9-John J. Craig, "Introduction To Robotics Mechanics and Control", Third Edition, 2005

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•  1-Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li and S. Shankar Sastry,” A Mathematical

Introduction to Robotic Manipulation”.
•  2-Reza N. Jazar,”Theory of Applied Robotics (Kinematics, Dynamics, and Control)”.
•  3-Paul E. Sandin,” Robot Mechanisms and Mechanical Devices Illustrated” .
•  4-Jorge Angeles,” Fundamentals of Robotic Mechanical Systems”, Second Edition
•  5-Ken Hurst, ”Engineering Design Principles”, Publisher: Elsevier Science &
Technology Books,1999.
•  6-Thomas Bräunl, ”Embedded Robotics”, Springer is a part of Springer
Science+Business Media,2006.
•  7- P.G.Ranky and C.Y.Ho, ”Robot modeling (control and applications with software)
”, Springer –Verlag, Third Edition,2006.
•  8-Ben-Zoin Sandler, ”Robotics (Designing The Mechanisms For Automated
Machinery) ”,Prentice-Hall International,Inc.,2001.
• 9-John J. Craig, ”Introduction To Robotics Mechanics And Control”, Third

 Introduction
 -Basic Structure Of Robotic System
 -The Mechanic And Control Mechanical Manipulator
 -Notation
 2-Spatial Descriptions And Transformations
 -Mapping: Changing Descriptions Frame To Frame
 -Operators: Translation, Rotations And Transformation
 -Transformation Arithmetic
  3-Manipulator Kinematics
 -Link Connection Description
 -Conventions For Affixing Frame To Links
 - Manipulator Kinematics
  4- Inverse Manipulator Kinematics
 -Solvability
 -Piepers Solution When There Axes Intersect
 -Solving A Manipulator
  5-Jacobians:Velocity And Static Forces
 -Motion Of The Link Of A Robot
 -Jacobians In The Force Domain

6- Manipulator Dynamic:
-Iterative Newton – Euler Dynamics Formulation.
-The General Structure of the Manipulator Dynamic Equation.
7-Trajectory Generation:
-Path Description and Generation
-Description of Paths with a Robot Programming Language.
8- Position Control of Manipulators:
-Nonlinear and Time Varying Systems.
-The Control Problem for Manipulators.
9- Force Control of Manipulator:
-Application of Industrial Robot to Assembly Tasks.
-The Hybrid Position / Force Control Problem.
10- Robot Programming Language and Systems:
- The Three Levels of Robot Programming.
- Requirements of a Robot Programming Language.
11- Sensors and Intelligent Robots.
-Introduction to Robot Sensors.
-Vision Equipment and Image Processing.
-Artificial Intelligence.
 Mobile Robots
 robots that move freely in their environment. We can subdivide
these into indoor robots, outdoor robots, terrain robots, etc
based on the environment(s) they are programmed to handle.
 Robotic Arms
 stationary robots that have manipulators, usually used in
construction (e.g., car manufacturing plants)
 1 DEFINITION OF ROBOT  Autonomous Vehicles
 like mobile robots, but in this case, they are a combination of
 A robot is a reprogrammable, vehicle and computer controller
multifunctional manipulator  COMPONENTS OF A ROBOT
Moveable Body
designed to move material, parts, A moveable body -- Robots may have wheels, limbs
tools or specialized devices connected by mechanical joints, or other types of
moveable segments.
through variable programmed Actuator
motions for the performance of a In order to be activated, robots may use an electric motor, a
variety of tasks. hydraulic system, a pneumatic system or a combination of
all three.
 The word robot was introduced Power Source
A robot needs a power source to drive its actuators. Electric
in 1921 by the Czech playwright robots use batteries or extension cord. Hydraulic robots
Karel Capek in his satirical play R. need pumps to pressurize the hydraulic fluid, and
pneumatic robots need air compressors.
U. R. (Rossum’s Universal
Robots), where he depicted
robots as machines which
resembled people but worked

Electrical Circuit
The electrical circuit powers the electric motor, solenoid or valves that control
hydraulic or pneumatic systems.

Reprogrammable Brain (Computer)

The computer controls all other components. In order to change the robot's
behavior, you just have to reprogram the computer.

Sensory System
Some robots have the ability to collect information about their environment and
react to it.

