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Secretary tissue:
• The group of cell that secrete different substance in plants like rubber,
resin, oil, gums etc.
• they are classified into 2 main categories:

a) Laticiferous tissue:
It is mainly composed of thin walled multinucleated and elongated cells
that contain colourless or milky fluid called latex.

This tissue is further divided into 2 types:

This tissue is further divided into 2 types:
i. Latex cells:
they are highly branched cells. They do not form network by fusing. Eg:

ii. Latex vessels:

they are formed by fusion of cells and forms networks in mature parts
of plant. Eg: sunflower

b) Glandular tissue:
These consist of glands having capacity to secrete or excrete chemicals.
They may be present externally or internally.
• Types of glands
• External glands:
• Water secreting hair: tomato
• Glandular hair: produce gummy substance in tobacoo
• Poisonous glands: produce irritants in neeteles.
• Enzymes secreting glands: insectivorous plants
• Honey glands: produce nectar in flower
Internal glands:
• Oil glands: secrets essential oil in fruits
• Mucilage secreting glands: eg:betels
• Resin secreting glands: eg:sunflower, Pinus
• Digestive glands: eg: insectivorous plant
• Water secreting glands: eg: Pistia
• Whatwhat is the function of parenchyma,collenchyma and
• It helps in wound healing,grafting,secondary growth,formation of
adventitious branch
• Some vital process like transpiration,photosynthesis respiration are
performed by parenchyma
• Aerenchyma helps in floating of hydrophytes
• It helps in storage of food materials.
• It helps in storage of water in xerophytes
• it provide mechanical strength to the plant
• The chloroplast containing collenchyma helps in photosynthesis
• It gives mechanical support to the plant
• It saves plant from tearing,bending,shearing caused by environmental
• It forms protective coving in many legume seed
• It reduces rate of transpiration in xerophytes.

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