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STID1103 Computer Applications in Management

Topic 8
Chart & Graph (MS Excel)

4/25/20 02:04:47 PM


• Introduction
• Why use charts & graphs
• Describing data with charts and graphs
• Creating and formatting charts in Excel 2013
• Conclusion


• Charts and graphs can be used to pictorially

represent data.

A Pie Chart Showing the

Percentage Distribution of
Deaths from all Causes

Why use charts & graphs?
Year 2011

Cause of Death Developed countries countries

Accident 1,234,560 210,000

Cancer 657,000 480,000

Heart disease 3,512,000 2,484,000

Suicide 799,000 100,000

• Pie chart is used:

– when have only one data
– when the total of something
is known.
– to show the pieces that make
it up.
– to show the percentage of
total comparison.
Pie Charts
Ken pays 68% of the bill before the refund

Tom Dick
Chart title 1% Harry



Each slice of the pie represents the

percentage of the dinner bill each
Slices are exploded person pays

Why use charts & graphs?

• Line charts:
– can display continuous data over time.
– can be extended with no arbitrary ending points.
– can show trends in a data at equal intervals.

What can
we see?

Why use charts & graphs?

Such chart enables us to answer questions such as

– How many students graduated in 1992?
– In what year did we have the greatest number of
– What is the fewest number of graduates we have had?
– Were there more graduates in 1989 or in 1998?
– Taking the whole graph as a basis, will we likely have more
or less graduates in 2000 than we had in 1999?

Column Charts

Embedded chart shows both

the chart and the data

Row 3 contains column

headings and forms labels for
X axis

Chart Types

• Keep it simple
• Use the appropriate chart type
– Pie and Exploded pie charts display proportional
– Column charts display numbers rather than
– Bar charts display numbers horizontally

Describing Data with Charts and Graphs

Purpose of the Chart Appropriate Chart Type

Compare categorical data Column Chart; Bar Chart, Radar Chart

Compare series of data Area Chart, Line Chart, Column Chart

over time (stacked), High-Low Chart

Percentage of total Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Stacked Bar or

comparisons Column chart
Relationship between two Scatter Plot
Relationship between three 3-Dimension Surface Plot
Charts and their elements
• Charts are used to display series of numeric data in a graphical
format to make it easier to understand large quantities of data and
the relationship between different series of data.
• A chart has many elements. Some of these elements are displayed
by default, others can be added as needed. You can change the
display of the chart elements by moving them to other locations in
the chart, resizing them, or by changing the format. You can also
remove chart elements that you do not want to display.

Charts and their elements (cont…)

1. The chart area of the chart. (chart area: The

entire chart and all its elements)
2. The plot area of the chart. (plot area: In a 2-D
chart, the area bounded by the axes, including
all data series. In a 3-D chart, the area bounded
by the axes, including the data series, category
names, tick-mark labels, and axis titles.)

3. The data points of the data series that are plotted in the chart. (data points: Individual
values plotted in a chart and represented by bars, columns, lines, pie or doughnut
slices, dots, and various other shapes called data markers. Data markers of the same
color constitute a data series.) (data series: Related data points that are plotted in a
chart. Each data series in a chart has a unique color or pattern and is represented in the
chart legend. You can plot one or more data series in a chart. Pie charts have only one
data series.)
Charts and their elements (cont…)

4. The horizontal (category) and vertical (value) axis

along which the data is plotted in the chart. (axis: A
line bordering the chart plot area used as a frame of
reference for measurement. The y axis is usually the
vertical axis and contains data. The x-axis is usually
the horizontal axis and contains categories.)
5. The legend of the chart. (legend: A box that
identifies the patterns or colors that are assigned to
the data series or categories in a chart.)

6. A chart and axis title that you can use in the chart. (titles in charts: Descriptive text that is
automatically aligned to an axis or centered at the top of a chart.)
7. A data label that you can use to identify the details of a data point in a data series. (data
label: A label that provides additional information about a data marker, which represents a
single data point or value that originates from a datasheet cell.)

Describing Data with Charts and Graphs

• Graphical representation of data is far more

effective in conveying information than are
tables of data
• Excel 2013 has eleven (11) basic types of
charts and graphs with many subclassifications
within each of the eleven types

Describing Data with Charts and Graphs

• Column • Stock
• Line • Surface
• Pie • Doughnut
• Bar • Bubble
• Area • Radar
• X Y (Scatter)

Table of Contents

• Build Chart
• Methods for editing chart
• Modify types of chart
• Adding data in chart

Build Chart

1 2 3
Excel allows any Performances Select specific
raw data through this chart data for produce
presented in look more a chart
charts attractive and
easy to interpret

Build Chart (cont.)

