Brand Managment Question and Answer by Abu

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Department of Business


BAMM 6.5 Brand Management

Question Bank
1st chapter
What is product management?

Ans- Product management is an

organizational function within a
company dealing with new
product development, business
justification, planning,
verification, forecasting, pricing,
product launch, and marketing of
a product or products at all
stages of the product lifecycle.

presentation by THALIF
What is product?

In marketing, a product is an
object or system made available
for consumer use; it is anything
that can be offered to a market to
satisfy the desire or need of a

presentation by THALIF
Define brand.
Ans- The American Marketing
Association defines a brand as “A
name, term, design, symbol, or
any other feature that identifies
one seller's good or service as
distinct from those of other
sellers. The legal term for brand
is trademark

presentation by THALIF
What is positioning?

Ans- Positioning refers to the

place that a brand occupies in
the minds of the customers and
how it is distinguished from the
products of the competitors

presentation by THALIF
What are convenience goods?

Ans- Convenience Goods. The items

which are bought frequently,
immediately and with minimum
shopping efforts are convenience
goods. These include candy, ice-cream,
cold drinks, cigarettes, magazines,
medicines etc. the shops which keep
the convenience goods are called
convenience stores. ... Purchased at
convenient locations.
presentation by THALIF
What is tangible product give example?

Ans- A physical item that can be

perceived by the sense of touch.
Examples of a tangible product
include cars, food items,
computers, telephones, etc. Many
businesses also need to provide
packaging for a tangible product
to provide protection during its
transportation to a retail location.

presentation by THALIF
What is product family?

Ans- A group of product families

together make up a product
portfolio. It is also called as a
product group or product line.
There are a lot of companies in
the market which have product
family. For Example – Apple as a
company has a product family of
the electronic devices that it has
in market.
presentation by THALIF
What is product class?

Ans- A product class is a group of

products that are homogeneous or
generally considered as substitutes
for each other. The class is
considered as narrow or broad
depending on how substituteable
the various products are. For
example, a narrow product class of
breakfast meats might be bacon,
ham, and sausage.
presentation by THALIF
What is product line?

Ans -
“A product line is a group of
related products produced by one
manufacturer. For example,
products that are intended to be
used for similar purposes or to be
sold in similar types of shops.”

presentation by THALIF
What is product mix?
Ans- Product mix, also known as
product assortment, refers to the
total number of product lines a
company offers to its customers.
For example, your company may
sell multiple lines of products. ...
The four dimensions to a
company's product mix include
width, length, depth and
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6 Marks

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What is positioning? Explain in brief product positioning
Ans-positioning means The process of creating an image of a product in the minds of the consumers is called as positioning. Positioning
helps to create first impression of brands in the minds of target audience. In simpler words positioning helps in creating a perception of a
product or service amongst the consumers.
The process of positioning are as follows
1.Know your target audience well
It is essential for the marketers to first identify the target audience and then understand their needs and preferences. Every individual has
varied interests, needs and preferences. No two individuals can think on the same lines.
2.Identify the product features
The marketers themselves must be well aware of the features and benefits of the products. It is rightly said you can’t sell something unless
and until you yourself are convinced of it.
3.Unique selling Propositions
Every product should have USPs; at least some features which are unique. The organizations must create USPs of their brands and
effectively communicate the same to the target audience.
 4.Know your competitors
A marketer must be aware of the competitor’s offerings. Let the individuals know how your product is better than the competitors?
Never underestimate your competitors.
Let the target audience know how your product is better than others.
The marketers must always strive hard to have an edge over their competitors.
5.Ways to promote brands
Choose the right theme for the advertisement.
Use catchy taglines.
The advertisement must not confuse people.
The marketer must highlight the benefits of the products.
6 .Maintain the position of the brand
For an effective positioning it is essential for the marketers to continue to live up to the expectations of the end - users.
Never compromise on quality.
Don’t drastically reduce the price of your products

presentation by THALIF
2.Explain the four categories of industrial goods.

