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Foreign Language

Ingrid Brown
Tonetta Jones
The Criteria for the Standards
• The standards and benchmarks must be clear and
meaningful to students, parents, educators, business
representatives and the community at large.
• Should include a combination of knowledge and skills
• Should build upon and go beyond the basics within
each of the academic disciplines
• Should be specific enough to convey what students
should learn, but broad enough to allow for a variety
of approaches to teaching, curriculum, course design
and assessment.
• Should be specific enough to be used in assessing
progress and improving students’ learning.
Foreign Language
• The benefits of effective foreign language
instruction focus on the role of the individual
in a multilingual, global society.
• Give students the “edge” needed to succeed
at higher levels in some other subjects.
• Can help student perform better on
standardized tests.
Philosophy Behind the Standards
• The standards should be reflective of what the
citizens of Illinois generally agree upon as core
student learning.
• Incorporate knowledge and skills that will allow
students to be successful in the workforce.
• Reflect our world of advance technology and media.
• Identify problems and develop solutions that will
ensure the necessary learning opportunities
GOAL 28: Use the target language to communicate
within and beyond the classroom setting.

A) Understand oral communication in the target

B) Interact in the target language in various settings
C) Understand written passages in the target language
D) Use the target language to present information,
concepts and ideas for a variety of purposes to
different audiences
Why This Goal Is Important
• At the core of foreign language learning the four
basic communication skills: listening, speaking,
reading and writing. In modern languages, the
ultimate goal is to attain the ability and confidence
necessary to interact with fluency in oral and written
contexts with native speakers. This communication
may occur both in person and through technology.
This interaction in the target language is central to all
curriculum and instruction in the modern languages
How would the target language standard be
implemented in the classroom
• Standard to be met by the student: 28B-Students who
meet this standard can interact in the target language
in various settings
• Benchmark progress indicator: Interact using
appropriate non-verbal cues, including gestures,
common to the culture of the target language in a
classroom setting
• Assignment: Assign the students different cultures to
role play during class. The student must be able to
perform non-verbal cues, including gestures, common
to the culture of the target language
Why is this goal important?
• The goal emphasizes not only the process of
learning and about the country and its culture,
but that the two go hand in hand
Goal 28
Use the target language to develop an understanding
of the customs, arts, literature, history and
geography associated with the target language.

A) Understand manners and customs of various target

language societies.
B) Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama,
and architecture related to the languages societies
Goal 28 (continued)
• C) Understand literature and various media of
target language societies.
• D) Understand history of areas where the
target language is spoken.
How would the target language
standard be implemented in the
• Standard to be met by the student: 29B indicator:
Understand music, dance, folk art, visual art, drama,
and architecture related to the languages societies
• Benchmark progress: Identify sample art works and
their creators associated with areas where the target
language is spoken.
• Assignment: Assign students a research project in
utilizing one of the following fine arts and present
the material to the class via PowerPoint.
Goal 30
• Use the target language to make a connection and
reinforce knowledge and skills across academic,
vocational, and technical disciplines

• A) Use the target language to reinforce and further

knowledge of other disciplines.
• B) Use the target language to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding of a variety of career
Why is this goal important?
• Knowledge of a foreign language relies on
communication, culture, and context. To
prepare for those situations, students
reinforce and further their knowledge of other
areas including academic, technical, and
recreational. The standards and goals
addressed here are to be applied content and
skills learned in other core and vocational
How would the target language standard be
implemented in the classroom
• Standard to be met by the student: Use to the
target language to demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of a variety of career options.
• Benchmark progress: Use target language to
explain and describe general career choices in
which the target language can be used.
• Assignment: Assign the student to interview a
person of interest via phone, email, or in person.
This individual must be someone who uses a
second language in their career field.
• Goal 28,29,30- standards and
benchmarks are designed to
correspond to the students’
expected level of progress as they
study language.

Please Contact:
Tonetta Jones
Ingrid Brown

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