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Reading Instruction Through

Neuro-Scientific Research
“How the Special Education Brain
By David Sousa
• Overview of the Brain and Reading
• Reading Disabilities/Struggling Reader
• Emotion factor
• Adaptations
• Differentiation
It is not like Spoken Language
• Reading is not a natural ability. There are
no areas of the brain that specialize in
• To read the brain must recruit regions that
are specialized for other purposes.
• Reading is the most difficult task a young
brain undertakes.
Before They Learn to Read…
• Acquire vocabulary by listening to others
• Practice pronunciation and usage of new
words in conversations.
• Children with language impairments are at
risk for problems with reading.
Two Operations
1. Decoding=student needs phonemic
awareness, understand phonics,
adequate vocabulary (mental lexicon)

2. Comprehend=student needs to know

what the words in the lexicon mean
(vocab) and be able to decode with
reasonable fluency.
Three Neural Systems
1. Visual-processing system
2. Auditory-processing system
3. Executive system
Causes of Reading Disabilities
• Social

• Cultural

• Physical
Physical Causes
Linguistic Causes-
1. Phonological deficits
2. Differences between auditory and visual
processing speeds
3. Structural differences in the brain
4. Working memory deficits
5. Genetic defects
6. Brain lesions
7. Word blindness
Physical Causes
• Nonlinguistic Causes
1. Poor perception of sequential sounds
2. Inability to discriminate certain sound
3. Inability to detect sounds from
background noise
4. Deficits in the cerebellum-poor motor
Brain Imaging
• Studies have revealed differences in both
structure and function of the brains with
dyslexia compared to typical brains.
• These studies may lead to more accurate
diagnosis and treatment.
Detecting Reading Problems
• Not an easy task
• Early signs of problems with spoken
language delays
• Early signs of difficulties with spoken
• Failure to respond to reading interventions
in grades one and two
Indicators of Dyslexia
• Difficulty recognizing written words
• Difficulty rhyming or sequencing syllables
• Difficulty determining the meaning or main idea
of a simple sentence
• Poor sequencing of letters or numbers
• Difficulty with encoding words-spelling
• Delayed spoken language
• Difficulty with handwriting
• Difficulty in expressing thoughts verbally
• Possible family history of dyslexia
Rewire Brains
• Studies have demonstrated that with intensive
work it is possible to rewire the brains of children
with dyslexia.
• The brains resemble typical brains when reading
after the intensive work is finished.
• Commercial computer games are available for
struggling readers with this research as its base.
(Earobics, Fast forWord and Lindamood
Phoneme Sequencing Progam)
Programs Showing Significant
• Reading Recovery
• Success for All
• Read 180 Program
Good Reading Programs
• Phonemic awareness
• Phonics
• Vocabulary
• Comprehension
• Fluency
• Instructional methods-explicit and direct
instruction, scaffolding strategies, targeted
practice and high quality feedback
Increase Reading Achievement
Kids need…
• to read a lot
• access engaging classroom and school library media
center collections
• choice in selecting books appropriate to their
independent reading levels
• to be Read aloud to every day
• positive reading role models
• engage in a variety of reading activities every day
• talk to others about what reading
• quality teachers and high-quality instruction
Robert Sylwester
• Emotion

• Attention

• Learning
Memory Weigh It Multiple
Lanes Intelligences
What is your decision making process?
How will you assess and evaluate students?

Say It
•What is your essential question? What Lifeline
Are students •How will you “hook” your students do students
emotionally? need to practice?
ready for •What strategies or tools will you use for
instruction? instruction?

Who? Which of the

What? When?
What level of
Relay It Where? Why? Play It
will be used?
Bloom’s will be How?
demonstrated? What products or activities What collaboration structures
best support students’ practice
will students use to
demonstrate their and or collaboration about the
skill, content, or standard?
understanding of the skill,
content, or standard?

Do they need to Which

move? collaboration
structure will be Bloom’s
practiced? Taxonomy
Have students mastered the
The character, social, or academic
Say It, Play It, Relay It, Weigh It
C.L.A.S.S. Decision Making Process for Twenty-First Century
Character  Social  Academic Development Learners

Weigh It: “The weigh it light is ALWAYS on.”

How will you assess and evaluate students?
Say It:
Say It: Play It: Relay It: Assessment
How will
will you
you “hook”
“hook” your
__Are students
students? What
What will
will be
be your
your Tools:
in the right What novel structures will you use to What student products or actions can be
frame of mind venue
venue for
for direct
direct instruction?
instruction? assessed while extending and applying
C.L.A.S.S. Tools: help students process and practice what’
for learning? learning.? •Literacy
__Hallway Tools:
Greeting they are learning?
__Hallway Student Behaviors and Reactions: Links
__ What is the __WelcomeGreeting
Message Partner Processing: Small Group _ Body Language _ Level of Engagement
level of student __Welcome
__Agenda Message _ Verbal Actions _ Emotional behaviors
engagement? __Agenda
Study Trip __Cell Phone Buddies
_ Physical Reactions record
Technology Levels of Bloom’s •rubric
__Do procedures __Meet Your Partner __I’m Wild About
__DVD /Video Clip __Talking Pencils Creating Evaluating Analyzing
need to be __Star Seekers •rating
__Blog, /Video
Wiki Clip __Turn to Your __Table Talk
__ Power Point __ Debate __ Survey
__Blog, Wiki __ Video __ Panel __ Chart sheet
__Online Resource Partner __Ways We are __ Story __ Report __ Mobile
__Has community __Online
Content Resource
Text on Essential __Move and Match Alike __ Expert __ Investigation __ Commercial •self-
__ Conclusion __ Report
been built in the Question Text
Content __Dancing with the __4-2-1 Project
__ Puppet Show __ Persuasive __ Graph assessment
__Textbook, Stars
classroom? __Textbook, Trade
Trade book
book __Chart Chats __ Game Speech or __ Spreadsheet •Peer
__Text from
from modeled,
modeled, __Create a Question __ Song Writing __ Checklist