Method For Producing Chart
• Select the cells that have data (Highlight)
• Click on tab Insert and select the type of chart required

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• Examples of using this type of Bar Chart > Stacked Bar

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)

No chart title

No name

No y-axis

No x-axis labels

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• Click on the Layout tab to enter the relevant data

• Chart Title - The title of the chart

• Axis Title - Axis name
• Legend - Name value in the chart
• Data Label - Values ​in the chart
• Data Table - To enter the chart table together
• Axes – axis
• Gridlines – grid lines

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• Chart titles, axis labels x and y is included

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• Entered data given name

Still have not


Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• Name of the series in the chart can also be converted
• Click on the tab Design > Select Data

Click here

• Select the series and click the button Edit

Method For Producing Chart (cont.)
• The end result charts

Style Chart
• Click tab Design > Chart Style

Format Chart

• Change the color chart

• Click right on chart >
Format Chart Area > Fill
• Example : Solid Fill >
• Other options such as
Border color, Border
styles, Shadow, Glow
and Soft Edges, 3-D
Format, Size, Properties
and Alt Text are
Format Bar

• Change the bar color

• Click right on bar >
Format Data Series >
• Example : Solid Fill >
• Other options such as
Series Option, Border
Color, Border Styles,
Shadow, Glow and Soft
Edges and 3-D format is
Other Formats

• All parts of the chart can be edited

• Example: Change the font color

Other Formats (cont.)

• The end result charts

Modifying the Chart Type
• Chart type can be modified.
• Click tab Design > Change Chart Type

Modifying the Chart Type( cont.)

Adding Data In Chart
• If the data is added to the table that is used for create a chart,
there will be no additional data in the chart automatically
• For the latest data exists in the chart, some adjustments need
to be done

Column latest

Adding Data In Chart (cont.)

• Click on the chart has been

• Place the mouse in the
shown on the beside
• Click left and drag to new
column as shown in Figure
• The added data will
appear on the chart

Adding Data In Chart(cont.)
• The end result charts

• 1) Charts show the relationship of each value in a
data series to the series as a whole
• = Pie chart

• 2) What name is given to the box showing the

colours and patterns assigned to a chart data
• = Legend

• 3) What is critical path?

• A. The longest overall duration, determining the
shortest time to complete the project. 37
• 4) Which would you choose to create a bar diagram?
• B. Insert, Chart

• 5) chart has many elements such as __________.

• A. some of these elements are displayed by default,
others can be added as needed
• B. you can change the display of the chart elements
by moving them to other locations in the
• chart
• C. you can also remove chart elements that you do
not want to display
• D. All of the above.
• 6) Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE
about charts and graphs in MS Excel 2013?
• A. A legend is a list that explains different colors,
shadings, or symbols in a chart and graph.
• B. Titles summarize the information in a graph and
are used to increase comprehension
• C. Bar graphs are used for graphing the same kinds
of data that line graphs represent.
• D. The area inside the x-axis and y-axis is called the
xy area.

• 7) __________ are used to identify the categories along the x-axis
and the units along the y-axis.
• = D. Labels

• 8) Do NOT Consider using a pie chart when __________.

• A. You only have one data series that you want to plot
• B. None of the values that you want to plot are negative
• C. You do not have more than seven categories
• D. The categories not necessary represent parts of the whole pie

• 46. Column charts have the following chart subtypes __________.

• A. Clustered column and clustered column in 3-D
• B. 3-D column
• C. cone
• D. All of the above 40
• 48. The purpose of these charts is to compare categorical data.
• A. Area Chart, Line Chart, Column Chart (stacked), High-Low Chart
• B. Pie Chart, Donut Chart, Stacked Bar or Column chart
• C. Column Chart; Bar Chart, Radar Chart
• D. Scatter Plot
• 49. Which chart type in MS Excel 2013 is appropriate to show the relationship
between two variables?
• A. Pie chart
• B. Bar Chart
• C. Scatter Plot
• D. Stacked Bar
• 50. Which of the following MS Excel 2013 chart should be considered when
the axis labels are long or
• the values that shown are duration?
• A. Pie chart
• B. Bar chart
• C. Line chart
• D. Area chart 41
• In MS PowerPoint, two kind of sound effects files
that can be added to the presentation are
• __________.
• A. .wav files and .mid files

• 82. Special effects used to introduce slides in a

presentation are called __________.
• C. transitions

• 83. To start a slide show of a presentation

• A. Hit F5 key 42
• Which of the following statement is TRUE?
• i. A clustered column chart compare values across
• ii. A clustered column chart displays values in 2-D
vertical rectangles.
• iii. A clustered column in 3-D chart displays the
data by using a 3-D perspective only.
• iv. A clustered column chart shows the relationship
of individual item to the whole.

• Answer: I, ii and iii.

Question ?


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