Cicljklşţul Celular Engl Part3

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Cell evolution after cell division

G1 G0 Apoptosis Transformation

S differentiation
Aging/ death
 Programmed cell death
 Physiological cell death
 Ensures control of equilibrium
between proliferation and cell death

Этапы Living cell

High activity of nucleases
DNA fragmentation

Fragmentation of nucleus and

cell; formation of apoptotic bodies

Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies

Molecular mechanisms in apoptosis
 Receiving of signals by receptors
 Transfer of signal to transcription
factor р53
 Increasing of mitochondrial
membrane permeability due to
interaction of p53 with bcl-2 gene
 Activation of caspase cascade
and proteolysis
 Activation of endonucleases and
nuclear fragmentation
 Cell fragmentation and formation
of apoptotic bodies
 Phagocytosis of apoptotic bodies
Apoptotic pathway is characteristic for:

 Mutant cells, transformed cells

 Old cells
 Cells recognized as foreign → abnormal
 Cells which have lost contacts with
neighbors cells
 Excessive cells → for control of cell number.
Normal apoptosis

 During embryogenesis – organ modeling

 Elimination of rudimental organs
 Elimination of aged cells
 Elimination of tumor cells
 In immune system → elimination of
unwonted clones
Diseases associated with
defective apoptosis

 Cancers
 Autoimmune diseases
 Viral diseases
Diseases associated with excessive apoptosis

 Neurodegenerative diseases
- Alzheimer disease
- Parkinson disease
- retinita pigmentosum
 Ischemic diseases

- heart failure
- stroke
 Osteoporosis

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