Malik Fal Cyest Breakfast - April8th

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Breakfast Meeting with Endeavor CYEST Corporation

April 8, 2009
Malik’s Bio
Malik Fal is Managing Director of Endeavor South Africa since March 2009…
Before that role, Malik was Microsoft’s Business Marketing & Operations (BMO) Group lead for West-East-Central Africa, based in
Johannesburg to cover 49 African countries. The BMO function at Microsoft is often described as a COO position, combining business
planning, strategy, and marketing. At Microsoft Malik is responsible for the formulation and execution of Microsoft’s strategy in Africa’s
vast geography. This role covers a vast array of core business and special project activities including Microsoft’s Corporate Citizenship
investments in Africa (with programs like “Partners in Learning,” “Microsoft IT Academies,” and the “Student-to-Business” youth
empowerment program), all partner and customer Marketing activities, and all internal research, business planning, and strategy
Before Microsoft Malik was with the OTF Group consultancy as Vice President, Africa region. OTF group was previously part of the Monitor
Group, functioning as Monitor’s Country Competitiveness (MCC) practice.
After completing five years of business studies, Malik worked for six years for Pepsi-Cola International, across eastern and southern Africa.
He then attended Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government where he received a Master’s degree in Public Administration (MPA-2).
While at PepsiCo, Malik first worked in Operations as a District Manager in the Boston metro area, and later as a Franchise Bottler Manager
covering several countries in Southern Africa and Indian Ocean islands. Being an African who was educated and professionally trained in
Africa, Europe, and the US, Malik developed a passion for understanding the “essence of development” through exposure to a number of
different models. He is particularly experienced in business strategy for firms in developing countries, and the practical roles government,
private sector institutions, and individuals must play to find focused and sustainable solutions in the development process.
These interests brought him to the Monitor Company in the summer of 1998. It was there, in the MCC practice that for the first time Malik
got a chance to see some of today’s most innovative ideas about development. While at MCC, he worked on Competitiveness programs for
countries in Latin America, the Middle East, and Africa. He has also led consulting engagements with the World Bank, one of MCC’s, and
now OTF’s, long term clients.
Through his work at Monitor and the OTF group, Malik has dealt closely with the key strategic issues facing a myriad of industries such as
tourism, coffee, ICT, tea, mining, horticulture, and others, working with both public and private sector leaders in those industries. Malik’s
most recent responsibilities included the management of full-fledged competitiveness engagements for the Office of the President of
Rwanda, OTF’s various business development initiatives across Africa, teaching engagements with Harvard Business School's pilot executive
course entitled "Making Markets Work", and on-going engagements with OTF's long-term development institutional clients such as the
World Bank, DFID, or USAID.
The Productivity Frontier
Michael Porter’s Business Productivity Frontier eloquently captures these business imperatives that drive
competitive advantage

good - hi rev-growth


Revenue &

bad -- lo rev-growth
low - hi cost poor comms & work flows high - lo cost good comms & work flows

Operating Efficiency: Costs & Work Flows

The Productivity Frontier
According to a recent study, strategy and operational excellence are evenly represented within the top 10
concerns of business leaders

"Using a 1-5 scale, please rate the level of interest / concern

you have in the following business issues at present.”

All Positions
n = 354

Executing the Market Forecasting & Workflows & Product ITO / BPO Investor
strategy trends reporting IT capabilities innovation / time relations
effectiveness to market
Regulatory, compliance, Customer Growing the Product / service HR SCM
and risk management service top line fulfillment
Source: Monitor Analysis. Survey of 354 executives; 49% of respondents are C-level and 56% are from companies with revenue greater
than $1 billion
The Productivity Frontier

Strategy Operational Efficiency

Revenue & Growth Costs & Workflows

Business Leaders’ Strategy Concerns Business Leaders’ Operational Concerns

Forecasting & Reporting Effectiveness Regulatory Compliance & Risk Management

Strategy Execution Workflows & IT Capabilities
Market Trends Product & Service Fulfilment
Customer Service Product & Service Innovation
Growing the Top Line Human Resource Management

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