__How will you Whole Group __M&M Processing __ Advertisement __ Self Evaluation __ Biography assessment
sharedshared, or independent
or independent writing __ Painting __ Group __ Outline
use Bloom’s? writingReaders Processing: __Shuffle and Share __ Invention Evaluation __ Venn Diagram •conference
__Leveled __Your Number is __ Editorials __ Art Critique
__Books Readers
__ Experiment •checklist
__Will you __Community Circle Up __ Article
Poem __Challenge __ Pantomime •anecdotal
include more than __Moving to Music __ Website
one intelligence? Poem
Song __Sign on the Line Envelopes __ Webinar notes
Resource Person __Divide and
__Clipboard Cruising
Understanding Remembering
__How will you Study
Discover Trip
Process __I Have, Who Has? Conquer Applying
__ Recitation __ Retell •quiz
involve memory __Model/Person
Resource Specimen __I’m on the Line __Me, You, Us __ Illustration
__ Summary __ Fact
lanes? Discovery
Bag __Quiz, Quiz, Trade __Paradise __
__ Collection __ Label •exit slip
Specimen __Roundabout Processing __ Presentation
__ Explanation __ List
Scientific __ Cartoon Strip __ Timeline
__Do students __Triangle Talk __ Interview
Service Bag
Learning Conversations
__ Journal
__ Flow Chart __ Facts Chart •worksheet
need a brain __To Tell the Truth
Movement Demonstration
Scientific __ Make a Book __ Recite a Poem
break? __Give and Take
__ Model
__ Speech •district or
Service Learning __ Diorama
__ Diagram
__ Scrap Book
__ Poster state test
__ Writing
**Any of these structures can be used to
Movement Prompt
promote, social, character, or academic __Reader’s
achievement. Theater

Where do I go from here?

__Revise your teaching __Regroup students
__Move on to another skill
Multiple Intelligences
• linguistic/ verbal word smart
• logical / mathematical number smart
• visual / spatial art smart
• musical / rhythmic music smart
• bodily kinesthetic body smart
• naturalistic nature smart
• intrapersonal self smart
• interpersonal people smart
• Size
• Time
• Level of Support
• Input
• Difficulty
• Output
• Participation
• Adapt the number of items that the learner
is expected to learn or complete.

Example: Reduce the number of science

terms a learner must learn at any one
• Adapt the time allotted and allowed for
learning task completion, or testing.

Example: Individualize a timeline for

completing a task; pace learning differently
(increase or decrease) for some learners.
Level of Support
• Increase the amount of personal
assistance with a specific learner.

Example: Assign peer buddies, teaching

assistants, peer tutors, or cross-age tutors.
• Adapt the way instruction is delivered to
the learner.

Example: Use different visual aids, plan

more concrete examples, provide hands-
on activities, place students in cooperative
• Adapt the skill level, problem type, or the
rules on how the learner may approach
the work.

Example: Allow the use of a calculator to

figure math problems; simplify task
directions; change rules to accommodate
learner needs.
• Adapt how the student can respond to

Example: Instead of answering questions in

writing, allow a verbal response; use a
communication book for some students;
allow students to show knowledge with
hands on materials
• Adapt the extent to which a learner is
actively involved in the task.

Example: In geography, have a student

hold the globe, while others point out


Differentiation Of Instruction
• Differentiation is a teacher’s response to
learner’s needs
• Teachers can differentiate by Content,
Process, or Product
• According to Student’s Readiness,
Interests, or Learning Profile
(Adapted from Carol Ann Tomlinson,
The Differentiated Classroom)
Differentiation Instruction: Instructional and Management
Strategies-Carol Ann Thomlison

• Interest centers and groups

• Varied homework, journal prompts
• Multiple Intelligences,
• Jigsaw
• Small group Instruction
• Varied texts,
• Literature circles,
• Tiered lessons, centers or products
Carol Ann Thomlison
• Lo-Prep Differentiation • Hi-Prep Differentiation
Choices of books Independent Studies
Homework options Multiple texts
Reading Buddies Alternative Assessments
Student teacher goal setting Learning Contracts
Think Pair Share Interest Groups, centers
Open ended activities Stations
Jigsaw Group Investigation
Explorations by Interest Tiered activities, lessons
Multiple Levels of questions Literature Circles
SHHH…CLASS is the best kept secret for

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