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Level 5

Indices 04/25/2020

Learning Objectives

• Know what indices are

• Able to answer questions involving indices

• Investigate special properties of indices

• An index (plural: indices) is the proper name
for powers

• Indices tell you how many times a number is

multiplied by itself

• Example: 42 means 4 multiplied by itself twice,

i.e. 4 x 4 = 16
• Anything raised to the second power is called
‘squaring’ a number

• Anything raised to the third power is called

‘cubing’ a number

• 52  “5 squared”
• 73  “7 cubed”
• 54
– 5 multiplied by itself 4 times
= 625

• 93
= 729
a) 82 e) 44

b) 122 f) 105

c) 33 g) 74

d) 63 h) 115
Indices Investigation
52 – 4 2 = 9
92 – 82 = 17
Try other consecutive numbers. Spot any patterns?
Will it always work? Can you come up with a general rule?

Try 52 – 32 and 122 – 102 what do you notice?

Look at 22 x 22. What do you notice?

What about 32 x 32?

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