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Briefly explain the levels of product hierarchy.
Ans- Product hierarchy levels
Product hierarchy is divided into several levels which are best understood using examples.
These product hierarchy levels include:
Product need – the product need is the primary reason for the existence of a product. For
example, motor vehicles exist because people have to and want to travel. This is the core
product need, for example, Toyota vehicles.
Product family – in product family, the core need satisfied by a product is the focus. This
means that the attention should not be on the individual market but rather the entire business
market. For example, if travelling is the core need, then it can be satisfied by planes, trains or
ships. In this particular case, the product family is travel and for Toyota, the product family is
Product class – product class occurs when categories are drawn from the same company. It is
similar to product family only that product class doesn’t go outside the company, unlike
product family. Personal computers constitute an instance of product class.
Product line – a product line consists of the entire group of products included in a class of
products and these products are related because they perform a comparable function, are
purchased by the same group of customers or fall within a certain price range. An example of
a product line is a laptop, which is a portable and wireless type of personal computer.
Product type – this refers to the various products within a product line. For example, under
Hyundai I20 product line, we have product types such as I20Astana, I20 sportz and I20 Magna.
Product unit – this is also referred to as the stock keeping unit (SKU) and it is a discrete item
within a product type of brand that can distinguish itself by size, price or any other feature. A
product becomes an individual product unit if it is independent and no other product type is
dependent on it.

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What are the dimensions of
product mix

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Briefly explain the factors influence managing line

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Explain the important roles of consumer

presentation by THALIF
Unit 2

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What is product development?

In business and engineering, new

product development covers the
complete process of bringing a
new product to market. A central
aspect of NPD is product design,
along with various business

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What is product planning?

Product Planning is the ongoing

process of identifying and
articulating market requirements
that define a product's feature
set. Product planning serves as
the basis for decisions about
price, distribution and promotion

presentation by THALIF
What are diversifications?

Diversification is a corporate
strategy to enter into a new
products or product lines,new
services or new markets,involving
substantially different skills,
technology and knowledge.

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What is PLC?

Product life cycle (PLC)

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What is penetration

Penetration strategy is the
concept of taking aggressive
action to greatly expand one's
share of total sales in a market.
The resulting increased sales
volume typically allows a
business to produce goods or
obtain merchandise at lower cost,
thereby allowing it to generate a
higher profit percentage
presentation by THALIF
What is skimming strategy?

Market Skimming Pricing. a

pricing approach in which the
producer sets a high introductory
price to attract buyers with a
strong desire for the product and
the resources to buy it, and then
gradually reduces the price to
attract the next and subsequent
layers of the market.

presentation by THALIF
What is customer analysis?

A customer analysis (or customer

profile) is a critical section of a
company's business plan or
marketing plan. It identifies
target customers, ascertains the
needs of these customers, and
then specifies how the product
satisfies these needs.

presentation by THALIF
Define positioning errors.

Position error is one of the errors

affecting the systems in an
aircraft for measuring airspeed
and altitude. It is not practical or
necessary for an aircraft to have
an airspeed indicating system
and an altitude indicating system
that are exactly accurate. A small
amount of error is tolerable.

presentation by THALIF
What is product differentiation?

the marketing of generally

similar products with minor
variations that are used by
consumers when making a

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2nd unit
6 Marks

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Briefly explain the marketing mix strategies.

Definition: The marketing mix refers to the set of actions, or tactics, that a company uses to
promote its brand or product in the market. The 4Ps make up a typical marketing mix - Price,
Product, Promotion and Place. However, nowadays, the marketing mix increasingly includes several
other Ps like Packaging, Positioning, People and even Politics as vital mix elements.
Description: What are the 4Ps of marketing?
Price: refers to the value that is put for a product. It depends on costs of production, segment
targeted, ability of the market to pay, supply - demand and a host of other direct and indirect
factors. There can be several types of pricing strategies, each tied in with an overall business plan.
Pricing can also be used a demarcation, to differentiate and enhance the image of a product.
Product: refers to the item actually being sold. The product must deliver a minimum level of
performance; otherwise even the best work on the other elements of the marketing mix won't do
any good.
Place: refers to the point of sale. In every industry, catching the eye of the consumer and making it
easy for her to buy it is the main aim of a good distribution or 'place' strategy. Retailers pay a
premium for the right location. In fact, the mantra of a successful retail business is 'location,
location, location'.
Promotion: this refers to all the activities undertaken to make the product or service known to the
user and trade. This can include advertising, word of mouth, press reports, incentives, commissions
and awards to the trade. It can also include consumer schemes, direct marketing, contests and

presentation by THALIF
Explain the stages of PLC.

