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The World Health Organization
defines “Drugs” as any substance
that, when taken by into a living
organism, may modify one or more of
its function
Drug Misuse – occurs when a person uses a
drug for the purpose of fulfilling a need that a
drug cannot pharmacologically fulfill. An
example of drug misuse is one in which an
athlete takes steroids and amphetamines to
improve his skills or when a young prostitute
takes marijuana or shabu in order to have more
self confidence and guts.
Drug Abuse – when a person uses it excessively
and indiscriminately. Beyond its real medicinal
purpose. Thus, begins to interfere with the
individual’s health or his social behavior.
Drug Dependence, on the hand, is a state of
psychological and/or physical dependence on a
dangerous drug.

Prohibited Drugs – include all drugs that produce

psychological effects of narcotics or those that
relieve pain and induce sleep (ex. Cocaine, LSD,

Regulated Drugs – include self inducing sedatives

like barbiturates or any similar to amphetamines or
any hypnotic drugs or compound producing the
same physiological effects.
Common Causes of Drug Abuse

-Membership in a Barkada
-Overuse – A drug may be taken by a patient as
a pain reliever but constant use, the patient
become addicted to drugs
- Curiosity – especially the young ones, are
curious about the effects of drugs and they
experiment using it
Common Causes of Drug Abuse

-Frustration – some persons who are highly

frustrated may take drugs to lessen the impact
of their disappointments
-Boredom – this is especially true with rich
people who have high income from their
- Easy access to drugs – when drugs are easily
available, some people are tempted to try
taking them.
Are there treatments for addiction?

Yes, there are treatments for addiction. Usually

treatment includes behaviorally based strategies
integrated into every individual and group therapy.
Addiction treatment is very individualized, what works
for one person may not be effective for another
person. Many different types of treatment exist. From
hospital based programs to community based support
groups. The most appropriate level of care
recommended for the treatment of each individual
should be made by an addiction specialist after
thorough evaluation.
How long does treatment take?

The length of addiction treatment is highly

individual. It is not uncommon for individuals to
experience more than one treatment experience on
their journey to abstinence and recovery. It is believed
by many in the treatment community that treating
addiction is a lifelong pursuit, meaning that managing
one’s recovery from alcohol and or drug problems
must continue over a lifetime.
Drug Abuse Prevention is everybody’s business!

The Philippine Government considers drug

abuse as a multi faced problem that threatens
the health and well being of Filipinos across all
levels of the society. In 1972, the Congress
passed the Republic Act No. 6425. now
known as the Dangerous Drugs Act. That
defined the role of the government in the
prevention and control of drug abuse in the

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