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Prachiti P. Gaikwad

Welingkar Institue of Management
Development & Research
We Tube Newswire
1.Behavioral Interview- By Prof Princey
Mehta 1.Importance of performance Appraisal.
2.New Product Development- By Prof 2.Can everyone be innovative?
Mangesh Borse
3.Over 10%indians lie in their resume1
3.Process of making Wine- By Prof.
Kaustubh Kulkarni 4.Here's why snapchat is so addictive
4.Corporate Ethics -By Prof Suruchi Yadav 5.6 cs to help you crack a job interview
5.Handling Criticism with Grace - Prof.
5. 6.7 ways the best leaders manage their
time and get things done
7.5 habits that change managers into
great leaders
We Lounge 8.25 Time management hacks that
1. Dr. Vinay Gopal Nayak actually work
2. Mr. Prashant Nair Global 9.What is a formal team and types of
Head HR formal teams?
3. Mr. Dhananjay Edhakhe How to dress for a job interview.
 A job interviewing technique whereby the applicant is
asked to describe past behavior in order to determine
whether she is suitable for a position. 

 Behavioral interview means interviewing the interviewee

on how he acted in specific employment-related
situations. This idea about his past behavior predictions
can be used for his future aspects of his ability to learn, his
personality and attitude.

 Behavior competency is used to enhance the competency

of employees at all the positions in the organization for
smoother transition of workflow

 On the whole  behavior competency is the kind of skill set

that an individual should have so that he or she can meet
the goals of the organization.
The interviewer should effectively conduct a systematic
behavioral interview such as:
 To eliminate subjective judgment on candidates.
 To Methodically evaluate each answer.
 To Identify prospect candidates regardless of their
technical skills
These interviewing techniques are often used to evaluate a
candidate's key competencies, particularly when it is hard to
select on the basis of technical merit.
 Candidate applies competence in very difficult situations or
barely difficult situation or in a very simply situation. It can
evaluated through Business intellectual, Customer service ,
team work , time management etc.
Easy implementation:
 Once you make a list of all the sample questions
for each required job competency, it will be easy to implement.
 Research has shown that behavior-based interviewing is considered
more valid than other interviewing methods. It is able to predict a
candidate’s potential for success in a more accurate way.
 Well structured:
 Questions can be well organized and planned in advance. A more
objective rating will be possible and it can
make the whole process more efficient, consistent and
 If you have an effective hiring process in place, it
will give you more confidence in your ability to spot
top talents and by making the right hiring decision.
New product development (NPD) is the complete process of
bringing a new product to the market till its consumption &
feedback from the end user of the business chain can be used
for further development of the same product or used for the
advancements in next product .
Product development may also involve modification of an
existing product or its presentation, that satisfies a newly
defined customer wants or market niche.
A product developed may replaces an existing product or can be
an competition which significantly broaden the market and
increase people choices.
1. Generating IDEA
2. Screening The Idea.
3. Testing The Concept.
4. Business Analytics.
5. Market Tests.
6. Product Development.
7. Commercialization
8. Post Launch Review and
Perfect Pricing.
Why develop New Product ?
To create stars and cash cows for the future
 To replace declining product
To take advantage of new technology
To defeat rivals
To maintain/increase market share
To keep up with rivals
To maintain competitive advantage
To fill gap in the market
It helps retain customers and helps in meeting the
markets needs and expectation of the existing customers.
Developing a existing product needs innovative ideas and
helps a creative surrounding.

No new product was invented in the late centuries until
there was a compulsory need for it yet again it has been
developed by reference to the old existing or ancient
designs and ideas which was stuck within a sheet of
There are over 10,000 varieties of wine grapes in the
world. Many of these varieties have been developed
by using grafting and other methods to produce
new hybrids. Often, certain types
of grapes are popular in
certain countries.
The top 3 major wine regions
of the world are France, Italy
and Spain. They produce almost half of all the wine
produced in the world. To help you wrap your brain
around the sheer volume of wine they produce.
 Harvesting or picking is the first step in the actual wine making process. The harvesters are
harvesting the grapes at the precise time.

