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Rangkaian Osilator

A monostable
• A monostable multivibrator, also called a one shot, is an electronic
circuit that generates an output pulse.
• When triggered, a pulse of pre-defined duration is produced. The
circuit then returns to its stable state and produces no more output
until triggered again.
• If repeated application of the input pulse maintains the circuit in the
unstable state, it is called a retriggerable monostable. If further
trigger pulses do not affect the period, the circuit is a non-
retriggerable monostable.
A monostable

An Op-amp monostable
multivibrator (MMV)

The Operation of MMV :

1.The Stable state

2.The Transition state
3.The Timing state
An Op-amp monostable multivibrator

1.The Stable state

1. Vo = +Vsat,
2. The diode D1 clamps the (-) input at +0.6 V
3. The (+) input > the (-) input,  Vo = + Vsat
An Op-amp monostable multivibrator

2. The Transition state

1. When Ei goes negative by a peak value Eip

approximately equal to or greater than VUT,
then V+ < V-,  Vo = - Vsat,
2. The one-shot is now in its timing state,
The time constant RiCi should be 1/10 the
time constant RfC or less
An Op-amp monostable multivibrator
3. The Timing state
The timing state is an unstable state; that is,
the one-shot cannot remain very long in this state

- R1, and R2 feed back a negative voltage (VLT = -2.1 V) to the

(+) input. The diode D1 is now reverse biased by - Vsat and
is essentially an open circuit.
- Capacitor C discharges to 0 and then recharges with a polarity
opposite to that in.
- As C recharges, the (-) input becomes more and more negative
with respect to ground. when the capacitor voltage
is slightly more negative than VLT, Vo, switches to + Vsat.

The one-shot has now completed its output pulse and

is back to the stable state. Since the one-shot has only
one stable state, it is also called a monostable multivibrator,
An Op-amp monostable multivibrator
Duration Of Output Pulse (τ)


Jika R2 = ± 1/5 R1 maka durasi pulsa output adalah,

An Op-amp monostable multivibrator
Duration Of Output Pulse (τ)

Tentukan durasi pulsa output (τ) untuk rangkaian

One-shot di samping ini !,

R2 = 1.8 kΩ, R1 = 10 kΩ  R2 = ± 1/5 R1

Jadi, durasi pulsa output,

An Op-amp monostable multivibrator
Recovery Time

After the timing state is completed, the output returns to +V

sat. However, the circuit is not ready to be retriggered
reliably until C returns to its initial state of 0.6 V.

Because it takes time for C to be discharged from

VLT = -2.1 V to 0.6 V.

This time interval is called recovery time and is shown

in Fig on the right. Recovery time is approximately τ.
An Op-amp monostable multivibrator
Recovery Time
Normally, C is charged back to its initial state by a current through Rf . By adding a discharge
resistor RD in parallel with Rf , the recovery time is reduced. Typically, if RD = 0.1 Rf , recovery time
is reduced to one-tenth. Diode DD prevents RD from affecting the timing-cycle interval 1.
Tugas Rumah,

1.One-shot/Monostable multivibrator (MMV) yang telah

diterangkan di slide sebelumnya merupakan MMV
yang menghasilkan output pulsa negatif, saat
mendapat sinyal input ‘negative-going’. Ubahlah
rangkaian tersebut untuk menghasilkan output pulsa
positif saat mendapat sinyal input ‘positive-going
edge’ ! 
2.Terangkan apa yang dimaksud dengan ‘monostable
recovery time’ !.
3.Rancanglah suatu one-shot multivibrator circuit yang
menghasilkan output pulsa negatif selama 1 ms

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