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Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

The Work Immersion Program

Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Day 1-4 Orientation and Interview

 our work immersion in creotec phil, inc. started. 3 days from January 13-15, was our
orientation period lead by Ms. Murphy.
 Different departments were also introduced: Operations and Accounting Department and
Human Resource Development, Employrr Relations Department, and Health and Safety
Department, and the Compensation andf Benefits Department.
 Written Assessments were also conducted to test our comprehension , we were also taught
by Ms. Murphy about the resume and application letter and on the 4th day we had a
interview with Ms. Claire for the deployment.
Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Day 5-January 17, 2020

 We did the following tasks:
 Prepare payroll using excel,Compute the Overtime Pay and Grosspay of Dailies, Monthlies
 Compute the SSS. Use the SSS Contribution table ,Compute the Philhealth. Use the
Philhealth Contribution table.
 Pag - Ibig Share is P100.00 each employee,Compute the Withholding tax of the White-
collared Employees using the given Tax Table.
 Compute the net pay.
 And lastly we passed a status report to our supervisor.
Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Day 6- January 21, 2020

 We did the following tasks:
 Compute the Annual Payroll,Prepare a Memorandum to collect the ID's of Production
Trainees for filing of TIO.
 File the TIO of Production Department Trainees
 And lastly we passed a status report to our supervisor for the Statistics of the Blue- Collared
Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Day 7 - January 22, 2020

 We did the following tasks:
 Perform an audit about the PC Monitoring.
 Prepare a statistics report of the processed Annual payroll.
 And lastly we passed a status report to our supervisor for the Over-all Statistics of the Pay-
Your Industry Learning and Immersion Partner

Day 8 - January 23, 2020

 We did the following tasks:
 Process the DTR of all trainees without variances using CORE-AMP,Validate and view
results of DTR.
 Next is Generate and process payslip. Use CORE-PAY,Review Payslips. Make sure that
there are no zero net pay.
 Make a memorandum that payslips are already available for viewing, and we also Allow the
viewing of Payslips - (Production trainees divide into small groups).
 Prepare a statistics report of the processed payroll of trainees,and Preparation of Reports
in Presentation Form (All your tasks during Hands-on). Use the designated format.
 And lastly we passed a status report to our supervisor for the statistics of the White-Collared

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