Digital and Social Media Marketing

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Digital and Social Media Marketing

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Common Terminology
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• Inbound Marketing
• Outbound Marketing
• Organic Traffic • Keywords
• Paid Traffic • SEO or Search Engine
• Engagement Optimization n
• Conversions • SEM or Search Engine
• Funnel Marketing
• CTR or Click Through • Meta Tags
Rate • Blog
• CPA or Cost Per • Infographics
Acquisition • Follower /Fan /
• CPM or Cost Per Subscriber
Thousand • Bounce Rate
• Goals
• Backlinks
What is Digital Marketing?
Click•toDigital Marketing
edit Master text styles is the Art & Science of Selling one

Out bound Marketing (Paid Channel)
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• Start with small budget
Search Social
Engine Media • Precise targeting
Ads Ads • Get Audience Immediately
• Adjust and refine on the fly
• Brand recall through remarketing
• Builds Branding Sales
Remarket Gmail
ing Ads Ads
• COST$$$
• Only Large company Scale
• Transactional

Paid Links Newslette

Inbound Marketing (Organic Channel)
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Search Social • Sustainable Long Term Impact

• Strong branding
• Low acquisition cost
• Builds trust & relationship
• Builds branding & sales

Remarket Gmail
ing Ads Ads
• Take time to show results
• Requires lot of content
• Require content marketing skills

Paid Links Newslette

Answer: Inbound Marketing
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Understand your Customer
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• Who is your ideal customer?

• Who is the customer?

• What does the customer do?

• What is the customer problem?

• How do you solve the problem?

4C’s of Digital Marketing
Click to edit Master text styles Content

• Customer: Who sees the message

• Content: Which message the customer sees?

• Context: Why the customer sees this message?

• Conversation: What is going on between you or the customer?


context conversion
•Click idealtext
Master customer?

Who is the Customer?

What does the customer do?

What is the customers problem?

How do you solve customers problem?

Where do you find the customers online?

•Click to on helping
edit Masteryour prospects
text styles with which a customer’s can solve their problem

What information customers need to solve their problem?

How can you make this information easy to understand and use?

How do you make this information remarkable?

How do you produce this information?

How do you make this information available?

•Click toinformation
edit Masteris text
needed by customer in a given situation

When do customer need help?

Where will there go to seek help

How do you ensure they find your content

exactly when they need it and where they need it
•Click areMaster
edit talkingtext
to your customers or prospects

How are they responding to your content and


What is your response

How you analyze the conversation to move the

prospect along the sales process?
The Holy Grail of Digital Marketing
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• Conversation happens when a customer finds a remarkable Content in this right Context
Magic Action1:
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• You want to buy a new mobile phone but you are not sure which company/model to buy. What will you do?
 Search Google for product information
 Go to Amazon or other retailers for product specifications & reviews
 Go to a price comparison site to get prices

• What should a phone retailer/manufacturer do?

 Make sure you find the product information & reviews on Google, Amazon and elsewhere
 Make sure the content is remarkable to catch your attention
 Advertise on Google
 What else?
What is Digital Marketing?

• Digital Marketing is a Marketing which focus the users on

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internet mobiles and other devices.

• What is traditional Marketing?
• Important Factors of Digital Marketing
• Reach
• Targeting
• Price
• ROI (Return on Investment)
Why is internet marketing important?
It gives companies the ability to:
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• Drive high quality customers to their website
• Increase sales leads from customers looking for their products and services
• Build their brand online by communicating marketing messages to their
target audience
• Increase their profile against their competitors
• Target a global audience via international search engines
• Be accountable with ROI tracking (SEM)
Digital Marketing Methods
• SEO - Search Engine Optimization
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• SEM - Search Engine Marketing (Short Paid Marketing)

• Pay Per Click
• Display Marketing
• Social Media Marketing
• Paid / Free
Search Engine Optimization

• The
Click Process
to edit of optimizing
Master text the website for top organic listings (Free

Listings) or search engines.

• The major search engines to target
• Google
• Bing

• The time span of marketing is 3months - Few Years depending on

Search Engine Optimization
What is SEO?
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SEO is the act of modifying a website to increase its ranking in organic (vs paid), crawler-
based listings of search engines

How do organic search listings work?

• A spider or crawler which is a component of a SE gathers listings by automatically
"crawling" the web
• The spider follows links to web pages, makes copies of the pages and stores them in the
SE’s index
• Based on this data, the SE then indexes the pages and ranks the websites
• Major SEs that index pages using spiders: Google, Altavista, Msn, Aol, lycos

“Spiders read only text, nothing else”

Search Engine Marketing

• The
Click Process
to edit of optimizing
Master text styles the website for top paid listing of search
• SEM is sub divided to
• Pay per Click Advertising and Display Marketing
• The major search engines to target
• Google

• We can get top ranks as soon we pay amount and start our marketing
Search Engine Marketing
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What is search engine marketing (SEM)?
SEM is the act of marketing a website via search engines by purchasing
paid listings

What are paid listings?

