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Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

Emotional Intelligence 2

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

The capacity for recognizing our own feelings and those of others, for
motivating ourselves, for managing emotions well in ourselves and in
our relationships.

Daniel Goleman
Resonance 3

People feel “in synch”. A leader may manage, but they do not
lead without a healthy dose of heart.

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

Key to creating resonance is competency in emotional
intelligence – HOW leaders handle themselves and
their relationships
In the age of uncertainty… 4

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

‘It is not the
strongest of the
species that
survive, nor the
most intelligent,
but the one most
responsive to
Charles Darwin

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

People will forget what you say,
people will forget what you do but people will never forget how
you made them feel.
Cover area with cropped image.

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

Do not overlap blue bar.

Completely cover gray area.

EQ vs. IQ
Why being brainy isn’t just enough?
Thought to ponder… 7

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

 Do you ever wonder why do people with high IQ
struggle in life while others with moderate IQ succeed?
Emotional Quotient 8
Emotional Intelligence, or EI, describes an ability or

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

capacity to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of
one's self, and of others.  EQ, or Emotional Quotient, is
how one measures Emotional Intelligence. 
What EQ is NOT… 9

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

 Being agreeable
 Being optimistic
 Being calm X X X
 Giving someone a hug

 ..These are good qualities to have, but have very little to do with
Intelligence and Emotions and nothing to do with Emotional

What EQ is… 10

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

 Self awareness

 Self confidence

 Interpersonal skills

 Social competence
Emotionally Intelligent People… 11

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

 Are empathetic… care how others feel
 Are willing to change… and open to it
 Are positive people, that people want to be around
 Focus on achieving goals while motivating others

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

4 components of emotional 13


Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

Daniel Goleman’s 4 components first 2 deal with recognizing and
dealing with emotions and the second 2 are social and have to do
with recognizing and effectively managing emotions in
relationships with others.
• Emotional self awareness
• Emotional self management
• Social awareness
• Relationship management
Self & Social Awareness

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

Self & Relationship
Management 15

Syed Awais Ahmed - OB

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