Crushing and Pressing.

 The grapes are being crushed and pressed by mechanical presses that become grape juice magical

 The fermentation is a process where the sugar is converting to alcohol

 Once fermentation is complete, clarification begins. Clarification is the process in which solids
such as dead yeast cells, tannins, and proteins are removed. Wine is transferred or “racked” into a
different vessel such as an oak barrel or a stainless steel tank. Wine can then be clarified through

Aging and bottling.

 Aging and bottling is the final stage of the wine making process. A wine maker has two options:
bottle the wine right away or give the wine additional aging. Further aging can be done in the
bottles, stainless steel tanks, or oak barrels.
Reduces Heart-Attack Risk
 Moderate drinkers suffering from high blood pressure are 30% less likely to have
a heart attack than nondrinkers
Lowers Risk of Heart Disease
 Red-wine tannins contain procyanidins, which protect against heart disease.
Wines from Sardinia and southwest France have more procyanidins than other
Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes
 Moderate drinkers have 30 percent less risk than nondrinkers of developing type
2 diabetes.
Lowers Risk of Stroke
 The possibility of suffering a blood clot–related stroke drops by about 50 percent
in people who consume moderate amounts of alcohol.
Cuts Risk of Cataracts
 Moderate drinkers are 32 percent less likely to get cataracts than nondrinkers;
those who consume wine are 43 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those
drinking mainly beer.
Corporate Ethics
What is Ethics?
“Ethics is about the theory of right of song not about the
practice application of these principles. This is the area of
“Ethics involves the values that a person seek to express in a
certain situation, moral the way he or she said sets out to
achieve this.”
What is corporate Ethics?
Business ethics (also known as corporate ethics) is
a form of applied ethics  or professional ethics that
examines ethical principles and moral or ethical
problems that arise in a business environment. It
applies to all aspects of business conduct and is
relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire
These ethics originate from individuals,
organizational statements or from the legal system.
These norms, values, ethical, and unethical practices
are what is used to guide business. They help those
businesses maintain a better connection with their
Importance of Ethics in Business

The public expects a high level of ethical behaviour from the business organisations.
Doing the right thing, do no harm and good to all are the Expectations of general public
from business.

Image: An ethical organisation commands trust and respect of all its stakeholders. The
organisation bulls and ethical image for itself.
Pride of best companies: The ethically managed company’s command respect from
public as well as government organisations. The company policies with regards to profit
sharing bonuses, social responsibility, balance of work and social life are quoted.
Part of society: Business is a part of society. Whatever ethical principles apply in society
applied to business. Example if a company in deliberately evades tax payments the
company is treated unethical.
Costs: Deterioration of relationships, and damage to reputation and reduction of
employee productivity, loyalty that come out of unethical practices cost companies. An
uncaring employers will find it difficult to employ good professions for his business.
Trust of employees: High level of morale and productivity can be easily obtained in
companies that treat their all Employees with equality, encourage good team and work
culture, and with tickle practices. Employees get satisfaction in ethically and socially
responsible companies.

What is criticism?
Criticism is an evaluative or corrective exercise that can occur in
any area of human life. Criticism can therefore take many
different forms . How exactly people
go about criticizing, can vary a great deal.
In specific areas of human
endeavour, the form of criticism can
be highly specialized and technical; it often
requires professional knowledge to understand the criticism.
Criticism is often presented as something unpleasant, but
sometimes, that may not be the case. There are also friendly
criticisms, amicably discussed, and some people find great
pleasure in criticism
Common ways to respond is by feeling disappointed or holding
a grudge against them but it can also be taken friendly and a
way to improve ourselves.

Criticisms can be taken positively also such as :

 Listen up. Figure out whether the criticism is constructive or
simply rude.
 Respond calmly. Be respectful no matter what, and thank
someone if the feedback is useful.
 Don't take it personally.
 Manage stress.
 Keep on moving on.

