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By Robert Andres Parejo Tovar

Hydraulic fracturing

■ ¿ What is hydraulic fracturing ?

■ the problems and repercussions of the use of hydraulic
fracturing in the environment
■ ¿ Why should not hydraulic fracturing be implemented ?
■ Proposals to solve the use of hydraulic fracturing
Fracking is a technique to extract natural gas from unconventional
deposits. The idea is to exploit the gas accumulated in the pores and
fissures of certain stratified sedimentary rocks of fine or very fine grains.
The problems and repercussions of the use
of hydraulic fracturing in the environment.

 Risks during fracturing

 Aquifer contamination
 Air pollution
 Earthquakes
 Land occupation
¿ Why should Currently, it is certain that if,
not hydraulic as a consequence of the
fracturing be elimination of waste in
implemented ? solution, or in suspension,
these are injected into the
subsoil, or by extraction of
hydrocarbons, in regions
already subjected to high
stresses, a sharp increase in
pressure is caused interstitial,
an intensification of seismic
 This is a graph that shows the record of earthquakes in
Mexico from 1998 to 2015 after having implemented
hydraulic fracturing as a means of extracting

Even if fracking were successful and its risks did not outweigh its advantages, the only
thing that would be achieved is to prolong humanity's dependence on fossil fuels,
which are limited and whose use is incompatible with climate stability.
■ The non-exploitation in virgin lands
■ Define that the surface of the platforms be regulated
■ Avoid or prohibit invasive intervention
■ Rescue and / or relocate the affected species
■ The order of rigorous checks to avoid the escape of
gases into the atmosphere
■ The reduction of the volume of water and sand
■ The reuse of these waters
■ The excavation depth must be adequate

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