1) Going to far away planets
2) Spying on people in ways people can't move
and from views humans can't reach
3) Going far down into the unknown waters where
humans would be crushed
1) People can lose jobs in factories
4) Giving us information that humans can't get 2) It needs a supply of power
5) Working at places 24/7 without any salary and
food. Plus they don't get bored
3) It needs maintenance to keep it
6) They can perform tasks faster than humans and running
much more consistently and accurately
7) They can capture moments just too fast for the 4) It costs money to make or buy a
human eye to get, for example the Atlas detector
in the LHC project can capture ~ 600000 frames

per second while we can see at about 60
8) Most of them are automatic so they can go
around by themselves without any human
9) They can entertain us and help us in certain
 Sensing:First of all your
tasks robot would have to be able
10) Robots may protect workers from some
hazards, but in the meantime, their very presence to sense its surroundings.
can create other safety problems.
 Movement:
 Energy:
 Intelligence: the robot its

-Industrial robots
-household robots
-Medical robots
-Service robots
-Military robots
-Entertainment robots
-Space robots

• Look at a Venn
diagram of Mechanical
and/or Electrical
Hardware, Software, Mechanical
and Control Systems.
• Robotics is the
overlapping area at
the center of the three

GNC Software

Link3 End of Arm





 Manipulator consists of joints and links
 Joints provide relative motion
 Links are rigid members between joints
 Various joint types: linear and rotary
 Each joint provides a “degree-of-freedom”
 Most robots possess five or six degrees-of-freedom
 Robot manipulator consists of two sections:
 Body-and-arm – for positioning of objects in the
robot's work volume
 Wrist assembly – for orientation of objects

1-Translational motion
 Linear joint (type L)
 Orthogonal joint (type O)

2- Rotary motion
 Rotational joint (type R)
 Twisting joint (type T)
 Revolving joint (type V)

 The number of degrees of freedom that a robot possesses is the number of
independant position varaibles which would have to be specified in order to
locate all parts of the mechanism.
 At the free end of the chain of links which make up the robot is the end
effector. Depending on the intended application of the robot, the end effector
may be a gripper, welding torch or any other device.
 We generally describe the position of the manipulator by giving a description
of the tool frame or sometimes called the TCP frame (TCP=Tool Center
Point), which is attached to the end-effector, relative to the base frame which is
attached to the nonmoving base of the manipulator.
 Frames (coordinate systems) are used to describe the position and
orientation of a rigid body in space. They serve as a reference system within
which to express the position and orientation of a body.

 Kinematics: is the science of motion which treats motion without regard to the
forces which cause it. Within the science of kinematics one studies the position,
velocity, acceleration, and all higher order derivatives of the position variables.
 How to relate the robot’s configuration or pose to the position and
orientation of its end effector. A configuration of an n-degree of freedom robot
is an n-vector (q1 , q2 ,..., qn ), where each qi is either a rotational joint angle
or a prismatic joint translation.
 This is known as the forward kinematics of the robot. This is the static
geometrical problem of computing the position and orientation of the end-
effector of the robot. Specifically, given a set of joint angles, the forward
kinematic problem is to compute the position and orientation of the TCP
relative to the base frame.

 The following problem is considered the inverse kinematics: Given the
position and orientation of the end-effector of the robot, calculate all
possible sets of joint angles which could be used to attain the this given
position and orientation.
 The Inverse Kinematics is not as simple as the forward kinematics.
Because the kinematic equations are nonlinear, their solution is not always
easy or even possible in a closed form. The existence of a kinematic
solution defines the workspace of a given robot. The lack of a solution
means that the robot cannot attain the desired position and orientation
because it lies outside the robot’s workspace.

• Uses the joint symbols (L, O, R, T, V) to designate
joint types used to construct robot manipulator
• Separates body-and-arm assembly from wrist
assembly using a colon (:)

• Example: TLR : TR

• Common body-and-arm configurations

 1- Programming System
A robot user needs to „teach“ the robot the specific task which is to
be performed. This can be done with the so called teach in method. The
programmer uses the teach box of the robot control and drives the robot
to the diesired positions and stores them and other values like travel
speed, corner smoothing parameters, process parameters, etc.
Teaching by guiding has been successful for tasks where only simple
operations or few positions are required. Where complex assemblies are
performed that method does not allow any modification or adjustment of
the movements during the execution,
 2- Robot Control
 The robot control interprets the robot’s application program and
generates a series of joint values and joint velocities (and
sometimes accelerations) in an appropriate way for the feedback control.
Today mainly an independent joint control approach is taken, but more
and more sophisticated control approaches, like adaptive control,
nonlinear control, etc are involved in robotics. The following figure shows
a possible control structure.