Firstly we need to accept that this world is of different culture
and different kind of people .
We need to accept the daily challenges and shouldn’t forget
our main goals.
People around us now a days criticize in both positive and
negative manner .
Positive criticism can he taken as a compliment for our work
whereas negative criticism can be taken as a motivation to
improve ourselves . Some unwanted comments can be
ignored by all means.
By doing so we keep ourselves happy and calm and we can
also find ways to improve ourselves without being rude to
others .
1)Importance of performance Appraisal
A “Performance appraisal” is a process of
evaluating an employee’s performance of a
job in terms of its requirements.
Performance appraisal is the step where
the management finds out how effective it
has been at hiring and placing employees.
It is the approach to the management of
people using performance, planned goals
and objectives, measurement, feedback
and recognition to motivate people to
realize their maximum potential.
 To review the performance of the employees.
To judge the gap between the actual and the desired
 To help the management in exercising
organizational control.
To diagnose the training and
development needs of the future.
The main importance of performance appraisal is that it
enables the employee to have a rare one-on-one session
with his superior; these sessions address issues that might
otherwise not be addressed.
 If conducted properly, it has almost universally been
reported to be a very beneficial experience.
Performance Appraisal information is used to find out
whether an employee requires additional training and
Performance appraisal is a way of finding out which
employee should be given a promotion. Past appraisals,
together with other background data, will
enable management to select proper persons for
Innovation is the implementation of new ideas at
the individual, group or organizational level.
Innovation isn’t just about creativity and vision.
There are other qualities needed in order for
innovation to be truly effective. Not only do
innovators have to be able to separate the good
ideas from the impractical or ineffective, they
have to have the will to make those ideas come to
life and revolutionize society—a process that is
sometimes an uphill battle involving trial and
Innovative minds exist at all levels of an
organization, but they don’t always have the
power to make their ideas an organizational
Many Minds, Many Ideas
When you ask most people whose responsibility
innovation is, the answer is typically “everyone”.
Many minds means many ideas, and people who are
contributing toward a larger goal within the company
are likely to be more engaged than those who simply
show up, do their work, and go home.
Can Everyone Innovate?
Though many people agree that anybody can innovate, that
still leaves the question of whether everyone can.
Innovation requires a lot of different components to
succeed. In addition to “skill combined with will”,
innovators need good ideas, discipline, the right timing,
enough resources, and the support of the organization
They have to have the time and headspace necessary for
creativity, and have a vision they’re working toward.
They also have to have enough patience to get through what
can ultimately be a long and difficult road.
So can everyone innovate? Probably not. Not everyone has
the desire or curiosity to explore novel ideas and solve
problems—they’d rather work with what’s in front of them.
Out of the total people giving wrong information, almost
10 percent of them report faking about completing a
course, 5 percent report about fake universities, and the
majority of discrepancies, almost 50 percent are found in
documents submitted by the candidates

