service Culture

Customer service culture is when a company's efforts are centered around the
*The entire company, even departments that don't normally interact with customers,
are focused on the customer.
*the company places value on each department in order to make sure they're
delivering the best service to their customers all the time.
The Exceptional Customer
Service Program is a cost
effective way to ensure
your customer facing
employees have the
appropriate skills, are
always motivated, capable
and have the support to
deliver exceptional
customer service.
• means something different to
every organization based on
priorities and differentiators. The
key is to clearly define what
YOUR version of being “customer
first” looks like and then adjust or
create processes, operations,
culture, and behaviors that bring
that to life.

“Creating consistently excellent

customer service takes more than just
a great support team”
Richer customer experiences
• Show genuine interest in finding out
what your customers want from your
company, products and services.
(Seek Feedback)
Understanding the employee
• Have a way to immerse his
employee’s so they are proud to be
part of the chain in your business.
• You can establish a vision and
company objectives that emphasize
customer service.

“Brands that make an effort to forge relationships with their customers are
positioned to earn their loyalty”

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