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What are the significances of
new product development?

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Explain the reasons for failure of
new product.

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Discuss the factors for setting objectives and alternatives.

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2 Marks

presentation by THALIF
What is market potential?
Market potential is the entire
size of the market for a product
at a specific time. It represents
the upper limits of
the market for a
product. Market potential is
usually measured either by sales
value or sales volume.
For example, the market
potential for ten speed bicycles
may be worth $5,000,000 in sales
presentation by THALIF
What is sales potential?
Sales Potential is an figure
indicating the maximum or
total sales from all prospective
buyers of the product.
Market potential is a marketing
exercise which estimates the
maximum potential a product
can have

presentation by THALIF
What is Delphi method?
Definition:The Delphi
Technique refers to the
forecasting method used to
gather opinions of the panel of
experts on the problem being
encountered, through the
questionnaires, often sent
through mail. ... The experts can
modify their answers in
accordance with the replies given
presentation by THALIF
What is international marketing
Global marketing is “marketing
on a worldwide scale reconciling
or taking commercial advantage
of global operational differences,
similarities and opportunities in
order to meet global objectives".

presentation by THALIF
What is time series model?

What is time series model?

A frequently occurring form is time-
series data, for example, sales per
week, market shares per month,
the price evolution over the last few
years, or historically-observed
advertising-spending patterns. ...
However, not all models built
on time-series data are referred to
as time-series models.
presentation by THALIF
What is sales forecast?

Sales forecasting is the

process of estimating
future sales. Accurate sales
forecasts enable companies to
make informed business
decisions and predict short-term
and long-term performance.
Companies can base
their forecasts on
past sales data, industry-wide
presentation by THALIF
3rd unit
6 Marks

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Explain the importance of
international marketing.

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Describe the criteria for good forecasting

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Explain Delphi method.

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What are the significances of sales forecast?

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What are the benefits of determining market and
sales potential?

Advantages of Sales Potential

Sales Potential has several advantages, some of
which are written below:
1. Sales Potential helps in producing right quantity at
the right time which in turn helps company in
reducing losses.
2. Helps the management to determine the expected
revenue out of the business.
3. Also helps in determining an approximate quantity
of raw materials and labor force required.
4. Sales Potential gives a good driving start to the
business in terms of decision making.
5. Helps in proper planning to achieve required

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UNIT – 4
2 Marks

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What is brand awareness?

Brand awareness refers to the

extent to which customers are
able to recall or recognise a
brand. Brand awareness is a key
consideration in consumer
behavior, advertising
management, brand
management and strategy

presentation by THALIF
What is brand loyalty?

Brand loyalty is defined as

positive feelings towards a brand
and dedication to purchase the
same product or service
repeatedly now and in the future
from the same brand, regardless
of a competitor's actions or
changes in the environment

presentation by THALIF
What is brand extension?

Brand extension or brand

stretching is a marketing strategy
in which a firm marketing a
product with a well-developed
image uses the same brand
name in a different product
category. The new product is
called a spin-off. Organizations
use this strategy to increase and
leverage brand equity
presentation by THALIF
What is brand rejuvenation?

Brand rejuvenation means the

act of adding value to an
existing brand by improving
product features

presentation by THALIF
What is brand image?

A brand is a name, term, design,

symbol or any other feature that
identifies one seller's good or
service as distinct from those of
other sellers.

presentation by THALIF
What Is Brand Identity?

Brand identity is the visible

elements of a brand, such as
color, design, and logo, that
identify and distinguish
the brand in consumers'
minds. Brand identity is distinct
from brand image.

presentation by THALIF
What is brand personality?