More than ten percent of the Indians lie about their

education, residence and criminal records in their resume
while applying for jobs, as per the data collected by global
screening agency,
Purushotam Savlani, SVP and Managing Director of
First Advantage said, "In India, background screening
is done only by IT industries, finance firms and banks.
Off late, we have also seen traction developing in
sectors like hospitality and manufacturing."
However, this number is quite low when compared to
foreign countries which can be due to the weak
checking mechanism.
Background screening is a concept in India, but isn't
followed much which results in people giving fake
Researchers found that the interest and
popularity of Snapchat goes beyond just its
Snapchat may provide the perfect medium for
maintaining relationships with close friends
without the pressure to present one self in
extraordinary form, say scientists who delved
into why people use the addictive social
platform which allows short, quick posts.
However, researchers found that the interest
and popularity of Snapchat goes beyond just its
"People use Snapchat a lot because of its entertainment and
functional needs," said J J Delacruz, graduate student at Texas Tech
University in the US.
For certain people, it enables them to overcome communication
apprehension (anxiety or fear ) by using a different means of
communication where they don't have a threat in their face. At the
same time, there are people who are addicted to it," said Delacruz.
People using Snapchat felt much more trustworthy with how they
shared content with others.
Since the content disappears quickly, users are able to share their
lives and do not feel the pressure to present themselves in any
extraordinary form - they can just be their normal, real self.
Delacruz said Snapchat is not the preferred social media platform
for starting a new relationship.
However, it is an optimal platform for those with whom the user
already has a relationship, and therefore do not have to impress in
their post. It is used to maintain relationships and establish trust
between users.
At the same time, Snapchat seems to
change faster than other social
media platforms, adding things like
filters that Facebook and Instagram
later added as well.
"It takes away the pressure of
coming up with a great message or
great topic, or coming up with a way
to present yourself that is socially
acceptable," Delacruz said.
According to a report published by IRIS Knowledge Foundation in
collaboration with UN-Habitat, every third person in India, a
country of 1.3 bn people, will be one of the youth, making it the
youngest country in the world by 2020.
As the workforce increases in volume, every individual will have to
compete with their peers in order to stand out from others in the
talent pool.
Therefore, in order to crack that dream job, the process of
approaching the right company, understanding their needs and
communicating effectively in the interview matters more than just
the knowledge that the candidate may have.
Most candidates get baffled and emotionally let down in their
struggle to stay afloat through the stormy waters of employment.
However, here are a few tips that will help potential candidates
upscale their quality of interactions with prospective employers
and support them to sail through successfully.
 Content: Resumes are a platform for candidates to showcase their
past responsibilities, educational and work credentials, and
achievements. With a short and succinct resume that is relevant to
the job that one is applying for, it is possible to crack any career
 Clarity: Clarity is the result of preparation. Before attending an
interview, the candidate must take some time to make a list of
questions and respective answers covering past responsibilities,
how will he/she add value to the company and what are the future
goals that he/she is striving for?
 Confidence: Once the candidate have clarity, the other element
that the candidate need is confidence. Confidence can win 80% of
the battle as most employers look for candidates who can represent
them across all forms of business in the market.
 Communication: Communication comprises both verbal and non-verbal
interactions. While verbal communication consists of diction, language
fluency and choice of words. Nonverbal communication includes body
language, appearance, voice and energy levels among other such
intangible aspects.
 Conviction: The first step towards convincing someone else that you are
the right hire is to be convinced yourself.
 Contact: Once the interview is over, it is of utmost importance for a
candidate to be in touch with the company and follow up about the
interaction. Something as simple as an email thanking them for their time
and conveying that their response is awaited can go miles in establishing
one’s proactive and courteous character. While constant follow-ups are
not advisable, gentle reminders once every two weeks could go a long way.
Conclusion: There is hardly a formula that guarantees success in
cracking every interview, but these pointers are ideal for each
candidate to follow. In this fast-paced world where many potential
candidates are competing for the same position, these 6 Cs can help set
one stand-out as well as outstand from the rest of the talent pool.
Advice from one of the greatest productivity experts, David Allen.
Follow a system: GTD( Getting things done) is a productivity system that
has been used by millions and can be used for every part of your life, not
just your career. Good habits allow you to focus on the things that matter
and most importantly, allow you to forget about the things that don't.
You need space, not time: If you ever find yourself thinking that there
needs to be more time in the day, then that's a good sign you're not as
productive as you think you can be. . If you're in a chaotic workplace, you
should try to figure out ways to get more space instead of more time. If
you can arrange a work from home day or block off 4 hours on your
calendar and have the luxury of an office
Stop blaming yourself as a victim: The victim has a mindset of can’t and
the leader has a mindset of can. The leader understands the essence of
genius is simplicity.
 Address the fear of being out of control: “Control is the master
addiction. Letting go of it is extremely important,". "The reason most
people postpone their work, is that people don't know where to start.
You don't need to know what you're going to paint exactly to start, but
you do need a basic coat to get started.
 Write ten things that are on your mind and write it down: Write it
down, then go through each one of them and figure out what is the
next action you need to take. Write down the decision and execute
those action steps.
 Keep it short and simple: Good managers just beat around the bush,
great managers keep it short and simple. Successful leaders know the
importance of time and value it. 
 You need four hours of uninterrupted time to do creative work: You
need fresh energy.
Want to be a leader instead of a manager? Start with
these habits.
Difference between management and Leadership
Management: The manipulation of others for your
own success. It is the process of dealing with or
controlling things or people.

