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Digital Self

Page 1
Tim Berners-Lee made the World Wide
Web 25 years ago
•Almost 2/3 of the world’s population has
mobile phone
•More than 1 in 5 of the world’s
population shopped online in the past 30
•Media users in the Philippines grew by
12 million (25%)
•Number of mobile social users
increased by 13 million (32%)

Page 2
• Internet • Email
• Social networking sites • Chat rooms
• Short message • On-line
services (SMS) shopping
• Smart phones • Dating sites
• Applications • GPS (Global
• You tube positioning
• Blogs/vlogs system
• Wifi (Wireless
• Search engines like
Google, Yahoo, Bing
• World wide web • Game

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Hierarchy of Needs

Page 6
• Online identity - the sum of all
characteristics and our
interactions that make up our
• Persona – partial identity we
create that represents ourselves
in a specific situation

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• Process of controlling how one is

perceived by other people
• Personal identity – the
interpersonal level of self which
differentiates the individual as
unique from others
• Social identity – the level of self
whereby the individual is identified
by his/her group membership
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We have entered an
extraordinary era of self-
portraiture (Schwarz, 2010).

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The Selfie Craze: Self-
Expression or Self-

-John Tsilimparis

Page 11
• Disinhibition effect
• Feeling of anonymity and
• “true self”

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The Impact of Digital
Advancements to Identity
• Disconnectedness
• Developing and Nurturing Virtual
• Online recklessness
• Distorted identity formation
• A significant portion of our lives
is being broadcasted

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The Impact of Digital
Advancements to Identity
• “Digital Self-harm”
• Contribute to a declining mental
• Self-obsession

Page 14
Smart Sharing

• Is this post/story necessary?

• Is there a real benefit to this post?
Is it funny, warm-hearted,
teachable – or am I just making
noise online without purpose?
• Have we (family/parent/child)
resolved this issue?

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Smart Sharing

• Will this seem as funny in 5, 10, or

15 years? Or is this post better
suited for sharing with a small
group of family members? Or
maybe not at all?

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Additional guidelines
(New, 2014)

• Stick to safer sites

• Guard your passwords
• Limit what you share
• Remember that anything you put
online or post on a site is there
• Do not be mean or embarrass
other people online

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Additional guidelines
(New, 2014)

• Always tell if you se strange or

bad behavior online
• Be choosy about your online
• Be patient.

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