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Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations

& World Languages

Theme: “Family” in different


Done by: S.Zholdasova., A. Usmanova.,


Main part:
1. The etymology of concept “Family”
2. Traditions and rituals connected with family in different culture
3. Phrases and metaphores with family

'Family' is a single word, with many different

meanings. People have many ways of defining a
family and what being a part of a family means to
them. Families differ in terms of economic, cultural,
social, and many other facets, but what every family
has in common is that the people who call it a family
are making clear that those people are important in
some way to the person calling them his family.
The etymology of concept “Family”
Social theorists have questioned the nature of
family since the ancient times. "Love and the
Formations of Family" discusses Sigmund
Freud's concept of the family as a comprehensive
social unit formed by physical, biological, emotional,
and economic necessities. "Myth of the Perfect
Family" introduces the cultural myth of the perfect
family, then counters the idea with a survey of
diverse family structures. "Blended Families' and
Other Euphemisms" provides a personal account
of the increasingly common reshaping and melding
of families through divorce and remarriage.
Traditions and rituals connected with
family in different culture

Kazakhstan USA
a lot of custom don't stick to tradition
Kalyn Raise children strictly Give personal space
mal Kinship is of great Kinship does not have an
importance for the Kazakhs important role in their life
Shilde Parents do not give a chance Parents respect the choice of
hana to be independent their children

From childhood they teach they just respect

children to love their
Having a place to go — is a home. Having someone to love
— is a family. Having both — is a blessing. 
– Donna Hedges
Family Metaphor
The family creates a personality, but it can also destroy it. The family can both strengthen and
undermine the mental health of members. The better the family, the better the upbringing of the child,
the better his moral qualities. Parents are the very first educators, it is in their hands that the child’s
health, his mental state, his traits and qualitiesAnd even the way a person will go, how he will build his
career and future family, also depends on the upbringing given to him in the family.
Reference :

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