Leadership: The action of leading a group of people

or an organization, or the ability to do this. Serving
and empowering the lives that have been entrusted to you
Here are five habits that can help change managers
into leaders.
 Find a Purpose Beyond Money: While there is no
question that money is important in life, one of the best
ways to make a leap towards being a leader is to find a
true purpose in your work beyond money. If the only
reason you go to work is for money, your people will
know and you will never make the leap to serve.
 Stop Making Excuses: One should stop giving excuses if
he/she wants to be a great leader. Every quarter is
important and every day is important. One should think
“I don't care what the circumstance eliminate your
excuses, take responsibility and put in the work”
 Give and Serve Outside of Work: I don't mean to give
financially, I mean give your time. Winston Churchill
famously said "We make a living by what we get. We
make a life by what we give.“
 Focus on Your Example: Leading by example
encompasses all your actions, from what time you show
up at the office, how much vacation you take, wht you
wear , to the moral & ethical decision s you make both at
home and work.
8)25 TIME
management HACKS
is a skill that everyone shouldTHAT
as possible, it can be
strengthened at any time. And you can start by reviewing these 25 time
management hacks.
Create a To-Do-List: Do you have an overwhelming number of tasks? Then a to-do
list is an ideal way to organize your thoughts and tasks. Crossing off those
completed tasks one by one is immensely satisfying as well.
Schedule Your Day: Plan your entire day first thing in the morning. This includes
everything from tasks like checking emails to hosting meetings to the travel time of
your daily commute.
Use a Calendar App: Keeping all of your appointments in your head is ineffective.
That's why the most successful people use calendar tools.
Controlled Cheating: After you've have worked for 25 minute periods take a 15-30
minute break. Then begin again, 25 minutes of work/ 3-5 minute break, with a
longer break every four periods. You do this until you've completed your task or work
for the day.
Get Up Earlier:I t's much nicer - and less stressful - to wake-up before everyone else
and start tackling your day.
Exercise: Exercise helps with time management. Take a new
perspective and use exercise as a time management technique!
Physical activity improves energy levels, increases productivity
and promotes better sleep quality.
Keep Your Calendar Clear: Don't expect everyone to know
your schedule. And, to be honest, they probably don't care what
your schedule is like.
Conduct a Weekly Review of the Week :Conducting a weekly
review is an excellent time management habit to develop.
Don't Get Discouraged Over Wasted Time :Interruptions are
bound to happen. Don't let talking to your bestie for 20 minutes
make you feel you've ruined your productivity for the day.
Turn Off Email Notifications :Staying on top of your emails is
important and you need to respond to them in a timely manner.
However, that doesn't mean you have to respond immediately.
Stop Procrastinating: Stop putting off that task you've
been dreading and do it now!
Take Five Minutes: Take five minutes prior to any call or
task to decide what result you want to attain.
Stop Multitasking :Multitasking is wasteful and
Get Easy Wins Right Away :Tackling the hardest tasks is
an excellent time management hack. But, sometimes you
need to get an easy win by completing a smaller, easier task.
De-clutter and Organize :Clutter adds stress to your life
and draws our attention away to the task at hand
Pause :Taking "pauses" not only boosts productivity, it decreases stress. "It just
makes a difference to how the rest of your day goes."
Break Large Projects Into Smaller Tasks :Breaking large tasks down into smaller,
manageable tasks.
Don't Get Pushed Around By "Time Bullies“:These are the people that invade
your time - whether if it's at home or in the office. For example, it's the client that
interrupts your vacation with frequency calls or emails. Or the kids that burst into
your home office during working hours. Don't let these bullies push you around.
Schedule Your Work in Batches: Batching your work makes it easier to focus on
one thing at a time and get more done because you aren't constantly having to
switch gears.
Learn Shortcuts
Set Deadlines For Everything :Giving deadlines to yourself is a tried and true way
to keep you on track
Delegate or Outsource
Get Creative
End Your Day on a Good Note :Review your day. What did you miss out on?
Determine the reasoning behind it so that you won't make the same mistakes again.
 A teamISisAaFORMAL
individuals OF FORMAL
selected TEAMS?
and united
over an undertaking or goal. A successful team funnels
the ability of members for the all-around good of the
organization. Managers in each workplace speak about
building the team, working as a team and my team,
but very few of them are familiar with the experiences
generated from teams and the effectiveness that work
teams bring forth in handling tasks assigned to them.
Types of formal teams
Command team :These type of formal teams are often formed within the
organization and particularly within singular departments.  They comprise of the
departmental manager and a team of employees under the manager’s authority.
This team often has employees reporting to a single manager, and they work
together under the supervision of the manager to achieve a common goal.
Task forces :Task forces are often created to tackle specific issues that are critical
to the organization. These teams are usually formed on a temporary basis until a
solution to the arising situation is found.
Committees : Committees are a type of formal work teams established by the
management to perform an ongoing specific organizational task. Committees,
unlike task forces, are often long term.
Formal teams can be formed anywhere anytime provided there is a need. You
just need to understand what type of team you should build the procedure for
creating that team and ensure that it works efficiently in producing results that
are beneficial to the organization.
A wise man once said, “You cannot climb the ladder of success dressed in
the costume of failure.”
Your attire is the first thing people notice when you walk
into an interview. This makes it absolutely essential that you
dress properly when you present yourself to the selection
board. In fact, it will be expected of you to dress well for the
interaction. A scruffy, messy or ungroomed look is
guaranteed to earn you negative marks.
The other thing to keep in mind is to look the part. Different
sectors have different dress codes, which complicates
matters when it comes to finalizing one’s interview
Creative jobs, for instance, have a much more relaxed dress
code than the corporate sector. Some individual companies,
too, have their own dress codes and what you wear is often
used as a yardstick by interviewers to assess how familiar
you are with the culture of the company and whether you’d
be a good fit.
The bottom line is there is no overarching directive when it
comes to dressing for an interview. It really depends on a
number of variables like the industry, company, department
and the position you are applying for.
However, there are a few ground rules which exist that are
non-negotiable. Those would include a well-groomed
appearance, no body odour, clean, sharply pressed and well-
fitted clothes, short nails, brushed hair and polished shoes.
Interview Wardrobe Dos and Don’ts