Brand personality is a set of

human characteristics that are
attributed to a brand name.
A brand personality is
something to which the consumer
can relate; an
effective brand increases
its brand equity by having a
consistent set of traits that a
specific consumer segment
enjoys presentation by THALIF

6 Marks

presentation by THALIF
Explain the objectives of brand management.

presentation by THALIF
What are the essential
attributes of a brand?
 Top 7 Characteristics of a Successful Brand
Competitiveness. For a brand to truly succeed it
needs to be as competitive as possible. ...
Distinctiveness. To have a
memorable brand identity you need to be
distinctive. ...
Passion. ...
Consistency. ...
Leadership. ...
Exposure. ...
Audience knowledge.

presentation by THALIF
Explain brand rejuvenation.

Ans- Brand rejuvenation involves adding value to an existing

brand by improving product attributes and enhancing its overall
appeal. It is intended to re-focus the attention of consumers on
an existing brand. Brand rejuvenation helps overcome the
consumer’s boredom in seeing the same product on the shelves
year after year. A consumer’s psychological desire for changing
is one key factor behind brand rejuvenation.
The main objectives of rejuvenation are:
1. Rejuvenation aims at revival of brand. The intention is to
breathe some new life into a brand that may be showing signs
of decline.
2. Even healthy, successful brands may need occasional
rejuvenation. Because of competition, some re-formulation and
refinement become necessary from time to time. The brand has
to be updated. It ensures the steady success of the going brand.
3. It helps keep the brand live and in focus.

presentation by THALIF
5. Differentiate brand identity and brand image.

The Brand identity is a way that a company wants it to be perceived in the market by its
The Brand image is a way that consumers perceive the company and their perception about
The Brand identity is active in nature which means it is in your hand to establish it.
The Brand Image is passive in nature which means it is totally out of your control to
establish it.
The Brand identity includes elements of a brand such as its logo, slogan, style, tagline, and
tone, etc.
The Brand image includes both brand elements and brand association with its customers.
The Brand identify is known as the reality of a brand.
The Brand image is known as the perception of its existing and potential customers about it.
The Brand identity of a brand heavily depends on how a it is represented by the company.
The Brand image of a brand hugely depends on what kind of experiences customers had
with the brand.
The focus of the brand identity is to look back.
The focus of the brand image is to look ahead.
The Brand identity represents the desire of the company.
The Brand image represents the views of others about the brand.

presentation by THALIF
What are the reasons for re-
launching a brand?
Some of the reasons for
rebranding, relaunching and revitalising
a brand include the following:
Relevance. ...
Competition. ...
Globalisation. ...
Mergers & Acquisitions. ...
Innovation. ...
Repositioning. ...
Rationalisation. ...

presentation by THALIF
2 marks

presentation by THALIF
Define brand equity.

Ans- 'Brand equity' is a phrase

used in the marketing industry
refers to the perceived worth of a
brand in and of itself—i.e., the
social value of a well-known
brand name

presentation by THALIF
What is brand stretching?

Ans- Brand extension or brand

stretching is a marketing strategy
in which a firm marketing a
product with a well-developed
image uses the same brand
name in a different product
category. The new product is
called a spin-off. Organizations
use this strategy to increase and
leverage brand equity.
presentation by THALIF
What is brand leverage?
Brand leveraging is the
strategy to use the power of an
existing brand name to support
a company's entry into a new but
related product category by
communicating valuable product
information to the consumer.

presentation by THALIF
What is celebrity endorsement?
Celebrity branding or celebrity
endorsement is a form of
advertising campaign or
marketing strategy used by
brands, companies, or a non-
profit organization which involves
celebrities or a well-known 

presentation by THALIF
What is brand portfolio?
Brand Portfolio Definition:
The Brand Portfolio refers to an
umbrella under which all the
brands or brand lines of a
particular firm functions to serve
the needs of different market

presentation by THALIF
What are the factors that enhance the
brand strength?
Brand equity is the value that your brand brings to your company. You can measure it in a
number of ways, such as the price premium you can charge over a no-name product, or long-term
customer loyalty.

Step 1 – Identity: Build Awareness.