These are listings that search engines sell to advertisers, usually through
paid placement or paid inclusion programs. In contrast, organic listings are
not sold.
Social Media Optimization

• Generating
Click to edit Masterthe visitors
text styles and increasing the brand awareness using Social
• Major Sites to Target
• Facebook
• Google+
• Twitter

• No time span to implement the marketing

• to Email marketing
edit Master and
text styles online newsletters
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How to Search Engine Works ?

Search Engines

• A software which is designed to search on www as per

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the query of the users.

• Important Components of search engine are
• Crawler
• Indexer
• Search Interface
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Components of Search Engine
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• Web Crawler
• To find information on the hundreds of millions of webpages that exits.

• Indexer
• The component to categorize and filter the pages based on the content

• Search Interface
• The interface with which the user can access the search engine
Search Engine Architecture
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www Crawler Store

Keyword dup

Search dup
PR Indexer

Web Result
Image Result
Result Video Result
News Result Indexes
Indexes Indexes
SEO strategies/techniques

1. Domain name strategies

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- domain names are traffic magnets

> 63 million domain names registered
> 4.7 million domain names registered 1st quar 2004
- choose a domain name that will increase your search engine
ranking. How?
- simple, short, no hyphens, no numbers
- use keywords, common words, advertising terms, product
- choose a keyword that is important for your business
SEO strategies/techniques
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2. Linking strategies
- the more inbound links the higher the SE ranking
- if the site linking to you is already indexed, spiders will also receive your site
- quality of inbound links is critical
- how to increase links: a) good content b) good outbound links c) target a list of
sites from which you can request inbound links
- links for the sake of links can damage your search rankings

“Link relevancy is critical in getting your site indexed by search engines”

“A small number of inbound links from high-quality, relevant sites is more

valuable than many links from low-traffic, irrelevant sites.”
SEO strategies/techniques
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3. Keywords
- important in optimising rankings
- keywords are words that appear the most in a page
- the spider chooses the appropriate keywords for each page, then sends them
back to its SE
- your web site will then be indexed based on your keywords
- can be key phrases or a single keyword
- do not use common words eg ‘the’ ‘and’ ‘of’: spiders ignore them
- write keyword-rich text
- balance keyword-rich and readability
- always have text in your page: at least 100 words
SEO strategies/techniques
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4. Title tags
- important in optimising rankings
- the first thing that a search engine displays on a search return
- must keywords in title to be ranked no. 1
- should have the exact keyword you use for the page
- every single web page must have its own title tag
- you can use up to 65 characters eg Ebay (title is littered with keywords)
SEO strategies/techniques
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5. Meta description tags
- the next important
- displayed below the title in search results
- use dynamic, promotional language
- use keywords
- no longer carry weight with major SEs
- a myth that meta keywords alone affect rankings
SEO strategies/techniques
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5. Meta description tags
- the next important
- displayed below the title in search results
- use dynamic, promotional language
- use keywords
- no longer carry weight with major SEs
- a myth that meta keywords alone affect rankings
SEO strategies/techniques

6. Alt
Click tags
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- include keywords in your alt tags

7. Submit your website to SEs for indexing

- submit your site to search engine directories, directory sites and portal sites
- indexing takes 1 wk to 3 months
SEO strategies/techniques

6. Alt
Click tags
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- include keywords in your alt tags

7. Submit your website to SEs for indexing

- submit your site to search engine directories, directory sites and portal sites
- indexing takes 1 wk to 3 months
SEO strategies/techniques

SEO - what is NOT recommended

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Flash and shockwave - spiders do not pick up these files

Image only sites - spiders do not pick up images
Image maps - spiders cannot read image maps.
Do not use them on your home page or critical pages.
Frames - only one page can be titled (titling is critical in search rankings)
- If the spider cannot read the complete page (because of the frames), it will not
be indexed properly.
- Some spiders may not even read a frames web site
Password protected pages – spiders cannot enter password protected pages
SEO strategies/techniques

SEO - what is NOT recommended

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PDF files - can be problematic for spiders. Although some search engines can index them, the
pages must be interpreted into HTML and can lose much of their content.
- place PDFs lower down in your site
Dynamic pages - spiders cannot index some content on pages using ASP, CGI or other dynamic
- Make sure important pages are HTML, no dynamically generated content.
Drop down menus – spiders cannot read them cannot enter password protected pages
SEO strategies/techniques
Howto editelements
SEO Master text stylesorganic listings

Title tag
Meta description tag (or first
para of text if no meta des has
been added)

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