  Stick to business-professional looks.

Those who dress inappropriately or too informal can be
seen as having a more casual attitude toward work and
 If you aren’t comfortable in your outfit, that will come
across in an interview.
Check out the office attire prior to showing up for the
interview. If everyone at the office is wearing shorts and you
arrive in a suit, you won’t fit in.
When in doubt, bring a jacket and carry it with you. You
can throw it on if you need a more formal look or leave it
off to be casual.
 Dr. Vinay Gopal Nayak, is an MSC and PhD in Chemistry. He is a
pharmaceutical professional with technical background who has
worked with Organizations such as Cipla, Lupin, Watson & Alembic .
He is specialized in the areas of Manufacturing, Quality, R&D,
Compliance and Regulatory Affairs both for API and finished dosage
form manufacturing. In a career span of 30 years he has provided
leadership to the above organizations rise to become global leaders in
their specialized segments.
 Dr. Nayak has successfully handled international regulatory
inspections with good leadership and sound technical knowledge.
 In the past 10 years, he has worked in senior position of President
Technical Operations at Watson & Alembic . In these years,
manufacturing operations at these organizations have been expanded
 His strength/ expertise involves selecting good teams, grooming them
and meeting organizational expectations all these years.
 Apart from plant expansions and capacity enhancements, he has given
the organizations very sound Quality systems which are capable of
standing up to very tough regulatory inspections of recent years. As
team player in each organization he was capable of filing innovative
ANDA and DMF products all these years through efficient Regulatory
 The other area of expertise has been useful is to outsource key products
in situations for capacity release in existing plants to make space for
new approved products.
 Dr. Nayak Hold a great respect in the Quality circle of Pharmaceutical
and Health care Industry, and also a Life Member of IPA of board of
Parma Journal.
 Being scientific member of IPC & Advisory board member of USP and
also member board studies in Chemistry of Mumbai University.
 He shared his experience when he was in Lupin. He spoke on FDA
Audit and explained about Industrial Norms require for Audit, he
explained and trained, how to face the audit in Pharmaceutical
Industry. He explained why he joined the Lupin, he spoke that time
Lupin was not financially doing well that time they had invested
money in real estate business and they suffered huge loss. That time
he joined Lupin and he give reason he wanted make his name as
turnaround guy for every company. Developed new culture work in
Lupin, He used his skill and technique and developed the laboratory
in to higher and facility with minimum expense.