Begin at the base with brand identity. Build basic awareness of your brand. Make sure customers
recognize your brand and see it in the way you intend.
Step 2 – Meaning: Communicate What Your Brand Means and What It Stands for.
Know what your brand means (“performance”) and what it stands for (“imagery”). Performance
describes how well your product meets customer needs. Imagery refers to the social and psychological
aspects of this. For example, a company that is genuinely committed to being environmentally
responsible will build loyalty from customers and attract employees who identify with and support
those values. You can develop greater brand meaning through targeted marketing, word of mouth and
positive direct customer experience.
Step 3 – Response: Reshape How Customers Think and Feel about Your Brand.
Customers respond to your brand through judgments and feelings. Judgments relate to things like
quality, credibility, how relevant your product is to customer needs, and whether your brand is
superior to those of your competitors. Positive feelings could include warmth, fun, excitement,
security, social approval and self-respect.
Step 4 – Relationships: Build a Deeper Bond With Customers.
The most powerful – and difficult to attain – level in the brand equity pyramid is resonance. This refers
to building deeper customer relationships. Achieving this means that your customers have formed a
deep psychological bond with your brand. They make repeat purchases and they feel an attachment
to your brand or product. They might feel a sense of community with other consumers and company
representatives. And they can be actively engaged as brand ambassadors by taking part in online
chats, attending events or following your brand on social media, such as Twitter or Facebook. That
brand equity connection can be tremendously valuable.

presentation by THALIF
What are the advantages and
disadvantages of co-branding?
Ans- The advantages and disadvantages of co-branding
As with everything business-related, even co-branding has certain pros and cons.
The advantages:
Brands can share the risk.
They can generate a royalty income.
Bigger sales incomes.
The customers would trust the product more.
Joint advertising, which gives them a wider scope.
Technological benefits.
Product image enhancement, since they are associated with another renowned brand.
More financial sources.
The disadvantages:
If the two products that the brands are using to develop their co-branding strategy are
entirely different or popular in different markets, the co-branding might be a total
If the companies don’t share the same missions and visions, composite branding is a
Co-branding can also have an adverse effect on partner brands.
If the customers associate bad traits and experiences with one of the brands, the total
brand equity might get damaged.

presentation by THALIF
What are the pros and cons of celebrity

Builds credibility
People are attached to their favorite celebrity, and they are generally well-trusted by their fans. If they use your product, it shows their
fans that it is a product worth using and builds trust in your brand. Seeing a celebrity attach their name to a product also reassures
consumers of the quality of your product. The celebrity would be at risk for damaging their reputation if they endorsed a product that’s
quality was lacking.[1]
Makes your brand stand out
Using a celebrity to represent you helps to differentiate your brand from competitors. It also can improve ad recall, making consumers
remember your ad and that your brand is connected to their favorite celebrity.
Opens up new markets
Choosing the right celebrity can open up your brand to new markets. For example, when Nike wanted to expand from primarily
sponsoring tennis and track, they partnered with Michael Jordan – and this partnership has been so successful it has expanded into its
own subsidiary company.[2]
Celebrity images change
When you sign on a celebrity to endorse your brand, you sign on to everything that comes with them. While this usually means bringing
in some of their fan base as customers, it can lead to disaster if a scandal occurs. A prominent example of this was Tiger Woods in 2009,
when rumors of his infidelity surfaced and brands began to drop him as a sponsor to avoid the backlash from consumers. Nike didn’t
immediately release him as a sponsor and lost customers as a result.
They may overshadow your brand
If a celebrity is too big, their popularity might instantly overshadow your brand. If the ad focuses too much on the celebrity, it can cut
out brand recognition in the minds of consumers.[3] This can also become a problem if a celebrity is endorsing multiple products at the
same time, as they might see the celebrity and associate it with another brand.
Endorsements are expensive
This may seem obvious, but getting a celebrity endorsement typically requires shelling out a pretty substantial chunk of money. Pepsi
decided it was worth the price when they signed on with Beyonce for a whopping $50 million 10-year endorsement contract, but if you
aren’t a multi-billion dollar company, it’s important to assess if the increase in consumer interest and revenue is worth the cost of the

