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The first portable

wireless phone
By: Isaac Uribe Betancur
Cell phone history
Previously, during the decades of 50 and 60 there were wireless
mobile telephones, but were not like current ones, but radio - tellers,
which were used only in cars.

Mobile phone or cell phone is one of the inventions that managed to

revolutionize society as a whole and especially communications.
Surely the cell can be considered an icon of modern modernity. The
first cell was invented by Martin Cooper so he is considered the father
of the mobile phone. This electronic engineer was inspired by the Star
Trek series where captain Kirk used a communicator similar to the cell
in some chapters, to communicate. This idea was rounded from a child
to Cooper in the head and then took as a base to develop the cell.
Martin Cooper, the father of the cell
• In 1973 martin, he was with a journalist, walking
through the streets of New York, which was making a
report on this issue of what we now call cellular
teléphones. Cooper, to Astonisher the journalist, made
from a cell phone, a call to engineer Joel Engel, at the
at & T competition. When they answered Cooper on
that first phone call from the cell phone, his "nemesis
in the race for having before all this technology, he
said, "I'm talking to you from my phone, cellphone.
There was a silence on the line. Cooper today, the day
is still pennant that Engel was twisting the courage by
refilling his teeth.
• After that moment, the world truly changed. The
freedom to speak from anywhere was the priority of
Motorola and therefore a phone that seemed to be a
success, on the phone, failed remarkably. Come on, they
put so many restrictions on to talk from the car, which
did it unfunctionally and soon people forgot about this
We change our lives in a way that is the function of
wireless communication is the best advantage offered by
a mobile phone. The ability to communicate by voice,
text and even e - mail has made possible interaction at
any time and human to human through vast geographical

It was the beginning of the

cybernetic era..!

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