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Law and Morality

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Law : Meaning
• Law, a set of rules
and principles
created and enforced
by the state.

• Laws are created by

formal institution e.g.

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Morals : Meaning
• Morals or ethics is a
study of supreme
• A person's
standards of
behaviour or beliefs
concerning what is
and is not
acceptable for them
to do.
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• Law is ‘What is’

• Morality is ‘What ought to be’

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Distinction : Law and Morality
Law Morality
• Law regulates and controls the • Morality regulates and controls both the
external human conduct. It is not inner motives and the external actions.
concerned with inner motives. A It is concerned with the whole life of
person may be having an evil man.
intention in his or her mind but law • The province of law is thus limited as
does not care for it. compared with that of morality because
• Law will move into action only when law is simply concerned with external
actions and does not take into its fold
this evil intention is translated into
the inner motives.
action and some harm is actually
• Morality condemns a person if he or she
done to another person.
has some evil intentions but laws are
not applicable unless these intentions
are manifested externally.

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Distinction : Law and Morality
Law Morals

• Law is universal in a • Morality is variable. It

particular society. All the changes from person to
individuals are equally person and from age to age.
subjected to it. It does not Every person has his own
change from person to moral principles.
person. • Moral laws lack precision
• Political laws are precise and definiteness as there is
and definite as there is a no authority to make and
regular organ in every state enforce them.
for the formulation of laws.

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Distinction : Law and Morality
Law Morals
• Law is framed and enforced by • Morality is neither framed nor
a determinate political enforced by any political authority. It
does not enjoy the support of the
authority. It enjoys the sanction
state. Breach of moral principles is
of the state. Disobedience of not accompanied by any physical
law is generally followed by punishment.
physical punishment.
• The only check against the breach of
• The fear of punishment acts as morality is social condemnation or
individual conscience. 'Moral actions
a deterrent to the breach of
are a matter of choice of inner
law. conscience of the individual, laws
are a matter of compulsion'.

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Relationship between Law and Morals

• Long union with occasional desertion and

judicial separation.
• Have never been completely divorced.
• Development of law has been profoundly
influenced by morals.

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Relationship between Law and Morals

Morals as the
basis of Law
Morals as the test
of the positive
Morals as the end
of Law

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Moral Morals
considera All human perfect
Law and tions play conduct the Law. If
Morals an and social law is to
act and importan relations remain
react t role cannot be closer to
upon and while regulated the life of
mould making, and the
each interpreti governed people, it
other. ng and by law cannot
exercising alone. ignore

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• Morals are standards of conduct that are
generally accepted as right or wrong.

Our laws are supposed to be a reflection of

the moral values of the majority of our

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• Laws sometimes serve to revive the moral
conscience of the people and create and
maintain such conditions as may encourage
the growth of morality.

• Laws regarding prohibition and spread of

primary education are examples of this nature.

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• Laws on
• Polygamy
• Homosexuality
• Suicide
• Abortion

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