 As per him in next 5 years India will play major role in Pharma
Industry as now days India is developing the Automation,
maturation, and also developing in the IT sector, India would be in
good position in Pharma Industry in next few years.

Prasanth Nair Global Head - HR, Cipla
Dr. Prasanth, holds a Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering
from Calicut University and is a fellow (equivalent to doctorate) of the
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad. He started his career in
the engineering field with GEC Alsthom India Limited. Post his
Doctoral studies, he had been associated with the Human Resources
function in the RPG Group and Wockhardt. He also headed the
Human Resources function and Insurance distribution business for
Thomas Cook India Limited.
 Mr. Prasanth started his fellowship with IIM Ahmedabad. He enjoyed
meeting different people at IIM apart from rigorous academics. Very
early in his career stage he realized importance of people and getting
along with them. He developed interest in HR as he realized how an
HR professional can make difference in the life of people.
While speaking about the evolution of HR, he mentioned Hr.
role has evolved from administrative role to analytical role of
Most important role of Hr. is to be medium between Business
and People. He adds that primary role of HR. should be
connecting with people addressing their problems. HR should
take responsibility for the people issues in the organization.
 Talking about employee working styles and work ethics in
different countries he explains that culture varies from place to
place hence the differences can be easily managed if we are
aware of the differences.
While talking about selecting HR as a profession he says take up Hr.
as a profession if only you are interested in taking it. They should
have basic interest in working with people for the people. Taking
about frequent job switches by young generation Mr. Prasanth says
that organization should itself be more creative in employee
retention as the new generation is very career aspirant.
He advises to an individual not to jump for salary hike but jump for
value adds to your skills and abilities. Speaking about work life
balance he prefers keeping off work on weekends. He adds work life
balance is most important to keep you mentally stable. As a final
message in his discussion he mentions importantly that everyone
should be happy, keep inspirations and passions in life to look
Mr. Dhananjay Edakhe
 He has mastered the art of working on innovative technology in the
sphere of agriculture inputs,& in conjunction with it raising business
start-up operations to the next level. Working successfully in B-2-B & B-
2-C model business in agri-business sector in India & SEA countries
over a period of more than twenty seven years are his core expertise.
 He has a successful track record of achieving extraordinary results in
the spectrum of Agri-Inputs Sales & BD majorly in Crop nutrition
domain ( Chem Fertilisers, Sp Fertilisers, Bio-fert . , Bio nutrition) Crop
protection (–Biologicals) & partly Seeds (F & V crops). He played an
instrumental role in efficaciously establishing usage Bio-Yield Enhancer
(Mycorrhizal inputs,) in India. Prior to that launched premium range of
biological inputs in western region of India lucratively. He has been
instrumental in creating & successfully establishing a business vertical
called “ PlantbiotiX “ (Probiotics for Plants) for Zytex Biotech Pvt Ltd
Mumbai, Spearheading it in India & also working on evolving a global
footprint for it in targeted potential markets across such as SEA ,
Middle East and African countries 
Dhananjay has worked with a range of leading companies in
Ag-business sphere, from across the globe and held several
business leadership positions. Alongside he has been widely
recognized in the industry for his strategic thinking and an
impeccable execution. He reinvented himself to emerge as a

Dhananjay has created unparalleled networking with Ag

professionals in India and globally. Been featured as a "Bio-Ag
industry Thought leader" at leading management institutions,
Agri-business schools, sharing his personal story, insights on
business management in an engaging manner about Ag-
business and encouraging apprentices all over India.

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