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(The Vestibule of
from Inferno of the
Divine Comedy
By: Dante Alighieri
With your group mates, prepare a
question about the introduction
provided to your class last meeting.
Ask other group for an answer, if that
group was able to get the answer they
will have a score. If not, the score will
be given to the group who asked the
question. The group which has the
highest points win.
Task 5: Think Through

Accomplish the task

found on your LM, pp.
1. Existing from the
2. A series of loops; spiral
3. An agency or force of
unlimited power
4. To speak or address
with irreverence
5. To crowd together in great
6. To beat as if by blows of
7. Crying out of grief
8. Being or relating to the
rotation of satellite in a
direction of opposite to that
Canto 3
Gates of Hell
“Abandon all hope ye
who enter here.”
The Indecisive Angels

They are stung by insects
and endlessly chase

Acheron River
1. What is Virgil’s
advice to Dante as
spoken at the Gate
of Hell?
2. Who are the souls
tortured in this
Canto? How are
these souls
3. How is the law of
retribution applied to
the souls on the
• Souls at the vestibule
• Chasing banner
• Moving in darkness
• Pursued by wasps and hornets
• Running above filth of worms
and maggots
4. What is Charon’s
reaction to Dante’s
attempt to cross the
river of Acheron?
5. How does Virgil
silence Charon?
6. What do you think
was the purpose of
the author for
coming up with a
text like the “Divine
7. Relate the
message of this text
to our theme
“Finding Common
Complete the following
open-ended sentences:
From this text I learned
that __________________
Because of this
learning I will
Group Task:
With your group, perform
the following tasks. Be
ready for a presentation
after. Pick a paper from
your teacher to know
your task.
Eye Group
Make a poster of
what hell looks like
based on the text.
Ear Group
Record sounds of
hell based on the
details from the
Hand Group
Show an
interpretative dance
to reflect the
movements of the
tormented souls.
Lip Group
Present a poem
about doing good to
avoid being in hell.
Nose Group
Find/show objects
that will resemble
the smell of hell as
presented in the
QUIZ 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.

_____1. When was the

Divine Comedy
_____2. What is the name
of the rhyme scheme that
Dante used?
QUIz 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.

_____3. Who is the author

of the Divine Comedy?
_____4-6. What are the
three major divisions of
QUIZ 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.

_____7. To whom did

Dante dedicated his epic
_____8. Who is Dante’s
guide through his journey
in the underworld?
QUIZ 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.

_____9-10. What are the

other two sections of the
Divine Comedy aside
from Inferno?
QUIZ 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.
What is the realization
that you had after
studying Canto III and the
Divine Comedy? How
does this affect you?
QUIZ 1/2 Sheet of paper,
answers only.


Grammar – 30%
Coherence – 30%
Overall Idea/Concept – 40%

1. Differentiate
technical and
operational definitions
of words.

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