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The Global Compact in Pakistan

Concept, Process & Partners

Overview of the Global Compact
What it is…
Corporate Citizenship Initiative launched in July
2000 by the UN Secretary General, where he
challenged business leaders to join an international
initiative – the Global Compact.
It is a multi-stakeholder network bringing business
together with UN, government, labour and civil society
to advance responsible corporate citizenship.
It is a framework to facilitate better interaction and
increased partnerships between the public and the
private sectors, with the ultimate objective to promote
and support development.
The Vision and Objectives
The Vision: To establish a more sustainable and
inclusive global economy by fostering a more beneficial
relationship between business and societies.
•Making the Global Compact and its principles part
of business strategy and operations.
•Facilitating cooperation among key stakeholders
and promoting partnerships in support of UN goals
through several mechanisms:
-Learning Platforms
-Local Networks
-Partnership Projects
-Policy Dialogues
Why a “Global Compact”
Business is part of the solution to problems
related to globalization.
As only true global forum, UN is in a unique
position to facilitate cooperation and collective
problem-solving among various stakeholders.
Until now, no real international framework for
promoting corporate citizenship and a global
understanding of “good practices”.
Global Compact is Network
Business Associations;
Civil Society Organizations ;
Academic and public policy institutions
Global Compact Office and four UN Agencies:
Office of the High Commissioner for Human
United Nations Environment Programme
International Labour Organization
United Nations Development Programme
The Nine Principles
The Global Compact is based on nine principles of:
•Human Rights
The Global Compact offers a joint platform for
public and private stakeholders to:
•express their aspirations in pursuit of these
•take joint action, and
•learn on how to practically implement them.
The Nine Principles
Human Rights
Principle 1: Support and respect the protection of
international human rights within their sphere of
influence; and
Principle 2: Make sure their own corporations are not
complicit in human rights abuses.
The Nine Principles
Principle 3: Freedom of association and the effective
recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4: The elimination of all forms of forced and
compulsory labour;
Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect
to employment and occupation.
The Nine Principles
Principle 7: Support a precautionary approach to
environmental challenges;
Principle 8: Undertake initiatives to promote greater
environmental responsibility;
Principle 9: Encourage the development and diffusion
of environmentally friendly technologies.
Benefits of Participation
Benefits of Participation

Producing practical solutions to contemporary

problems related to globalization, corporate
citizenship and sustainable development.

 Rallying around universal principles and

responsible corporate citizenship to make the
economy more sustainable and inclusive.
Benefits of Participation
Leveraging the UN’s global reach and
convening power with the government,
business, labour, civil society, and other
Sharing good practices and learnings.
Accessing the UN’s broad knowledge in
development issues and its practical reach.
Help build trust.
The Process…
Leadership… Need Critical Mass of Business
leaders to sustain the movement

The UN system in Pakistan recognizes that the

business sector has much to offer to the cause
of sustainable human development and inclusive
global economy.
Also, it will engage with the business sector
and other stakeholders both as a
•Broker/facilitator, and
Awareness… utilize forums to foster public

Media plays a critical role in advocating and

raising awareness amongst the general public.

A media launch was held in Islamabad on 15

May 2003, where the media was invited to
mobilize support for Global Compact.
Learning … the CEO and board as champions
To launch the Global Compact, key
stakeholders in the business community, labour,
government, academia, development actors and
media need to be consulted.

A core group of champions – The Global

Compact Steering Board – will, with UN
facilitation, guide, support and grow this
The Partners… Lead in the spirit of
the Global Compact Principles at the
Country Level
The Global Compact Steering Board –at
the country level

Individual Companies.
Business Associations.
Civil Society/Non-governmental organizations.
Academic & Public Policy Institutions.
United Nations.
Steering Board… Objectives
The Steering Board shall ensure that the Global
Compact initiative:
•Is based on a consultative process involving
all the key partners;
•It shall encourage national counterparts to
subscribe to the GC principles;
•Translate the engagement into concrete
•Foster learning among all stakeholders.
Steering Board… More Specific Objectives
 Bring together business, government, academics, labour
and civil society to:
-Establish institutional mechanisms, such as a National
Policy Dialogues and Partnership Forum,
-Facilitate dialogue and learning from/by all the concerned
-Advocate on national development challenges/priorities
where the business sector could contribute;
-Initiate and promote public-private partnership projects,
and facilitate corresponding mobilization of resources;
-Facilitate regular interaction among the stakeholders of
the GC initiative, including government, private sector and
civil society.
Thank you!

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