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To Investigate The Impact

Of culture Diversity On

Presented By: Rakesh Sunder

ID # 15507
• Introduction & Background
• Problem statement
• Significance Of The Study
• Research Questions
• Research Hypothesis
• Limitation Of The Study
• Literature Review
• Conceptual Framework
• Methodology
• Pilot Testing
• Results And Findings
• Conclusion
• Recommendations
Introduction and Background
• Culture is an important dimension of group diversity that
influences communication.
• Integrated system of beliefs, values, behaviors and
communication patterns that are shared by those
socialized within the same social group.
• Organizations develop their culture on the basis of their
strong shared values and their people who are active
player in the organization.
Problem Statement
• To conceive and interpret the impact of
culture diversity on creativity
• Language and educational background
diversity effect on creativity
Significance Of The Study
• People considered when tending to culture
• Product A in the creativity of an organization
• Cultural diversity has great influence on the
creativity of organization
• To find the factors which is impact on creativity
• To gather necessary Information
Research Questions
• Does Language enhance organizational
creativity of an organization?

• How does educational background bring

variation in creativity of an organization?
Research Hypothesis
• H0: Communicational culture diversity does not have a
significant effect on creativity of an organization
• H1 : Communicational culture diversity have a
significant effect on creativity of an organization.
• H0: Educational background culture diversity does not
have a significant effect on creativity of organization
• H2: Educational background culture diversity have a
significant effect on the creativity of organization.
Limitations Of Study
• Focus on Local Organizations
• Employees Of the Middle Level Management
• Structure Questionnaire is used
• SPSS Software is used to analyze data
Literature Review
• Culture diversity ((Martin, G. C. 2014).
• Creativity (Andriopoulos, C. 2001). Neil
Anderson, Kristina Potocnik , Jing Zhou 2014).
• Language (Bagsaw, 2004).
• Educational background (Cragon and Wright,
Conceptual Framework
• Research Strategy: Deductive
• Research Type: Quantitative
• Sampling Size: 101
• Data Collection Instrument: Questionnaire
• Data Analysis Tool: SPSS 20, MS. Excel
• Data Analysis Method: Correlation and Multiple
Pilot Testing
• Pilot test is an overview which is done on a little
gathering of respondents to ensure the inquiries
being asked in the questionnaire are
• Cronbach‘ s alpha is the greatest common
degree of internal consistency or reliability.
• 5% of sample size pilot testing has been
Results And Findings
• The Value of R2 is 0.811 which indicates high
degree of goodness of Fit of this regression model.
• The relationship between dependent and
independent variables are positive.
• H0: Communicational/Language culture diversity
does not have a significant effect on creativity of
an organization
• H1 : Communicational/ Language culture
diversity have a significant effect on creativity of
an organization.
• H0: Educational background culture diversity
does not have a significant effect on creativity of
• H2: Educational background culture diversity
have a significant effect on the creativity of
• There is a positive relationship between culture
diversity and its impact on creativity.
• Linguistic diversity enhance the organization
• Great impact of different educational background
people on creativity of organization.
•  Leaders and managers within organizations must
incorporate culture diversity policies into every
aspect of the organization’s function and purpose.
• Employees with different educational background
and experiences will bring together a creativity.
Thank You

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