 Types of Robot Programming (1)- RAIL:RAIL will be a best
Languages language for controlling two major
tasks such as the manipulation
 A robot will require a programming and vision system.
language for describting the operations
2)- AML:AML (A Manufacturing
that are to be done. Recently, there are
Language) is a high level language based
plenty of robot programming on sub routine.
languages available. Among them, five  (3)-VAL:VAL (Variable
robot languages are commonly and
Assembly Language) Robot
basically used. They are: Programming Language is adopted
(1)-RAIL mainly for Unimation Robots.
(2)- A Manufacturing Language  (4)- AL:AL robot language was
(AML) developed in Artificial
(3)- Variable Assembly Language Intelligence
(VAL)  (5)-RPL:
(4)- Art. Intelligence (AL)  RPL robot language makes the
(5)- Robot Programming Language improvement, checking, and correction
of control algorithms very easy.

structure of a robot control
3-Robot Mechanics
The robot mechanics will transform the joint torques applied by the servo drives
into an appropriate motion. Nowadays AC motors are used to drive the axis.
Resolvers serve as a position sensor and are normally located on the shaft of
the actuator. Resolvers are devices which output two analog signals – one is the
sine of the shaft angle and the other the cosine. The shaft angle is determined
from the relative magnitude of the two signals.

1- Point to Point-motion (PTP)
A motion which specifies the configuration of the robot at the start and
the end point. The motion between these points is not determined in the
sense that the TCP follows a desired (Cartesian) path. This motion type is
mainly relevant for pick and place type tasks, where the position and
orientation along the path is not important.

 PTP-motions in world coordinate system, left: path between two drilling holes,
right: robot end-effector and three configurations for pick & place

 2- Continuous Path Motion (CP)
 A motion type which specifies the whole path regarding
position and orientation of the TCP. That means that the motions
of each axes are mutually depending. These motions are more
computationally expensive to execute at run time compared to
PTP motions, since inverse kinematics must be solved for each
time step (usually around 10 milliseconds in to days robot
controller). Possible Cartesian motion types include linear
interpolation (specified by start and end point) and circular
interpolation (specified by start point, via point and end point).
Figure (1.3) describes two examples.

 example for interpolated motions between programmed positions, left: a

 sequence consisting of 5 linear motion, right: linear – circular – linear


 Most familiar system

 Uses three axes at 90° to each other
 Three coordinates needed to find a
point in space
 The right-hand rule.
 The first type of robot is
called the Cartesian robot.
This type of robot uses the
X, Y, Z three dimensional
coordinate system to
control movement and

Cartesian Robot Applications

Applying adhesive to
a pane of glass

Transferring ICs from a pallet to a

holding location

Camera monitoring of products

Transferring & Stacking

Point A- located on cylinder of
known radius
 Height Z from origin

 Third point - angle on the XY

Cylindricalrobots have a
main axis that is in the
center of the operating
envelope. It can reach into
tight areas without sacrificing
speed or repeatability.

Cylindrical Robot Applications

Used extensively in medical research

DNA Screening
Drug Development

Similar to finding a point on the
earth’s surface
 Radius,
 Latitude
 Longitude
 Spherical or polar
robots are similar to a
cylindrical robot, but
form a spherical range
of motion using a polar
coordinate system.

Used extensively in the car
manufacturing industry


Selective-Compliance-Articulated Robot Arms
Developed to meet the needs of modern
 Fast movement with light payloads
Combination of two horizontal rotational
axes and one
linear joint.

Testing a calculator.
Camera observes

Stacking lightweight

Multi Function

Precision assembly

 Articulated arm robots have
at least three rotary joints.
They are frequently called
an anthropomorphic arm
because they closely
resemble a human arm.

 Parallel Robots consist of a fixed
base to a platform by means of a
number of legs. This type of robot is
used to create realistic flight
simulators or rides in amusement

 Notation TRL:

 Consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated

relative to the body, which can rotate about both a
vertical axis (T joint) and horizontal axis (R joint)

 Notation TLO:
 Consists of a vertical
column, relative to
which an arm assembly
is moved up or down
 The arm can be moved
in or out relative to the

 Notation LOO:
 Consists of three sliding
joints, two of which are
 Other names include
rectilinear robot and x-y-z

 Notation TRRR:

 Notation VRO
 SCARA stands for
Selectively Compliant
Assembly Robot Arm
 Similar to jointed-arm
robot except that
vertical axes are used
for shoulder and elbow
joints to be compliant
in horizontal direction
for vertical insertion
 Wrist assembly is attached to end-of-arm
 End effector is attached to wrist assembly
 Function of wrist assembly is to orient end effector
 Body-and-arm determines global position of end

 Two or three degrees of freedom:
 Roll

 Pitch

 Yaw

 Notation :RRT

 Sketch following manipulator configurations
 (a) TRT:R, (b) TVR:TR, (c) RR:T.



(a) TRT:R (b) TVR:TR (c) RR:T

 The special tooling for a robot that enables it to
perform a specific task
 Two types:
 Grippers – to grasp and manipulate objects

(e.g., parts) during work cycle

 Tools – to perform a process, e.g., spot

welding, spray painting

World coordinate system Tool
coordinate system


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