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These are ponds that built and are

designed for waste water treatment
to reduce the organic content and
remove pathogens from waste water.
Flow diagrams for the system
This is the first process where there is removal of
solids like plastics and .
Screening is carried out by a manual cleaned bar
screen preferably automatic. The automatic bar
screen is usually protected by a sturdy preliminary
bar screen which should also provided by an
automatic cleaning system in large facilities.
Inflows at magwegwe
pond system came from
lobengula and magwegwe
this flows were screened of
condoms, plastics ,
Grit removal
• This is the process used to remove sand ,silt,
and grit from water.
• Sand is removed in the treatment plants since it
reduces the ponds capacities and also increases
the maintenance costs. Sand reduces efficiency
and cause abrasion damage to the pipework
• The incoming wastewater is lowered to allow
the settlement of sand,grit,stones
Grit removal
this where a measuring instrument is installed
for measuring the amount of water that flows
into the ponds per hour
Distribution box
• This is the box where the raw waste water
which has been screened is then distributed to
the first pond where the anaerobic process
Distribution box
Anaerobic pond
this is the primary treatment stage which reduces
the organic load in the waste water
The entire depth of the pond is anaerobic .
Solids and B.O.D removal occurs by sedimentation
and through subsequent anaerobic digestion inside
the accumulated sludge
The anaerobic bacteria converts organic carbon into
methane and removes up to 60%. The effluent from
this pond is the transferred to facultative ponds .
The first pond at magwegwe
.the pond was covered the
hole top with slug which
promoted the anaerobic
process of the pond. This is
the first pond where the
waste water is first channel to
by the distrubtion box. As
shown by the flow area there
are two ponds but only one
was in use which is show on
the picture
Facultative ponds

• Unlike the anaerobic pond the top layer of facultative

ponds receive oxygen from natural diffusion , wind
mixing and algae driven photosynthesis. The lower
layer of these ponds are deprived of oxygen and thus
become anaerobic therefore meaning settleable solids
accumulate and are digested at the bottom of the
• The aerobic an d anaerobic organisms work together
to achieve B.O.D reductions of up to 75% .
This is the second pond at magwegwe
Where the facultative stabilization
Flow is due gradient of the terrain and
waste will flow natural into the pond
Maturation Ponds
• This is a pond that is usually 0.5m -1.5mdeep which is
responsible for pathogens removal.
• These ponds can be named according to their process
that is Aerobic ponds.
• These ponds are usually built in a series to provide a
high level of pathogen removal
• If used in combination with algae and /or fish
harvesting this type of pond is effective at removing the
majority of nitrogen and phosphorus from the effluent

• Maturation ponds are exposed to the sunlight
therefore the ultra violet potion of the
sunlight directly damages the pathogens
• When pathogens are attached to solids they
can be removed by settlement
• Sludge accumulation is very low in the
maturation pond
Application and suitability
• Ponds are simple to design , build , operation
and maintain , which is very important in
remote areas and in developing countries
where sophisticated equipment and highly
skilled labor is not easily available.
• The are well suited to tropical and sub tropical
countries because of intensity of the sunlight
and temperature as they are the key factors in
the removal of pathogen processes.
Sludge removal
• Sludge accumulated needs to be removed only in the interval of
several years. Removal is more frequent in anaerobic ponds because
of their smaller volume and lower capacity to store the sludge
• In facultative ponds removal maybe necessary in intervals of around
• Removal can be done in two basic ways
• (a)interrupting the operation of the pond
• (b)keeping the pond in operation while disludging
• For (a) Removal can be done manually or mechanically using tractors
or scrappers
• In (b) sludge will be wet will require further drying , sludge removal
can be done by suction and pumping using vacuum trucks

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