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Module 2: Exposure, Vulnerability and Capacity

Vulnerability is a term used to describe the

diminished capacity of an individual or group to
anticipate, cope with, resist and recover from the
impact of a natural or man-made hazard (WHO,
Physical vulnerabilities
These are the properties of physical structures
that determine their potential damage in case of
hazard (Ebert,et.a.l., 2008)

•Unsafe design and construction of

houses and buildings
•Lack of safe planning for
Social vulnerability
This refers to people’s incapacity to cope
with, resist, and recover from the impacts
of a natural hazard.

•Low level of literascy

•Social inequity

•Attitude of helplessness,
dependence, and indifference
•Lack of knowledge and skills on
preparedness and protective
Economic vulnerability
This refers to the incapacities due to limitations
brought about by financial constraints.
community productivity
employment patterns
livelihood patterns
Environmental vulnerability
This has reference to the incapacity of the
community to meet the effects of hazards due to
the processes that cause these disasters .

global warming climate change

waste management practices

Exposure is the degree to which a community is
likely to experience hazard events of different
magnitude. It has reference to :

Capacity refers to a combination of all the

strengths, attributes and resources available
within a community, society or organization
that can be used to achieve agreed goals.
S tr o
Strong community com particip
m on
organizations (POs, ly vu ation of
grou lnerable
CSOs) ps

Ownership of
land Permanent

Family capacity
Adequate food
and income
source Local knowledge
and skills

Responsive local
government (strong

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