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The NBA (National Basketball Association)

is the preminent men´s professional basketball in
North America.
Is widely considered to be the best professional
basketball league in the world.
Functions of

The basketball players have

established a series of roles that
make them act in court according to
their characteristics. Within the game
of basketball, these are the positions:
Normally is the lowest

Point Guard player of the team. Attack

with the ball to the
opposite field, sending
information of the game.
He have to have great skills,
vision of game and a
successful three point
A shooting guard's main
objective is to score points
for his team and steal the
ball on defence.
Typically, are taller than
point guards and they must
be able to score in various
ways, especially in late
Small Forward
Is usually medium altitudes
between exterior and
Interior players. His game is
balanced between the
force and the shot. It is an
important position, for its
ability to combine high speed.
Power The power forward
is often one of the

forward most physical

players on the
court. Hence the
name "power"
forward. They play
close to the basket,
fighting for
rebounds and
posting up on
offense. Power
forwards should be
tall, strong, and
The tallest player on
the team is almost
always the center.
Height is important in
basketball. It helps you
get off shots, block
shots, and get
The center will play
the closest to the
basket and be playing
against the other
team's tallest player. 
The NBA is composed of 30 teams who face 82 times
during the year.
The teams are divided into 2 conferences:
- The Eastern Conference.
- The Western Conference.
What basketball
means to me?

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