presentation by THALIF
What are the benefits of market
Market segmentation offers the following potential benefits to a business:
Better matching of customer needs:
Customer needs differ. Creating separate products for each segment makes sense
Enhanced profits for business:
Customers have different disposable incomes and vary in how sensitive they are to
price. By segmenting markets, businesses can raise average prices and subsequently
enhance profits
Better opportunities for growth:
Market segmentation can build sales. For example, customers can be encouraged to
“trade-up” after being sold an introductory, lower-priced product
Retain more customers:
By marketing products that appeal to customers at different stages of their life (“life-
cycle”), a business can retain customers who might otherwise switch to competing
products and brands.
Target marketing communications:
Businesses need to deliver their marketing message to a relevant customer audience.
By segmenting markets, the target customer can be reached more often and at lower
Gain share of the market segment:
Through careful segmentation and targeting, businesses can often achieve competitive
production and marketing costs and become the preferred choice of customers and

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2 Marks

presentation by THALIF
Define brand hierarchy.

In the field of brand

management, brand architecture
is the structure of brands within
an organizational entity. It is the
way in which the brands within a
company's portfolio are related
to, and differentiated from, one

presentation by THALIF
What is product branding?
Product branding is a symbol
or design that identifies and
differentiates a product from
other products. Product
branding is very easily
noticeable when you walk
through a supermarket filled with
different products as
most products are branded wit
h a unique colour, design and
logo presentation by THALIF
What is range branding?
Ans- Range branding permits
brand's expansion into nearby
territories of complementary
products which support the main
product's usage. ... Range brands
encompass many products under
a single banner. They share a
common promise and range of
brand's area of competence

presentation by THALIF
What is umbrella
Umbrella branding is a marketing
practice involving the use of a
single brand name for the sale of
two or more related products.
Umbrella branding is mainly used
by companies with a positive
brand equity. All products use the
same means of identification and
lack additional brand names or
symbols etc
presentation by THALIF
What is distinct branding?

Ans- Individual branding is a

marketing strategy in which
every product a company sells
has its own unique brand name.
The policy helps establish a
unique image and identity. It also
helps make a brand occupy a
distinct position relative to rival
brands, i.e., positioning.

presentation by THALIF
What is line branding?

Under line branding strategy,

complementary products combine
to form a complete whole with a
common concept. ... The products
in the line draw their identity from
the main brand. They enhance the
brand by reinforcing each other.
Line branding strategy improves
the brand's marketing power when
marketed under a common brand.
presentation by THALIF
What are the benefits of brand

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What are the types of brand architecture?
What are its benefits?
Ans- Brand Architecture is an important part of any company and can
be referred to as a building plan. The main factor that helps in
making a strong and durable brand is its brand architecture.
Advantages of Brand Architecture
Good and efficient brand architecture is necessary to any company
and the many positives to be gained by employing brand architecture
are as follows-
 The brand architecture ensures the smooth running of an
 It keeps a constant vigil on the market and its current trends.
 Documenting the numerous strategies and helping in decision
 The main difference between a successful and unsuccessful
company is often brand architecture.
 One of the main duties of the brand architecture is to maintain a
balance between the main brand and its sub brands.
 It is the brand architecture which determines when and where to
launch new products so that the consumers readily accept it.

presentation by THALIF
Explain the strategic brand
management process.

presentation by THALIF
Explain the classification of
brand extension.
Brand extension is the use of an established brand name for a new product
or new product category. It's sometimes known as brand stretching.
How Brand Extension Works
A brand extension leverages the reputation and popularity of a well-known
product to launch a new product. To be successful, there must be a logical
association between the original product and the new item. A weak or
nonexistent association can result in the opposite effect, brand dilution.
This can even harm the parent brand.
 Brand extension fails when the new product is unrelated to the original, or
even creates a negative association, such as Colgate Lasagna.
Successful brand extensions allow companies to diversify their offerings,
increase market share, and boost profits. The existing brand serves as an
effective and inexpensive marketing tool for the new product.
Unsuccessful brand extensions are a mismatch and seem peculiar at a
glance. Why would Arizona, the iced tea brand, bring out a line of nachos
and cheese dip? Or consider a historic blunder in brand extension: Zippo
perfume. Yes, it was a perfume bottle in the shape of a cigarette lighter,
presumably for women who wanted to pretend they were lighting
themselves on fire.

presentation by THALIF

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